View Full Version : Does anyone want to laugh at the MPD Staff?

10-07-2016, 06:54 PM
Please go on Twitter and see what Major Ester Farmer posted yesterday before the EOC Hurricane update. On a serious issue where everyone is glued to the news this is what this woman tweets representing the Miami Police Department. F..king embarrassing. Sucking up to commissioner Francis Suarez.

10-07-2016, 07:18 PM
What makes me sick is not so much the blatant sucking a s.s. But how they try to appear as running this amazing department doing great things. Turn the camera inward and you will see back stabbing, friends and family plan and thugs that act like they are part of a gang.

Commissioner Suarez you should be concerned of those sucking up to you and find out how they treat those below them. Birthdays? There are departments that recognize their employees birthdays and even give them the day off. Here? Your luck if they walk by and even acknowledge your human.

10-07-2016, 07:31 PM
Omg! How funny. I thought Llanes was going to take out a cake with a candle Cabrera got so fat that he looked like he almost fell from his chair.

10-07-2016, 08:26 PM
Staff is a joke. Been laughing at their bullsh*t for years. Compared to police staffs from other departments, the MPD staff is a f**king joke! The city manager and Chief Llanes can blow it out their a$$e$ for all I care!

10-07-2016, 08:33 PM
The entire nation is watching on min to min updates on hurricane Matthew and these idiots post them singing happy birthday to a commissioner who they say will be the next city major. You got to be kidding me. How pathetic seeing grown man brown nosing a person.

10-07-2016, 08:35 PM
Min by min

10-08-2016, 12:23 AM
Hey, now folks take a chill pill. This was all done so the nations can see real men. In a crisis, not shittin-g. their pants. :) Besides at our expense. They already had their family's and loves ones fly out. To central U.S. Why do you think we get no raises? Staff has and will. Not to worry their folks. Were all expendable at the whim of staff and city hall. Their not! Without their leadershit and experience. Our department would be a 3rd world P.D. Wait a minute we are already. Shit were doomed!

10-08-2016, 12:29 AM
Damn corruption bro. So much corruption. Fùcking scums. Thay central station is full of friends and family scums.

10-08-2016, 01:04 AM
Hey, now folks take a chill pill. This was all done so the nations can see real men. In a crisis, not shittin-g. their pants. :) Besides at our expense. They already had their family's and loves ones fly out. To central U.S. Why do you think we get no raises? Staff has and will. Not to worry their folks. Were all expendable at the whim of staff and city hall. Their not! Without their leadershit and experience. Our department would be a 3rd world P.D. Wait a minute we are already. Shit were doomed!

No that was done to brown nose the man. You think we are stupid. You guys only think about your self like farmer going up 4 ranks and almost 5 in two years.


10-08-2016, 02:36 AM
Guess it's okay for staff to publish on social media in uniform representing the city. Maybe staff should read the DO's and be held accountable. But they are the staff and as the saying goes do as I say not as I do.