View Full Version : Why do Black American want to be call African American

09-16-2016, 06:17 PM
They never lived in Africa. So why the separation? We are living a race war thanks to Obama. He has brought race back 70 years. Once again racism is a learned behavior. Last time I looked around me nor my parents or great grand parents owned any slaves. Plus if history reminds me wasn't the black people who turned on the weak and sold them as slaves bringing them to America?

09-16-2016, 08:30 PM
It's easier to blame other for are own faults and misgivings. Many are so used to a hand out from our government, that they rather get a free or discounted everything. Instead of earning it like millions of others. Yes, their own brothers did sell them into slavery. It's easier to blame the white man for everything and keeping them down. Slavery was in the 1800's were now at 2016. They still harp on it. Like they themselves are owed. No matter how much they receive. It's not enough. I remember back in the 80's. The housing authority, passed a rule. That if anyone we arrested in your home for drugs. Your out! It was never really enforced. Also, the only one who could stay in your apartment HAD to be named on the lease. Again not enforced. If you look across America, their are many homeless. Yes' some are black. Yet, the whites and easier to say others(sorry) don't get any help what-so-ever. The billions we send overseas and the hundreds of million spend every years here. Their should be no homeless or people going hungry. Yet, the black get housing for free or discounted. They pay a faction of a full bill for utility. Then what the rest have too.

09-16-2016, 08:57 PM
216 years later the black man still thinks his a slaved. Shame especially the ones the are still in the ghetto