View Full Version : Detention Dep shooting

08-07-2016, 11:17 AM
Wonder if the Agency will provide representation and pay out any judgements against this Det. Dep if he should be sued civilly by the deceased family. As I see it, this Det. Dep was acting in his capacity as a private citizen and the Sheriff was boasting of the Det. Deps actions in stopping a multiple felon. Hope the Sheriff feels that way when the ACME Law Firm comes calling. This is the real danger of not being a sworn Dep with arrest powers and getting involved in these things.

08-07-2016, 11:23 AM
Wonder if the Agency will provide representation and pay out any judgements against this Det. Dep if he should be sued civilly by the deceased family. As I see it, this Det. Dep was acting in his capacity as a private citizen and the Sheriff was boasting of the Det. Deps actions in stopping a multiple felon. Hope the Sheriff feels that way when the ACME Law Firm comes calling. This is the real danger of not being a sworn Dep with arrest powers and getting involved in these things.

the detention is sworn in as a special deputy with no arrest powers to guard or transport prisoners

but you are correct otherwise.

08-07-2016, 12:01 PM
The detention deputy has no law enforcement authority off site unless guarding/transporting a prisoner while on duty. This deputy very much over stepped his authority as a sworn detention deputy. The agency will cover it's ass by saying he violated policy, leaving him hanging in the wind civilly.

Nacho can't help but seek a good sound bite, but hold on. The family will make some bank.

08-07-2016, 12:31 PM
From what I read traffic violations dont constitute a felony so unless they knew the truck was stolen looks like a problem.

08-07-2016, 01:06 PM
It was a clear case of self defense because the suspect tried to choke out the deputy. He defended himself and that's the end of it. When you try to kill someone you are going to get what is coming to you including being shot. Any civil lawsuit will have no merit.

08-07-2016, 01:24 PM
It was a clear case of self defense because the suspect tried to choke out the deputy. He defended himself and that's the end of it. When you try to kill someone you are going to get what is coming to you including being shot. Any civil lawsuit will have no merit.

Thank you Judge Judy but can you explain how he got in the situation and was that in the scope of his authority?

08-07-2016, 01:34 PM
It was a clear case of self defense because the suspect tried to choke out the deputy. He defended himself and that's the end of it. When you try to kill someone you are going to get what is coming to you including being shot. Any civil lawsuit will have no merit.

By placing himself in that position, the deputy caused the issue to escalate.

A good attorney could draw similarities between this and the theater shooting in Wesley Chapel. Only difference being one was a retired cop, the other was a wanna be cop.

08-07-2016, 03:31 PM
You have the right to defend yourself, not shoot someone because they are irritating you while using the phone. The Detention deputy and suspect crashed, and there was a confrontation. The deputy was attacked and in fear for his life being choked out. He could have been wearing a Pokemon outfit. It doesn't matter. The procedures for asserting prosecutorial immunity under the “Stand Your Ground” law are outlined in Peterson v. State, 983 So. 2d 27, 29 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008). Furthermore; there's a big difference between having "pop-corn" thrown at you and being "choked out" The senseless movie theater shooting suspect is an arrogant idiot with high paid attorneys. Have you seen the movie theater shooting video? The suspect left and came back sitting right behind the victim in a theater almost empty! The victim was shot in that case because he had his phone on and the suspect didn't get his way. Completely different. A good attorney would make sure the detention deputy is compensated and gets his car/truck repaired.

08-07-2016, 03:39 PM
You have the right to defend yourself, not shoot someone because they are irritating you while using the phone. The Detention deputy and suspect crashed, and there was a confrontation. The deputy was attacked and in fear for his life being choked out. He could have been wearing a Pokemon outfit. It doesn't matter. The procedures for asserting prosecutorial immunity under the “Stand Your Ground” law are outlined in Peterson v. State, 983 So. 2d 27, 29 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008). Furthermore; there's a big difference between having "pop-corn" thrown at you and being "choked out" The senseless movie theater shooting suspect is an arrogant idiot with high paid attorneys. Have you seen the movie theater shooting video? The suspect left and came back sitting right behind the victim in a theater almost empty! The victim was shot in that case because he had his phone on and the suspect didn't get his way. Completely different. A good attorney would make sure the detention deputy is compensated and gets his car/truck repaired.

Perry. Before you start citing cases work on your reading comprehension. This is what was said. Note the "IF" which commands the situation.

"(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:

(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcefully entered, a dwelling, a residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and"

Now go look up some decisions about what happens when you exceed your authority.

08-07-2016, 03:58 PM
Sherlock, the Suspect was killed while attacking a Pasco Co. deputy. The article doesn't read the reverse. The suspect wasn't killed while resisting a Pasco Co. deputy. It doesn't matter if he was in uniform or not. You have the right to defend yourself against an imminent threat of death.

08-07-2016, 04:17 PM
Now go look up some articles on what happens when you choke someone out

08-07-2016, 04:21 PM
Sherlock, the Suspect was killed while attacking a Pasco Co. deputy. The article doesn't read the reverse. The suspect wasn't killed while resisting a Pasco Co. deputy. It doesn't matter if he was in uniform or not. You have the right to defend yourself against an imminent threat of death.

Duuuuuuuuuuh uhhhhhhhhhh the issue raised was wrongful death and civil liability. That issue gets decided by a civil jury. Put your comic books down.

08-07-2016, 04:26 PM
Now go look up some articles on what happens when you choke someone out

Gee do they teach self defense?

Articles like escaping from chokes? Not exceeding your authority? Putting yourself where you dont belong without authority? Like that? Those kinds of articles?

Is that what you mean?

08-07-2016, 04:57 PM
The Detention deputy probably does have a civil liability case against the suspect and Coke. And yes if he were alive, wrongfully attacking the deputy and attempted murder charges. The civil jury would definitely award some damages to the deputy.

08-07-2016, 05:13 PM
The Detention deputy probably does have a civil liability case against the suspect and Coke. And yes if he were alive, wrongfully attacking the deputy and attempted murder charges. The civil jury would definitely award some damages to the deputy.

And Coke did what exactly? Next youll be saying he can file a claim and sue the deceased's auto insurance too. Right?

08-07-2016, 05:33 PM
Really? Did you not see the "Coca-cola" emblem on the side of the truck that smashed into the Detention Deputies truck? Coke is responsible for their trucks. Who's insurance do you think will cover the traffic crash? Surely you don't think it's the deputies fault for allowing a coke truck to crash into his truck.

08-07-2016, 05:40 PM
Really? Did you not see the "Coca-cola" emblem on the side of the truck that smashed into the Detention Deputies truck? Coke is responsible for their trucks. Who's insurance do you think will cover the traffic crash? Surely you don't think it's the deputies fault for allowing a coke truck to crash into his truck.

The Coke truck driven by the Coke employee you mean? Was the detention deputies truck intentionally placed as to impede the truck? Whose insurance? Why dont you tell us? Did you just say "allowing a Coke truck to crash into his truck? Allow? Hmmmmm now thats interesting huh? Is that like intentionally? Traffic crash? What crash?

08-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Victim blaming at its finest, this why America is the way it is today. My heart goes out to the deputies.

08-07-2016, 06:16 PM
Victim blaming at its finest, this why America is the way it is today. My heart goes out to the deputies.

The reason why America is what it is today is due to a lot of self presumed self entitled fools who think they know something because they have an opinion and that their opinion is right. Then instead of admitting theyre indeed clueless they try to change the subject. Just like you tried here but got caught.

Crash? What crash?

08-07-2016, 06:43 PM
The "Entitlement" mindset is off the chain. In case you missed it: This crash: Suspect killed while attacking Pasco Co. deputy

08-07-2016, 07:25 PM
The "Entitlement" mindset is off the chain. In case you missed it: This crash: Suspect killed while attacking Pasco Co. deputy

Is that an automobile accident?

08-07-2016, 09:17 PM
Just another road deputy that thinks they are great....It does not matter who you are you have the right to defend yourself..good for the deputy the scumbag lost....sorry

08-07-2016, 09:50 PM
Just another road deputy that thinks they are great....It does not matter who you are you have the right to defend yourself..good for the deputy the scumbag lost....sorry

Didnt you say it was a crash and were talking about insurance? Well was it a crash or not? And whos paying?

08-07-2016, 10:42 PM
The "Entitlement" mindset is off the chain. In case you missed it: This crash: Suspect killed while attacking Pasco Co. deputy

Crap. You are quoting abcactionnews stories? Stories written based on what Nacho says? You do realize that our PIO Snow White is deeply connected to abcactionnews, right?

How fair and impartial do you think the force fed story truly is?

Back to civil liability......the detention deputy is screwed.

08-07-2016, 11:09 PM
Anything is possible and I love conspiracy theories. Some people who watch the X-Files think its a documentary, I'm not one of those people.

08-08-2016, 12:04 AM
Really? Did you not see the "Coca-cola" emblem on the side of the truck that smashed into the Detention Deputies truck? Coke is responsible for their trucks. Who's insurance do you think will cover the traffic crash? Surely you don't think it's the deputies fault for allowing a coke truck to crash into his truck.

Cant answer huh? There were no crashes. If the deceased backed onto the Mustang the Mustangs insurance might cover it. If the truck drove into the path of the Coke truck thats an intentional act and might not be covered. Deceased hit the truck intentionally? That's a crime not a crash. The deceased's auto policy doesnt cover using a vehicle in the commission of a crime so no coverage there. Coke? Vehicle was stolen. If Coke was negligent? Maybe. Lesson? If youre not independently wealthy or own a body shop check your insurance policy before you offer up your personal vehicle as an intended roadblock.

Of course someone might ante up but.....

Question is why with a complaining witness was the deceased permitted to go on his way?

08-08-2016, 12:24 AM
No matter what side of the coin your on, why don't all you Blog Lawyers let it play out. None of you observed the incident and all that is known is what the media has put out thus far, to include all the crap the A-hole Sheriff has stated. And let's face it, Nocc-Hole shoots his mouth when in front of the camera.(Except when he dose not want to answer certain questions)

08-08-2016, 12:39 AM
No matter what side of the coin your on, why don't all you Blog Lawyers let it play out. None of you observed the incident and all that is known is what the media has put out thus far, to include all the crap the A-hole Sheriff has stated. And let's face it, Nocc-Hole shoots his mouth when in front of the camera.(Except when he dose not want to answer certain questions)

Just maybe rapping might make people consider the ramifications before they expose themselves to a world of heartache by doing something stupid next time. And you can bet you cant trust any of them to have your back when the pressure gets put on. Lets see how fast he antes up for the personal vehicles.

08-09-2016, 09:28 PM
Not trying to be a smart ass, just trying to understand.

The Sheriff clearly stated "off-duty" detention deputy several times.

If the Detention Deputy has no authority outside the jail, what was this person resisting? He is not a LEO with the authority to arrest or detain outside the jail.

The report also stated that the individual did not follow the "off duty" detention deputies commands, in absence of statutory authority, that person was not required to follow the directions of an "off duty" detention deputy.

In essence he is a private citizen, that was involved in a traffic crash, got into a verbal argument, then a subsequent physical altercation occurred, where he was in fear for his life and fired his personal weapon, killing the other person.

It seems like the "off duty" started the verbal altercation with the individual, if he also initiated the physical altercation, why is he not being charged criminally?

By impeding the individual in the coca-cola truck, the "off duty" detention deputy may have caused the traffic crash.

How is this different than a road rage incident where two people get into a fight and one gets shot & killed? If the "off duty" detention deputy had to official rights or authority?

08-09-2016, 10:53 PM
Not trying to be a smart ass, just trying to understand.

The Sheriff clearly stated "off-duty" detention deputy several times.

If the Detention Deputy has no authority outside the jail, what was this person resisting? He is not a LEO with the authority to arrest or detain outside the jail.

The report also stated that the individual did not follow the "off duty" detention deputies commands, in absence of statutory authority, that person was not required to follow the directions of an "off duty" detention deputy.

In essence he is a private citizen, that was involved in a traffic crash, got into a verbal argument, then a subsequent physical altercation occurred, where he was in fear for his life and fired his personal weapon, killing the other person.

It seems like the "off duty" started the verbal altercation with the individual, if he also initiated the physical altercation, why is he not being charged criminally?

By impeding the individual in the coca-cola truck, the "off duty" detention deputy may have caused the traffic crash.

How is this different than a road rage incident where two people get into a fight and one gets shot & killed? If the "off duty" detention deputy had to official rights or authority?

He is a deputy you moron. Don't you know they are all sworn in the jail? Obviously you do not work in the law enforcement profession or you would have known that.

08-09-2016, 11:01 PM
He is a deputy you moron. Don't you know they are all sworn in the jail? Obviously you do not work in the law enforcement profession or you would have known that.

Yep. Off duty chasing a truck for what? A traffic violation in a personal vehicle? Sure thing. Got into a situation probably shouldnt have been in maybe not involved in legally per se. Someone died. Whatever you say.

08-09-2016, 11:26 PM
This Detention guy did nothing wrong you idiots!

Back a brother you prawn

08-09-2016, 11:47 PM
This Detention guy did nothing wrong you idiots!

Back a brother you prawn

Two POV wrecked chasing a traffic violation at best off duty. Someone died. Put the pipe down. You neednt be concerned over what anyone here thinks. Theres a bit more at stake.

08-10-2016, 11:36 AM
The purpose of this thread was to illustrate to any Det. Dep that if the Agency wanted to give you arrest powers and for you to carry a firearm it would be issued to you. CC carry permits can be obtained, and you may legally carry them where CC carry allows, same as any other private citizen. A citizen may attempt to detain any felony offense until the police arrive, however you are not immune from civil liability. The OP was exactly right to point out that the Agency not only wont step in and provide you legal protection, they will by policy separate themselves from any litigation, since you have no arrest authority. The PBA/FOP will not represent you on civil suits either. The only protection I know of would be if you were a NRA member. Need to look into that, but that may also only cover if you were criminally charged, not sure. This State is not serious about protecting you because they will not offer limited liability should you intercede and get involved in these type of things. This will be a good shoot criminally, however you can be ruined civilly for trying to do the right thing. As a retired Leo member who has researched this topic, I have concluded that short of protecting myself or my family, nothing, including standing behind the bank robber in a teller line will justify me taking action. That goes against everything I trained for and believe in, but until this State offers some limited liability for doing so, my firearm stays in my pocket! This State's politicians talk a big game and claim to be big Second Amendment supporters, if they truly were, they wouldn't leave any citizen that does, hanging out to dry, like they are doing now.

08-10-2016, 01:42 PM
The purpose of this thread was to illustrate to any Det. Dep that if the Agency wanted to give you arrest powers and for you to carry a firearm it would be issued to you. CC carry permits can be obtained, and you may legally carry them where CC carry allows, same as any other private citizen. A citizen may attempt to detain any felony offense until the police arrive, however you are not immune from civil liability. The OP was exactly right to point out that the Agency not only wont step in and provide you legal protection, they will by policy separate themselves from any litigation, since you have no arrest authority. The PBA/FOP will not represent you on civil suits either. The only protection I know of would be if you were a NRA member. Need to look into that, but that may also only cover if you were criminally charged, not sure. This State is not serious about protecting you because they will not offer limited liability should you intercede and get involved in these type of things. This will be a good shoot criminally, however you can be ruined civilly for trying to do the right thing. As a retired Leo member who has researched this topic, I have concluded that short of protecting myself or my family, nothing, including standing behind the bank robber in a teller line will justify me taking action. That goes against everything I trained for and believe in, but until this State offers some limited liability for doing so, my firearm stays in my pocket! This State's politicians talk a big game and claim to be big Second Amendment supporters, if they truly were, they wouldn't leave any citizen that does, hanging out to dry, like they are doing now.

Very well said and that doesnt count the loss of any personal property, injury or vehicles used. This could have been a lot worse if bystanders or other property were involved. In reading some of these comments many seem to be absolutely clueless about your most important point "This will be a good shoot criminally, however you can be ruined civilly for trying to do the right thing."

08-10-2016, 02:37 PM
Gomer tried to play real deputy and screwed up. He didn't know what he was doing and got in over his head. He shouldn't of tried to do things that he was not trained nor certified to do.

He is lucky no innocent people got hurt. Both Gomer and the Sgt. need to seriously look at what they did and how they did and rethink what they would do in the future over a traffic violation.

08-10-2016, 02:44 PM
Gomer tried to play real deputy and screwed up. He didn't know what he was doing and got in over his head. He shouldn't of tried to do things that he was not trained nor certified to do.

He is lucky no innocent people got hurt. Both Gomer and the Sgt. need to seriously look at what they did and how they did and rethink what they would do in the future over a traffic violation.

And for anyone else to think about before they place themselves and their families in a similar situation.

08-10-2016, 02:53 PM
I wanna defend this Det. Dep, he got involved. Will the Sheriff defend him? Will a State Legislator step up and defend him? Will the NRA step up and defend him? Will the FOP/PBA step up and defend him if he get sued? I'm betting not, which is why Det. Deps should never do this. I'm sure there are policies about stopping for routine matters coming to and from work while wearing their uniform. Of course the Sheriff allows you to wear your uniform to and from work. Perhaps that practice should cease, and you should change at work. I have seen to many of you shopping, getting coffee etc to and from work and it always concerns me because you have no way of defending yourself and that uniform is a target.

08-10-2016, 03:34 PM
I wanna defend this Det. Dep, he got involved. Will the Sheriff defend him? Will a State Legislator step up and defend him? Will the NRA step up and defend him? Will the FOP/PBA step up and defend him if he get sued? I'm betting not, which is why Det. Deps should never do this. I'm sure there are policies about stopping for routine matters coming to and from work while wearing their uniform. Of course the Sheriff allows you to wear your uniform to and from work. Perhaps that practice should cease, and you should change at work. I have seen to many of you shopping, getting coffee etc to and from work and it always concerns me because you have no way of defending yourself and that uniform is a target.

No leadership. Inadequate training.

08-10-2016, 03:56 PM
This Detention guy did nothing wrong you idiots!

Back a brother you prawn

You are an uneducated heathen if you cannot see the problem with what transpired.

08-12-2016, 12:51 PM
No leadership. Inadequate training.

What do you mean inadequate training? We are told our training unit is the best, and it is full of jail guards teaching me everything from driving to shooting. So obviously the jail is better.

08-12-2016, 07:18 PM
Can someone find in the detention bureau directives that justify both detention deputies from initially following a traffic violator. Next time you may want to call 911 and let the call taker BOLO it to Patrol Deputies. Yes as mentioned by another poster above; criminally justified but not justified civilly. I heard through the grapevine he's thinking about suing coke. Good luck with that. Nice truck by the way.

08-12-2016, 07:22 PM
Can someone find in the detention bureau directives that justify both detention deputies from initially following a traffic violator. Next time you may want to call 911 and let the call taker BOLO it to Patrol Deputies. Yes as mentioned by another poster above; criminally justified but not justified civilly. I heard through the grapevine he's thinking about suing coke. Good luck with that. Nice truck by the way.

Anyone can follow a traffic violator and call it in.

08-12-2016, 07:38 PM
Anyone can follow a traffic violator and call it in.

Right, we established that and if they did any call taker would tell them to stop following. I think the Sergeant called it in atleast. Not the other detention deputy in question, he didn't call 911. I doubt they would be told to pass over a solid line (non passing) lane to pull on side of road in an attempt to stop the vehicle by a call taker. Unless detention now has stop sticks in their armory and the deputy was in possession of such device and he was attempting to deploy them on the side of the road. That last part was a joke, unless detention does have stop sticks. I wouldn't put it past this agency. I bet they are next to the nova rounds.

08-12-2016, 07:42 PM
Right, we established that and if they did any call taker would tell them to stop following. I think the Sergeant called it in atleast. Not the other detention deputy in question, he didn't call 911. I doubt they would be told to pass over a solid line (non passing) lane to pull on side of road in an attempt to stop the vehicle by a call taker. Unless detention now has stop sticks in their armory and the deputy was in possession of such device and he was attempting to deploy them on the side of the road. That last part was a joke, unless detention does have stop sticks. I wouldn't put it past this agency. I bet they are next to the nova rounds.

One of many Pasco problems is civilians telling cops what to do. Maybe they had chop sticks. You get them with Chinese if you ask.

08-12-2016, 08:32 PM
One of many Pasco problems is civilians telling cops what to do. Maybe they had chop sticks. You get them with Chinese if you ask.

It's STOP STICKS, numbnuts.

08-12-2016, 09:20 PM
It's STOP STICKS, numbnuts.

Stupid is as stupid does. You dont get stop sticks with Chinese food dummy.

08-16-2016, 01:44 PM
Here's the kicker, the Corporal who fired the less then lethal "In a a lethal manner" has been assigned acting Sergeant over all the medical wings, in the absence of the Sergeant. Pasco is so full of shit, in green as well as the inmates.

08-18-2016, 08:29 PM
Here's the kicker, the Corporal who fired the less then lethal "In a a lethal manner" has been assigned acting Sergeant over all the medical wings, in the absence of the Sergeant. Pasco is so full of shit, in green as well as the inmates.

No the kicker is, he is still a corporal and he is a lazy piece of work.

08-19-2016, 08:50 PM
No the kicker is, he is still a corporal and he is a lazy piece of work.

He's also certified brain dead, the personality of a shoe. Perfect material for detention.

08-21-2016, 12:34 PM
He's also certified brain dead, the personality of a shoe. Perfect material for detention.

The command staff which did not recommend termination is just as brain dead. This clown is a liability for the whole agency. Can't believe they are covering for him. He should be fired after the investigation was completed. The lawyers will have a field day with this one. Maybe even a federal monitor with a consent degree. Stupid people cause the jail to be an even worse place to work.

08-21-2016, 12:50 PM
The command staff which did not recommend termination is just as brain dead. This clown is a liability for the whole agency. Can't believe they are covering for him. He should be fired after the investigation was completed. The lawyers will have a field day with this one. Maybe even a federal monitor with a consent degree. Stupid people cause the jail to be an even worse place to work.

Termination is essentially an admission of liability and that wont happen. The clown posse will do whatever they think is necessary to hide that. Wait til the jail shooting goes to trial or settled for millions and then this. Then the taxpayers will get a view of the real Pasco and how its run.

08-21-2016, 06:58 PM
Termination is essentially an admission of liability and that wont happen. The clown posse will do whatever they think is necessary to hide that. Wait til the jail shooting goes to trial or settled for millions and then this. Then the taxpayers will get a view of the real Pasco and how its run.
They say he wasn't fired because there was no policy broken. So they arae blaming it on improper training.
And consider this, The two top ranking people physically incolved have already retired. They forced out the corporal running the camera. So there are three witnesses that no longer work for this "hang them out to dry" agency. Are they gonna screw the other 2 corporals and two deputies involved? The court case is going to be a big black eye on Nocco's precious agency.

08-21-2016, 11:39 PM
They say he wasn't fired because there was no policy broken. So they arae blaming it on improper training.
And consider this, The two top ranking people physically incolved have already retired. They forced out the corporal running the camera. So there are three witnesses that no longer work for this "hang them out to dry" agency. Are they gonna screw the other 2 corporals and two deputies involved? The court case is going to be a big black eye on Nocco's precious agency.

Can't wait for the black eyes to be inflicted!

08-22-2016, 12:38 AM
Youve seen the press conferences and seen them in action. The lads wont make out well in depositions conducted by a good civil lawyer. Expect attempts at quick settlements to save them the embarrassment and public exposure. Hopefully that will fail and they get all the righteous exposure they can handle and then some.

08-22-2016, 01:47 AM
Youve seen the press conferences and seen them in action. The lads wont make out well in depositions conducted by a good civil lawyer. Expect attempts at quick settlements to save them the embarrassment and public exposure. Hopefully that will fail and they get all the righteous exposure they can handle and then some.

Why did the Bureau Commander(Major) allow these less then lethal resources in to the jail, where they could utilized without a policy in place? Not to mention the poor training. She has a degree of responsibility in the case.

08-22-2016, 11:15 AM
Why did the Bureau Commander(Major) allow these less then lethal resources in to the jail, where they could utilized without a policy in place? Not to mention the poor training. She has a degree of responsibility in the case.

In a suit they all get named

08-25-2016, 06:39 PM
All Im reading is patrol deputies telling the detention deputies to stick to their day jobs. I would like to return the favor and tell all the patrol deputies to stick to their day jobs and leave the legal work to the lawyers. You're not attorneys, even if you did sleep at a Holiday Inn once. Keep humping petty calls and stop thinking you know it all.

08-25-2016, 07:52 PM
All Im reading is patrol deputies telling the detention deputies to stick to their day jobs. I would like to return the favor and tell all the patrol deputies to stick to their day jobs and leave the legal work to the lawyers. You're not attorneys, even if you did sleep at a Holiday Inn once. Keep humping petty calls and stop thinking you know it all.

If that's all that you are seeing, then you are in more trouble than you think. There is quite a big problem with this shooting, civilly speaking. If you or anyone else thinks this administration wont cut loose that deputy like yesterday's cut bait, you have been sheltered way too long.

This crew of misfits is only looking out for Cheesehead and themselves. They do not care about us. LE or Detention. To them, we are all expendable.

08-25-2016, 09:53 PM
If that's all that you are seeing, then you are in more trouble than you think. There is quite a big problem with this shooting, civilly speaking. If you or anyone else thinks this administration wont cut loose that deputy like yesterday's cut bait, you have been sheltered way too long.

This crew of misfits is only looking out for Cheesehead and themselves. They do not care about us. LE or Detention. To them, we are all expendable.

The Admin is expendable too and they know it. Im not arguing with your statement at all, just tired of opinion after opinion and the bickering when no one here is a lawyer. Everyone thinks they are a lawyer though because they took a couple academy classes and know a few dozen statutes. statutes

08-25-2016, 10:03 PM
The Admin is expendable too and they know it. Im not arguing with your statement at all, just tired of opinion after opinion and the bickering when no one here is a lawyer. Everyone thinks they are a lawyer though because they took a couple academy classes and know a few dozen statutes. statutes

Instead of whining over people who have an informed opinion perhaps you should do a little research yourself. If your only basis of knowledge is what you hear from a lawyer then you are setting yourself up for both disappointment and failure. And if youre walking around taking police action without knowing your legal limitations youre far dumber than you think. Once you understand what you can and can not do life will be a whole lot simpler and youll avoid a whole lot of trouble.

This administration including the BCC will do everything it can including lie to protect their liability.

09-01-2016, 12:59 PM
It was a clear case of self defense because the suspect tried to choke out the deputy. He defended himself and that's the end of it. When you try to kill someone you are going to get what is coming to you including being shot. Any civil lawsuit will have no merit.

It's good he had a gun, he needed it. That snitching wimp couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

09-02-2016, 02:32 AM
It's good he had a gun, he needed it. That snitching wimp couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

Another prime example of the multitude of Pyles of shit Pasco hires. Snitch and a coward.

09-05-2016, 12:21 AM
The command staff which did not recommend termination is just as brain dead. This clown is a liability for the whole agency. Can't believe they are covering for him. He should be fired after the investigation was completed. The lawyers will have a field day with this one. Maybe even a federal monitor with a consent degree. Stupid people cause the jail to be an even worse place to work.

They are not going to terminate Polluted Womb(Major) & Puttana(Captain). Not going to happen, they will run off every good body in the jail, till only crap remains.

09-05-2016, 12:54 AM
They are not going to terminate Polluted Womb(Major) & Puttana(Captain). Not going to happen, they will run off every good body in the jail, till only crap remains.

Looking at the jail, looks like that is about all that is remaining.

09-05-2016, 02:37 AM
Looking at the jail, looks like that is about all that is remaining.

Starting with the Bureau Commander.