View Full Version : Thank you

07-15-2016, 03:02 AM
Thank you so much for getting rid of two of the many who should be gone !!

07-15-2016, 03:33 PM
Thank you so much for getting rid of two of the many who should be gone !!

Obviously you cant figure out that BLM activists are the Mayor and chief and will destroy anyone that is white not matter how much they make them suffer. I did not care for JS but he got booted for being white without a doubt.

07-15-2016, 04:42 PM
Agreed , thank you .

07-15-2016, 05:35 PM
Agreed , thank you .

Anyone of you morons that doesn't think BLM is alive and thriving in a once great city that went to shit due to some corrupt mayor's that made the property taxes so low that Opa Locka moved in are in a fantasy land.

The true start of the downfall of that city was when they hired a corrupt city manager commonly known as Estacrook who brought in trash from the city of Miami to be Queen LaChiefa.

Queen LaChiefa then brought in a scumbag (Barney Fife's) twin another Dade County loser who was absolutely despised in Dade to be deputy chief.

Fortunately Queen LaChiefa's rein only lasted 9 months before her, her grotesquely awful wigs and her grill was booted.

By the way it's alleged that LaChiefa shot through the front door of her lover as he was banging a CSA from Miami, her very own Department at that time.

Maybe, just maybe had she paid more attention to her daughter her daughter may have reached out to her before deciding to swallow her duty weapon.

So you can thank your current retarded administration and the current President and BLM for the fury that's going to pour down on a once awesome department to work for on Estacrook, Boyd and Frazer.

By the way. When is the last time any of you attended an event other than, Jamaican, Haitian, African American or Latin.

Can't remember any kind of white type of celebration, can you? Could you imagine the headlines if one to occur.

The media are some of the biggest scumbags on this earth .

It's sad what has occurred because Miramar is full of an overall bunch of good guys that truly want to do right by people of course with a few exceptions.

By the way , who the hell other than BSO has administrator's that have never handled a serious call or even been to a basic police academy. Just more STUPIDITY!

And for ANY of you scumbags that find glory in people losing their careers you have no business in law enforcement. It can happen to anyone of you.

To all of you, sorry to say especially white officers, you can do no right. Your ALWAYS being video or audio taped by some militant looking to get on CNN and don't think for one second there aren't people looking to press your buttons to get their 5 minutes of fame to have that diseased looking Sharpton or mush mouth Jackson standing by their sides. Conduct yourselves accordingly.

Be safe!!

07-15-2016, 10:50 PM
Someone is either out of touch or senile. *****ing about people who worked for the city 15 ro 20 years ago. Fact is JL and JS sabotaged many a career to make themselves look good because they never did anything worthy of recognition. JV settled many a personal issue via his position. JS spent a career making up for being shoved into a locker in high school. Gutless terds.

KARMA is a *****. I am sure our senile friend would attest to what a wonderful guy Fat MB was too.

07-16-2016, 03:09 AM
Someone is either out of touch or senile. *****ing about people who worked for the city 15 ro 20 years ago. Fact is JL and JS sabotaged many a career to make themselves look good because they never did anything worthy of recognition. JV settled many a personal issue via his position. JS spent a career making up for being shoved into a locker in high school. Gutless terds.

KARMA is a *****. I am sure our senile friend would attest to what a wonderful guy Fat MB was too.

Enjoy your 25, 75, retard! Just keep paying for the pensions!

07-16-2016, 05:34 AM
JS actually should have been fired atleast two additional times. Once the chief and admin left before the processing could be completed the other a technical error gave him a step raise and the rest was history. He was always a snake rat *******. I'm glad he only has 500k in the drop and not 900k cause he's ripped people off his whole career. He got his squeeze box hired and she's terrible. Enough of the nepotism

As far as major JL he forgot where he came from years ago. People always cut him slack even from the time of probation a technical issue prevented his firing. He's sat on his can for year and did nothing but conspire with other captains and sgts to screw people like a snake rat! He'll probably start working the details that now major JV cannot. It's sad that captains have to work details. I'll tell you why. Years ago they all claimed bankruptcy and their credit is shit. You got what you deserved major JS and JL. Now Capt JL it's just a matter of time when they catch your fat ass sleeping you'll be canned.


07-17-2016, 02:16 AM
Enjoy your 25, 75, retard! Just keep paying for the pensions!

Wow very strong but I am 20/80 just like you sorry a$&. I am sure this is one of JL's boys so you will not admit what an absolute embarassment he was to the department. Looks like some of the good ol' boys are getting worried because the network is being dismantled. I hope they get rid of all you dirty m'fers. It is very entertaining to watch the squirming.

07-17-2016, 02:27 AM
Wow very strong but I am 20/80 just like you sorry a$&. I am sure this is one of JL's boys so you will not admit what an absolute embarassment he was to the department. Looks like some of the good ol' boys are getting worried because the network is being dismantled. I hope they get rid of all you dirty m'fers. It is very entertaining to watch the squirming.

Like I said enjoy your 25/75!!😂😂😂

07-17-2016, 02:38 AM
Like I said enjoy your 25/75!!😂😂😂

LMFA0...enjoying the drop now.

07-18-2016, 03:34 PM
Damn it's a shame we couldn't squeeze in captain KN getting canned.

07-18-2016, 07:05 PM
Damn it's a shame we couldn't squeeze in captain KN getting canned.

Or have him work the road ha ha KN would be lost lol , he would not be able to make it to the calls for service in time from his house . He is never in the city working .

Our police deparment sucks ! Before anyone writed back " so leave " , I al working on it , 2 yrs here and gives police officers a bad name .

07-18-2016, 09:28 PM
Or have him work the road ha ha KN would be lost lol , he would not be able to make it to the calls for service in time from his house . He is never in the city working .

Our police deparment sucks ! Before anyone writed back " so leave " , I al working on it , 2 yrs here and gives police officers a bad name .

Good- we dont need crybabies like you!

08-02-2016, 03:30 PM
Watch out for CAPT KN always in a bad mood unstable. He's prolly boiling red unstable in his chair right now reading this. Guy is never in a good mood or praises anyone for a good job. He's just gossips all day all night negatively. Reminds me of a major that just got fired. Morale would shoot through the roof without this guy. Don't let his act demeanor fool you especially you asst chief. But then again asst chief isn't a fool and can't see through the bs.

08-02-2016, 08:56 PM
Watch out for CAPT KN always in a bad mood unstable. He's prolly boiling red unstable in his chair right now reading this. Guy is never in a good mood or praises anyone for a good job. He's just gossips all day all night negatively. Reminds me of a major that just got fired. Morale would shoot through the roof without this guy. Don't let his act demeanor fool you especially you asst chief. But then again asst chief isn't a fool and can't see through the bs.

Like we can see though your crybaby BS!!! What happened crybaby did you break a rule and get caught or were you your normal slacker self and got called to account for your do nothing loser stats. Hey news flash- Diapers are on sale at Walgreens- go pick some up for your crybaby ass!! LOSER!

08-02-2016, 09:30 PM
Like we can see though your crybaby BS!!! What happened crybaby did you break a rule and get caught or were you your normal slacker self and got called to account for your do nothing loser stats. Hey news flash- Diapers are on sale at Walgreens- go pick some up for your crybaby ass!! LOSER!

Typical KN behavior in the quote above must have struck a nerve. Everything bothers the guy.

08-02-2016, 10:17 PM
Typical KN behavior in the quote above must have struck a nerve. Everything bothers the guy.

Ill bet you $10000000000 I am not KN!!! Come on smartass..man up!!! I just know you are a crybaby whiner!!!

08-03-2016, 04:08 AM
Well you sure do act like him (an ahole). Just like him doing nothing at work productive but be angry and angry trolling the forum. You! like the former majors will be cleared out. Enjoy your stay.

08-03-2016, 07:12 AM
Ill bet you $10000000000 I am not KN!!! Come on smartass..man up!!! I just know you are a crybaby whiner!!!

Hmmm it truly does sound similiar to what KN would say . I call BS , 100 percent KN writing !

08-06-2016, 06:40 AM
Hmmm it truly does sound similiar to what KN would say . I call BS , 100 percent KN writing !

Its RD for sure.