View Full Version : Part of the problem is the IQ

07-02-2016, 02:11 PM
I just watched the June 30th meeting. The fighting is normal. I get it it's politics. However you know another problem we have. Is the members of the commission. After watching the YouTube meeting you can tell the only 2 of them actually know what they are doing. The others can't speak English, have no idea about anything, repeat what others say. Please get rid of the old man he is in another planet. This is one of the reasons. I repeat one of the reasons we are in this situation.

07-02-2016, 03:10 PM
Obvious you haven't been paying attention since Orlando took chair he has caused this problem, hiring and placing individuals in In unbudgeted positions and on top of that giving raises to all the Orlando supporters, I guess you must be one of them because if your not then you are seriously retarded for making that statement especially when he wants to make all city employees part time, remember that means you as well if ur not a reserve promised a job by him or his staff. Let me ask you this with all the lay offs why hasn't any of his staff members taken a pay cut? Because there one and only goal is to destroy this city.

Chat 6900
07-03-2016, 10:35 AM
Still those commissioners are total rocks. That old man, the walking joke has to retire. He and mostly those females. Oh my god. What are they doing there. To start. Learn the english language.