View Full Version : Wonder what Najiy and Louis Farrakhan think of the Islamic Orlando tragedy ?

06-13-2016, 08:35 AM
So here we go again, more Muslim/Islamic terrorism, now this Orlando one is the biggest mass shooting in US history !
Lets see, this individual worked for GS4 a "leader in USA Home land security" Hmmm ?

Oh yea lets look at Najiys expertise : " In 2013, she earned her Master of Science degree from Nova
Southeastern University in National Security Affairs

"" with a concentration in Homeland Security"" <<<<< LOOK

also earning high honors. She is a graduate of the prestigious
FBI National Academy (Session #232) and has completed the Police Executive
Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) executive
strategic management program " (this is part of her bio. see it here --- http://www.miami-police.org/docs/Bio_AsstChiefNajiy.pdf

Ok , so lets not forget, she is also a devout member of the NOI (The Nation Of Islam") a KNOWN radical, Anti American , militant, Islamic hate organization, led by the infamous Louis Farrakhan. This is a known fact ! The chief knows this, as well as many here. So again , why is this woman allowed to be in a position like this here at the Miami Police Dept ? Yes WHY ?????

06-13-2016, 08:59 AM
So here we go again, more Muslim/Islamic terrorism, now this Orlando one is the biggest mass shooting in US history !
Lets see, this individual worked for GS4 a "leader in USA Home land security" Hmmm ?

Oh yea lets look at Najiys expertise : " In 2013, she earned her Master of Science degree from Nova
Southeastern University in National Security Affairs

"" with a concentration in Homeland Security"" <<<<< LOOK

also earning high honors. She is a graduate of the prestigious
FBI National Academy (Session #232) and has completed the Police Executive
Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) executive
strategic management program " (this is part of her bio. see it here --- http://www.miami-police.org/docs/Bio_AsstChiefNajiy.pdf

Ok , so lets not forget, she is also a devout member of the NOI (The Nation Of Islam") a KNOWN radical, Anti American , militant, Islamic hate organization, led by the infamous Louis Farrakhan. This is a known fact ! The chief knows this, as well as many here. So again , why is this woman allowed to be in a position like this here at the Miami Police Dept ? Yes WHY ?????

So why isn't the FBI on this ? Just like the Orlando guy, they knew of his affiliation with ISIS , so how about Najiy's affiliation with the NOI ? WTF ??? Do we have leaders that are that naive, and stupid ???

06-13-2016, 02:59 PM
So why isn't the FBI on this ? Just like the Orlando guy, they knew of his affiliation with ISIS , so how about Najiy's affiliation with the NOI ? WTF ??? Do we have leaders that are that naive, and stupid ???

It's all political.
Don't you know that all of this is a Republican conspiracy and that Islam is a religion of peace?
Our President says so and so does Hillary Clinton and you know that they would not lie ! ! ! !
Can't blame the victim, can't blame the subject; blame the guns.

06-13-2016, 07:44 PM
So here we go again, more Muslim/Islamic terrorism, now this Orlando one is the biggest mass shooting in US history !
Lets see, this individual worked for GS4 a "leader in USA Home land security" Hmmm ?

Oh yea lets look at Najiys expertise : " In 2013, she earned her Master of Science degree from Nova
Southeastern University in National Security Affairs

"" with a concentration in Homeland Security"" <<<<< LOOK

also earning high honors. She is a graduate of the prestigious
FBI National Academy (Session #232) and has completed the Police Executive
Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) executive
strategic management program " (this is part of her bio. see it here --- http://www.miami-police.org/docs/Bio_AsstChiefNajiy.pdf

Ok , so lets not forget, she is also a devout member of the NOI (The Nation Of Islam") a KNOWN radical, Anti American , militant, Islamic hate organization, led by the infamous Louis Farrakhan. This is a known fact ! The chief knows this, as well as many here. So again , why is this woman allowed to be in a position like this here at the Miami Police Dept ? Yes WHY ?????
Pretty damn stupid when you think about it ? This day and age, and all the home grown converts ( like Najiy ) and this woman is in a position of " Homeland Security " yet she is a member of this NOI group ? This is madness is it not ???

06-13-2016, 11:42 PM
Hey idiots the guy was mentally unstable! That's normally the catalyst for this kind of evil. He used his religion to feed his inner evil the relegion didn't cause this.

Look at the history of serial killers and evil men in the world that used their religion as a stepping stone to violence. This was a mentally ill man FIRST who so happened to use the radical Islam as a tool for his sickness.

Stop posting ignorance

06-14-2016, 02:36 AM
Hey idiots the guy was mentally unstable! That's normally the catalyst for this kind of evil. He used his religion to feed his inner evil the relegion didn't cause this.

Look at the history of serial killers and evil men in the world that used their religion as a stepping stone to violence. This was a mentally ill man FIRST who so happened to use the radical Islam as a tool for his sickness.

Stop posting ignorance

Thank you for your comment Najiy ( or is this another negro that's a member of the Nation of Islam ? ) if not , you should see the videos on here about the NOI and their hatred and calls for death, against whites and the police. Yes and that's a fact, also Najiy is a member of this hate group.

It appears you are the ignorant one. The rest of us here know the undisputed facts !!! So does Llanes , except he too scared to take action against her, because we are now so ****ing politically correct ! Oh yea, FYI , that PC shit will get you killed, just like in Orlando . So I'm voting for Donald Trump, who will be the savior of this crippled country. " Make America great again " and demote N
ajiy, and put her in property where she will do no harm.

06-14-2016, 08:42 AM
Check this out , one of Najiys followers calling for death to Gays ! Lets see, cops, whites, and now Gays ?

WATCH : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBlwxqqAprQ

06-14-2016, 12:47 PM
You are a idiot officer. Stop posting ignorant shit on leoaffairs.

06-17-2016, 10:18 AM
So here we go again, more Muslim/Islamic terrorism, now this Orlando one is the biggest mass shooting in US history !
Lets see, this individual worked for GS4 a "leader in USA Home land security" Hmmm ?

Oh yea lets look at Najiys expertise : " In 2013, she earned her Master of Science degree from Nova
Southeastern University in National Security Affairs

"" with a concentration in Homeland Security"" <<<<< LOOK

also earning high honors. She is a graduate of the prestigious
FBI National Academy (Session #232) and has completed the Police Executive
Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) executive
strategic management program " (this is part of her bio. see it here --- http://www.miami-police.org/docs/Bio_AsstChiefNajiy.pdf

Excellent thoughts there ! Yes, why is the chief not eliminating her from her position. She is a disgrace, and equal to the KKK , being a member of the Nation if Islam, same thing , but worse ! At least the KKK is not calling for death to whites and cops , like the NOI is ! Why doesn't she retire or resign ? This woman has brought nothing but embarrassment and disgrace to the MPD

Ok , so lets not forget, she is also a devout member of the NOI (The Nation Of Islam") a KNOWN radical, Anti American , militant, Islamic hate organization, led by the infamous Louis Farrakhan. This is a known fact ! The chief knows this, as well as many here. So again , why is this woman allowed to be in a position like this here at the Miami Police Dept ? Yes WHY ?????
Resign now Najiy you are a disgrace ! The NOI is worse than the KKK , and you are a member !

06-17-2016, 10:21 AM
You are a idiot officer. Stop posting ignorant shit on leoaffairs.


06-17-2016, 09:17 PM

cool video , at least he's honest !

06-18-2016, 05:36 PM
Very sad what is going on in our country