View Full Version : Driving Miss Daisy

06-08-2016, 06:31 PM
I think the command(less) staff would learn more if they actually had to work a zone for a day. If they had to make 6 trips to the keytrack to find a car that runs decent and isn't infested with bugs only to realize the power outlets don't work before hitting the road. This may open their eyes to how useless TH really is. Then they can handle the littany of calls we go to that aren't even police matters. After that they can write the reports for the neighbor shining lights in another neighbors windows or pick up the trash in the park for Nancy or any one of the number of useless calls we deal with because they don't have the spine to tell these people to stop wasting our time.

The ride alongs may be an attempt to correct things but until this command staff is replaced it will be just another exercise in futility.

06-08-2016, 10:29 PM
I think the command(less) staff would learn more if they actually had to work a zone for a day. If they had to make 6 trips to the keytrack to find a car that runs decent and isn't infested with bugs only to realize the power outlets don't work before hitting the road. This may open their eyes to how useless TH really is. Then they can handle the littany of calls we go to that aren't even police matters. After that they can write the reports for the neighbor shining lights in another neighbors windows or pick up the trash in the park for Nancy or any one of the number of useless calls we deal with because they don't have the spine to tell these people to stop wasting our time.

The ride alongs may be an attempt to correct things but until this command staff is replaced it will be just another exercise in futility.

Look crybaby I checkout cars too and find your food and crap you leave in there. I cant believe I work with people who can clean out their car. I swear if I get a disease from your nasty-ness I will hunt you down and smear your nasty food and garbage in your face. Check out my Charger when you can and you'll see how clean I keep it- I am not a slob but seeing what you slobs leave in the cars...what do your homes look like?

06-08-2016, 10:52 PM
I think the command(less) staff would learn more if they actually had to work a zone for a day. If they had to make 6 trips to the keytrack to find a car that runs decent and isn't infested with bugs only to realize the power outlets don't work before hitting the road. This may open their eyes to how useless TH really is. Then they can handle the littany of calls we go to that aren't even police matters. After that they can write the reports for the neighbor shining lights in another neighbors windows or pick up the trash in the park for Nancy or any one of the number of useless calls we deal with because they don't have the spine to tell these people to stop wasting our time.

The ride alongs may be an attempt to correct things but until this command staff is replaced it will be just another exercise in futility.

Look I am retired and so I can speak up and tell you that pool cars are just that pool cars. They are as in most police departments the bottom of the barrel cars that you use while your car is down for repairs. You will never see the day at any police department where the pool cars are brand new it just doesnt happen. When I was there we had pool cars with 100,000 plus miles and from I hear thats what you have now. If they arent running right, thats your city garage not anyone else. You guys messed up when the city forced First Vehicle out- other agencies use them and as you guys saw they really kept your old cars running good. You guys can pick on TH but he can only give you what they give him and at least the guy cares. The BS calls are just part of police work- that will NEVER change- the job is to serve and protect, every call isnt going to be like it is on TV. Much of police work is mundane service calls,traffic stops and the occasional hot call. The evolution of law enforcement dictates that police be more than just "cops" you have to be a counselor, social worker, community hand shaker and yes even a weed puller. Remember these people do pay their taxes that like it or not pay your salary. When I got into law enforcement I wanted to make a difference and be a positive role model for the public and my kids. I guess thats all I have to say- I hope my little bit of wisdom helped you understand if not I tried. Miramar Police Department is great place to work I enjoyed most everyday I was there- a bunch of real people who I always knew had my back and I could count on. Be careful out there ladies and gentlemen!

06-09-2016, 06:29 AM
I think the command(less) staff would learn more if they actually had to work a zone for a day. If they had to make 6 trips to the keytrack to find a car that runs decent and isn't infested with bugs only to realize the power outlets don't work before hitting the road. This may open their eyes to how useless TH really is. Then they can handle the littany of calls we go to that aren't even police matters. After that they can write the reports for the neighbor shining lights in another neighbors windows or pick up the trash in the park for Nancy or any one of the number of useless calls we deal with because they don't have the spine to tell these people to stop wasting our time.

The ride alongs may be an attempt to correct things but until this command staff is replaced it will be just another exercise in futility.

WAH! WAH! WAH! You make me sick with your whining!! This is your job you sorry little baby! Take some pride, do your job, take care of the equipment they give you, stop crying about what everyone else is doing, follow the rules and DO YOUR JOB!!! That is what they are paying you to do,right?

06-09-2016, 01:48 PM
JL fat lazy pig

06-09-2016, 05:43 PM
Compaining about pool cars ? Suck it up and shut up ! What did you do that you do not have a take home ?

Stop being a baby and shut up . Whining little Bit@h

06-17-2016, 12:55 PM
I believe to point of the original post had to do with the command staff ride alongs. But of course you idiots can't read past the first sentence or two to get to the real point.

06-17-2016, 05:07 PM
I believe to point of the original post had to do with the command staff ride alongs. But of course you idiots can't read past the first sentence or two to get to the real point.

We can read , you just write like an idiot .

07-04-2016, 11:10 PM
I was told long ago to never trust anyone in this place. I didn't realize that the person who told me that was the least trustworthy of them all.

09-29-2020, 01:36 AM
theres more info on google.com