View Full Version : The Lube to be on 60 Minutes this Sunday

Morley Herrera
06-08-2016, 04:05 PM
Regarding no crimes in Alapata since April 8th.

06-08-2016, 04:11 PM
Yeah in the city of Miami.

06-08-2016, 04:33 PM
Regarding no crimes in Alapata since April 8th.

Yep, we heard this before. More self-promotion, their Ron?

06-08-2016, 05:02 PM
Yep, we heard this before. More self-promotion, their Ron?

Morley Herrera? Why not Panky Pelley?

06-08-2016, 09:52 PM
Yep, we heard this before. More self-promotion, their Ron?

Just got the chief an extension. Self promotion idiot??!!

06-09-2016, 11:48 PM
Just got the chief an extension. Self promotion idiot??!!

Dude your so full of shit, your eyes are turning brown. You had NO SAY, what so ever. On any promotions or who got their drops extended. If you had any PULL, you would of gotten yourself promoted a long time ago. Like you claim you were offered, the D/C position in 2009 and you GAVE it to Louis. You can't stand Louis, you haven't stopped running your pie hole about him for several years now. You laugh that your tapping a certain new major. That owes you cause you MADE her a major over you! Please, you have a few fooled. Not those that really know you and have to listen to you. Even with your drop extension, your still a commander and if now you FINALLY got a higher rank. It wasn't earned. You be the WHITE token appointment. At least most of the senior staff, sort of earned their rank. Sure we can point out a few. That haven't. let me help you out here Ronald. Rank, here is based on nothing other then race. You got the basic education, the right skin tone or sex. Your golden. It's been that way for years. I remember when you and I rode patrol. You boo-hoo. Over this one or that one getting a staff slot. Now look at you, the same ones. You couldn't stand when you had to work around them in patrol or on overlap. That are now higher in rank to you, their your buddies now and your kissing our ass. Thinking we all owe you. News flash, you made a claim you helped me get promoted. NOT! Your the court jester of comstat and to most of us on staff. Your nothing more then a wanna-be. Your listing of your military time. Is nothing more then lies and lots of bullshit. You never saw combat! We all know it. You were only a cook Ronald. live with it.
If, and I do mean IF. You really did go to airborne school. You went before, you washed out of your primary MOS and was put at the needs of the Navy and made a cook. Just like they do in the Army, when I was in. Those that washed out of airborne or ranger school were put at the needs of the Army. Unless they had an MOS, that the military needed a body and they went back to it. Without the wings or tap and you couldn't get back or into a unit that had to have a security clearance. That was higher the you basic secret and with you being a COOK on a nuke sub. You needed a higher than a basic security clearance . So that in it-self tells me your full of shit! Remember I read your DD-214, just as you read mine and others when you were in patrol and had desk duty. Just like your doing NOW, trying to figure out who I'm. :) Ronald, you really don't need to lie and bullshit us. We do happen to think most of the time, your an alright guy. Good for a laugh, yet not one that can really be counted on, since you only claim to frame(lie) is that you only put in 4 hours day. When I and others see your here for more then that. So keep trying to impress us. You bullshit and lies are going to bite you on the ass some day and you'll have no-one to blame but yourself. Remember your pals at city hall and many on staff, read these. So keep trying to impress everyone. Dummy!

06-10-2016, 09:02 AM
Dude your so full of shit, your eyes are turning brown. You had NO SAY, what so ever. On any promotions or who got their drops extended. If you had any PULL, you would of gotten yourself promoted a long time ago. Like you claim you were offered, the D/C position in 2009 and you GAVE it to Louis. You can't stand Louis, you haven't stopped running your pie hole about him for several years now. You laugh that your tapping a certain new major. That owes you cause you MADE her a major over you! Please, you have a few fooled. Not those that really know you and have to listen to you. Even with your drop extension, your still a commander and if now you FINALLY got a higher rank. It wasn't earned. You be the WHITE token appointment. At least most of the senior staff, sort of earned their rank. Sure we can point out a few. That haven't. let me help you out here Ronald. Rank, here is based on nothing other then race. You got the basic education, the right skin tone or sex. Your golden. It's been that way for years. I remember when you and I rode patrol. You boo-hoo. Over this one or that one getting a staff slot. Now look at you, the same ones. You couldn't stand when you had to work around them in patrol or on overlap. That are now higher in rank to you, their your buddies now and your kissing our ass. Thinking we all owe you. News flash, you made a claim you helped me get promoted. NOT! Your the court jester of comstat and to most of us on staff. Your nothing more then a wanna-be. Your listing of your military time. Is nothing more then lies and lots of bullshit. You never saw combat! We all know it. You were only a cook Ronald. live with it.
If, and I do mean IF. You really did go to airborne school. You went before, you washed out of your primary MOS and was put at the needs of the Navy and made a cook. Just like they do in the Army, when I was in. Those that washed out of airborne or ranger school were put at the needs of the Army. Unless they had an MOS, that the military needed a body and they went back to it. Without the wings or tap and you couldn't get back or into a unit that had to have a security clearance. That was higher the you basic secret and with you being a COOK on a nuke sub. You needed a higher than a basic security clearance . So that in it-self tells me your full of shit! Remember I read your DD-214, just as you read mine and others when you were in patrol and had desk duty. Just like your doing NOW, trying to figure out who I'm. :) Ronald, you really don't need to lie and bullshit us. We do happen to think most of the time, your an alright guy. Good for a laugh, yet not one that can really be counted on, since you only claim to frame(lie) is that you only put in 4 hours day. When I and others see your here for more then that. So keep trying to impress us. You bullshit and lies are going to bite you on the ass some day and you'll have no-one to blame but yourself. Remember your pals at city hall and many on staff, read these. So keep trying to impress everyone. Dummy!

I'm the court jester of Comstat?! Really? Stand down sailor THAT'S AN ORDER!! I am so good at what I do. Better than the other ass clowns. They take tips from me. And you're damn right... They are ALL impressed with me. Crime down 72% since I took the conn almost six years ago. Look it up Dudley.

06-10-2016, 04:09 PM
I'm the court jester of Comstat?! Really? Stand down sailor THAT'S AN ORDER!! I am so good at what I do. Better than the other ass clowns. They take tips from me. And you're damn right... They are ALL impressed with me. Crime down 72% since I took the conn almost six years ago. Look it up Dudley.

72%decrease in crime? Yeah maybe in Nagasaki after the big blast in 1945.

06-10-2016, 05:47 PM
72%decrease in crime? Yeah maybe in Nagasaki after the big blast in 1945.

22s and 29s are up in Hiroshima though.

06-11-2016, 11:53 PM
Call me if you think I'm great! You got my number.

06-12-2016, 12:41 AM
Call me if you think I'm great! You got my number.

What is it. 976-****?

06-12-2016, 07:39 AM
What is it. 976-****?

For you its 1-800- 328-7448. Or 1-800- EAT SHIT.

Stand down sailor . That's an order!

06-13-2016, 06:06 PM
For you its 1-800- 328-7448. Or 1-800- EAT SHIT.

Stand down sailor . That's an order!

OUCH! That hurt, little Ronnie. I can't stand down, for two reasons. First, I was never a sailor. Second, we are all forced to pick up your slack and screw ups. When you disappear after a few hours. You know, maybe WE all should, stop cover for you. It's isn't like you ever return the favor. All you do these days is play lip service. To those appointed above you and those at city hall. Come by my office, if this offends you. You know who this is! Remember the old dust blow? Many of us do. That are still here. You ran like the little girl you truly are, right to the old I.S. unit. Yep theirs still a few of us around that remember it.

06-14-2016, 07:27 AM
OUCH! That hurt, little Ronnie. I can't stand down, for two reasons. First, I was never a sailor. Second, we are all forced to pick up your slack and screw ups. When you disappear after a few hours. You know, maybe WE all should, stop cover for you. It's isn't like you ever return the favor. All you do these days is play lip service. To those appointed above you and those at city hall. Come by my office, if this offends you. You know who this is! Remember the old dust blow? Many of us do. That are still here. You ran like the little girl you truly are, right to the old I.S. unit. Yep theirs still a few of us around that remember it.

Look butt plug. My gay friend asked me if I ever blew any one. I told him
I wasn't a fan

06-14-2016, 05:45 PM
Look butt plug. My gay friend asked me if I ever blew any one. I told him
I wasn't a fan

Real good. Great leadership pal.alwsys the funny man .

06-15-2016, 01:17 AM
Look butt plug. My gay friend asked me if I ever blew any one. I told him
I wasn't a fan

Correction, you have and did SUCK a few in your time. Remember, you love that chocolate that melts in your mouth, not wasted on your hand. Wasn't that you favorite saying when you worked 10 sector and did some real stupid shit? Thinking as usual, everyone else is stupid and didn't know what you were into. Yep Ron, their are a few of us left. Shame cell phones were not like they are today. A picture would be worth a thousand words :) I'm sorry, I was told I was being mean and violating the don't ask, don't tell policy. Opps! Yet, we are not in the military are we COOKIE.

06-15-2016, 08:10 AM
Correction, you have and did SUCK a few in your time. Remember, you love that chocolate that melts in your mouth, not wasted on your hand. Wasn't that you favorite saying when you worked 10 sector and did some real stupid shit? Thinking as usual, everyone else is stupid and didn't know what you were into. Yep Ron, their are a few of us left. Shame cell phones were not like they are today. A picture would be worth a thousand words :) I'm sorry, I was told I was being mean and violating the don't ask, don't tell policy. Opps! Yet, we are not in the military are we COOKIE.

I am a Cold War hero. You are bound by a code of silence. AT EASE SAILOR. THAT'S AN ORDER!!!

06-16-2016, 04:14 AM
I am a Cold War hero. You are bound by a code of silence. AT EASE SAILOR. THAT'S AN ORDER!!!

Stop trying to order people around. Stand on your own two feet. Moron! You are at the BOTTOM tier, of the staff ranks. If it wasn't for the commander rank, being made. You would still be a Lt., Barely. That's us, keeping an open mind. Your good at playing off. Your disappointments. Claiming you let, others have the rank. Honesty, you were never asked or considered for a higher rank. Now, all you dreams and wishes. Hang on the race makeup of staff. Cause they do need a WHITE boy.(which now you will claim you are) Yet if that get's you the appointment, you'll be all over it. The racial balance must be maintained. So, ya since. Gentry is out of the running. That pretty much leaves you. By default. Hell of a way to get promoted. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a hand in his demotion. Your little whispers. You pull all the time. Talking out both sides of your ass. Opps meant mouth. It's going to hurt you rep and you claim (lies) to fame, of only working 4 hours days. If you FINALLY got a real staff position. Not this PSA shit you do. No ducking out early for you. You know my drop was offered to be extended too. I just might stick around for a little. To watch you crash-n- burn. The bucks stop with the D/C or A/C'S. No more, hanging others up or throwing them under the trolley. Which in truth, that's all your good for. What really blows our minds. Is that, YOU. Never held and other staff position. Yet they will, sadly give you a senior rank now. Over many more, better staff. Did you ever wonder why, all the major's get moved around a lot? To get them ready. Same with the A/C's To get them ready for a D/C or the chief's positions. Sadly, in all the years. We both been here. I only recall 2 that were a/c's got promoted to chief. Most often, they came from the major's rank.
Never, has a commander been considered or advanced to chief. Yet, you want us all to believe, you'll be chief. In about a year from now. NOT!

06-16-2016, 08:40 AM
Stop trying to order people around. Stand on your own two feet. Moron! You are at the BOTTOM tier, of the staff ranks. If it wasn't for the commander rank, being made. You would still be a Lt., Barely. That's us, keeping an open mind. Your good at playing off. Your disappointments. Claiming you let, others have the rank. Honesty, you were never asked or considered for a higher rank. Now, all you dreams and wishes. Hang on the race makeup of staff. Cause they do need a WHITE boy.(which now you will claim you are) Yet if that get's you the appointment, you'll be all over it. The racial balance must be maintained. So, ya since. Gentry is out of the running. That pretty much leaves you. By default. Hell of a way to get promoted. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a hand in his demotion. Your little whispers. You pull all the time. Talking out both sides of your ass. Opps meant mouth. It's going to hurt you rep and you claim (lies) to fame, of only working 4 hours days. If you FINALLY got a real staff position. Not this PSA shit you do. No ducking out early for you. You know my drop was offered to be extended too. I just might stick around for a little. To watch you crash-n- burn. The bucks stop with the D/C or A/C'S. No more, hanging others up or throwing them under the trolley. Which in truth, that's all your good for. What really blows our minds. Is that, YOU. Never held and other staff position. Yet they will, sadly give you a senior rank now. Over many more, better staff. Did you ever wonder why, all the major's get moved around a lot? To get them ready. Same with the A/C's To get them ready for a D/C or the chief's positions. Sadly, in all the years. We both been here. I only recall 2 that were a/c's got promoted to chief. Most often, they came from the major's rank.
Never, has a commander been considered or advanced to chief. Yet, you want us all to believe, you'll be chief. In about a year from now. NOT!

80%!of staff owes me BIG time!

06-16-2016, 02:47 PM
80%!of staff owes me BIG time!

80%? That's a reach even for you. Honestly, the ones that either do owe you or are in your corner, sort of are only their for more hand outs. Even you, with you masses ego, can see this.

06-16-2016, 02:49 PM
Regarding no crimes in Alapata since April 8th.

You know this is TWICE, you claimed of being on 60 mins. This show sucks and I like a dummy watched it. Just to see if for once your telling the truth.

06-16-2016, 08:18 PM
You know this is TWICE, you claimed of being on 60 mins. This show sucks and I like a dummy watched it. Just to see if for once your telling the truth.

I will also be on Montage this coming Saturday night at 7 pm.

06-16-2016, 08:42 PM
You know this is TWICE, you claimed of being on 60 mins. This show sucks and I like a dummy watched it. Just to see if for once your telling the truth.

Ron, can't tell the truth. If his lips are moving it's a lie.

06-16-2016, 09:11 PM
80%!of staff owes me BIG time!

Hate to rain on your moment here. Staff has no say, who gets promoted. City Hall is where the power plays come from. I believe this is the only place where, they pick the district major's on up. So your little fairy tale of getting the central Major her rank. Has a few holes in it. Wouldn't you say. Beside Ronald, almost all the staff read these to pass the time away or for what ever reasons they do. Yet not one, had backed you statement on here or in person. You got them promoted. On here it would be you posting as them. Just like how you got Louis his D/C rank in 2009. Yet we all know. YOU would never pass up that opportunity. Especially, since every other word out of your mouth about Louis is negative. Opps I wasn't to repeat
this was I? Sorry. You know what's real funny, weather or not Louis is related to someone at city hall. He's the D/C, that's got to be eating at you. Now before you get you panties all bunched up and wet. Louis and I are not friends, were just 2 people that work in the same department. Yet, he has ran circles around your career here and never once have I ever heard Louis post or say lies about his career here. Making himself out to be more then what he is. Like you always do and have. I really think, this JOB, is all you have. All your past failures. have to be eating away at you. Especially when some new rookie come aboard and has the real military back ground. You lie about. You pick their brain for information or use ask or Bing . com. To get information you can post as if you did it. COOKIE! Now go cook me some dinner Daddies hungry.

06-17-2016, 07:24 PM
Regarding no crimes in Alapata since April 8th.

Impossible, Lube you can't be anywhere for 60 mins. Unless he's at city hall, kissing ass and having those do you see me moments.

06-18-2016, 05:47 PM
He came out on 60 mins

06-18-2016, 09:49 PM
He came out on 60 mins

Ya, that was a cute little dress, he was wearing. Was it a hold over from his/her school days? Ron, don't take this the wrong way but it's got to be said. Your one UGLY dude, when you dress up in drag. Way too much make up and that hair WOW! How far did you have to chase that person for that wig? Shit, we would take up a collection for ya, to get you a new hair due, if you think it would help? Oh folks, be very careful. When he offers to cook you one of his special dishes. Cause he be placing some special sauce. Of his own making into it. Some of those Navy guys are like that.

06-19-2016, 01:32 AM
Hate to rain on your moment here. Staff has no say, who gets promoted. City Hall is where the power plays come from. I believe this is the only place where, they pick the district major's on up. So your little fairy tale of getting the central Major her rank. Has a few holes in it. Wouldn't you say. Beside Ronald, almost all the staff read these to pass the time away or for what ever reasons they do. Yet not one, had backed you statement on here or in person. You got them promoted. On here it would be you posting as them. Just like how you got Louis his D/C rank in 2009. Yet we all know. YOU would never pass up that opportunity. Especially, since every other word out of your mouth about Louis is negative. Opps I wasn't to repeat
this was I? Sorry. You know what's real funny, weather or not Louis is related to someone at city hall. He's the D/C, that's got to be eating at you. Now before you get you panties all bunched up and wet. Louis and I are not friends, were just 2 people that work in the same department. Yet, he has ran circles around your career here and never once have I ever heard Louis post or say lies about his career here. Making himself out to be more then what he is. Like you always do and have. I really think, this JOB, is all you have. All your past failures. have to be eating away at you. Especially when some new rookie come aboard and has the real military back ground. You lie about. You pick their brain for information or use ask or Bing . com. To get information you can post as if you did it. COOKIE! Now go cook me some dinner Daddies hungry.

I made Louis the success he is. Stand down sailor, that's an order!

06-19-2016, 03:23 AM
I made Louis the success he is. Stand down sailor, that's an order!

Stop kissing ass for a moment. All you been doing for last several years. Is running louis down like your a dog in heat. Shit Ron man up! Be that wanna-be special forces operator, you always claim you are. Show these military leg peeps. How you do it. Tell us that story again. How you as a cook on a sub, when with seal team 6 or was it delta ( so many lies, it's getting hard to keep track) and assaulted a beach. That was a good one! Since neither of these units assault beaches like reg. military units. What was it to mop up?? Ya that was it. This is where you earned the navy cross too or was it you silver star?? Again, confused with these lies. How do you expect to be D/C or even an A/C, when every other word out of your mouth is a lie?? All kidding aside, here for a minute. Ron, Jokes are one thing. Except your not joking. How do we know this. easy. A few weeks ago you were sitting at a table, with 2 others people. I was at the next table with another person. You were going on and on. Trying to impress these lads, with your bullshit. I was laughing so hard. I had coffee running out my nose. ( yes nasty) You know honesty, what balls as big as yours, one I don't see how you can walk and second. If as you been posting and stating about Louis and his meds. I don't know me personally, I would keep my trap shut. He may miss a few doses and lock onto you. Gives me the chills :) or a hard on, seeing him clean your clock. Yet, Louis is an alright guy.