View Full Version : FHP Sanchez says trooper shooting was good.

05-27-2016, 10:58 PM
Sanchez when you were a city commissioner here was an ass o to the police. Now let me think if you jump on top of a hood of a car in the city you ate going to get ****ed and arrested. So Don't think that what happens in other police department will be ok here.


05-27-2016, 11:14 PM
Sanchez when you were a city commissioner here was an ass o to the police. Now let me think if you jump on top of a hood of a car in the city you ate going to get ****ed and arrested. So Don't think that what happens in other police department will be ok here.


Trooper put himself in Harmsway, here he would had been terminated.

05-27-2016, 11:49 PM
Trooper did his job as supposed too. Great job, Trooper!

05-28-2016, 12:23 AM
Trooper did his job as supposed too. Great job, Trooper!

Man you better wake up if you believed that shit. Ask yourself this question, Was it worth it for a NVDL ticket or arrest. I'm pretty sure FHP policy doesn't say or teach you to jump on the hood of a car. Regardless what the out come is. Killing someone for a speeding ticket is not worth it. Get ready FHP for the lawsuit that for sure is coming.

05-28-2016, 10:16 AM
Man you better wake up if you believed that shit. Ask yourself this question, Was it worth it for a NVDL ticket or arrest. I'm pretty sure FHP policy doesn't say or teach you to jump on the hood of a car. Regardless what the out come is. Killing someone for a speeding ticket is not worth it. Get ready FHP for the lawsuit that for sure is coming.

I can tell, that you are a seasoned veteran, and some rookie, Totally Agree with U !!!!

05-28-2016, 10:38 AM
That's why people hate the police so much. That shit was wrong period no matter how you spin it.
Why do you think we are doing the running man challenge? It's to get back the communities trust. Keep believing this was a good shooting. I'll be surprise if FDLE and the state attorney's office doesn't find him at fault. The trooper placed himself in danger. Violated departmental policy and procedures. He killed a man! In a second your life can change.

05-28-2016, 01:54 PM
Sometimes in our vocation, we step into a situation that suddenly put us in a shoot or die scenario; so seems to be this case. The trooper walked in front of the subject's vehicle, the subject driver and soon to be decedent, instead of placing his hands where they were visible, chose to drive toward the trooper; thus threatening the trooper's life with a 4000 pound lethal weapon; that is the vehicle. What was the trooper to do, allow the subject driver to run him over, severely maiming his legs, kill him or jump on the vehicle's hood? Doubtless he commanded the driver to stop and when he did not, use the force necessary to stop the lethal threat. Fortunate for this trooper, he is still agile enough to take evasive action by jumping on the vehicle's hood to avoid being crushed. Which lead us to this finding by the U S Supreme Court:

"The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight. The calculus of reasonableness must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split-second judgments—in circumstances that are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving—about the amount of force that is necessary in a particular situation. The test of reasonableness is not capable of precise definition or mechanical application." Graham v. Connor 490 U.S. 386 (1989)

Long ago, a fellow officer from MDPD found himself in the same predicament; he too was forced by the subject driver's actions to jump on the vehicle's hood to avoid being mangled as the driver tried to jettison him. He too gave the driver commands to stop, which were ignored; leaving him two options entrust his life and limbs to the criminal or end the situation by using deadly force. He chose the latter.

Pray that none of you will find yourselves in that situation and the best way to ensure it is by embracing the "Ferguson Effect." I see nothing and I will do nothing, unless absolutely necessary to avoid a charge of nonfeasance. Even then, the subject's actions will dictate yours: Do I allow this person to mutilate or kill me or do I use deadly force to protect myself? Choose wisely!

05-28-2016, 02:45 PM
That's why people hate the police so much. That shit was wrong period no matter how you spin it.
Why do you think we are doing the running man challenge? It's to get back the communities trust. Keep believing this was a good shooting. I'll be surprise if FDLE and the state attorney's office doesn't find him at fault. The trooper placed himself in danger. Violated departmental policy and procedures. He killed a man! In a second your life can change.
Why do we need the communities trust?!? I'm sorry but MY community (whites) trust the police. The only problem are the blacks; as usual

05-28-2016, 05:29 PM
Why do we need the communities trust?!? I'm sorry but MY community (whites) trust the police. The only problem are the blacks; as usual

Is very easy to avoid stiches on your head or a cap on your ass,example 1: may i see your D/L? yes sir here it is.
Example 2: same question different answer,what you mean, i don't have to show you shit, you stop me cause im blk, i got you on tape, im out of here (while trying to drive away) results, see above. OBEY the man, you will be fine, disobeying the man is not good for your health. The ball is in your court.

05-28-2016, 06:26 PM
Sometimes in our vocation, we step into a situation that suddenly put us in a shoot or die scenario; so seems to be this case. The trooper walked in front of the subject's vehicle, the subject driver and soon to be decedent, instead of placing his hands where they were visible, chose to drive toward the trooper; thus threatening the trooper's life with a 4000 pound lethal weapon; that is the vehicle. What was the trooper to do, allow the subject driver to run him over, severely maiming his legs, kill him or jump on the vehicle's hood? Doubtless he commanded the driver to stop and when he did not, use the force necessary to stop the lethal threat. Fortunate for this trooper, he is still agile enough to take evasive action by jumping on the vehicle's hood to avoid being crushed. Which lead us to this finding by the U S Supreme Court:

"The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight. The calculus of reasonableness must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split-second judgments—in circumstances that are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving—about the amount of force that is necessary in a particular situation. The test of reasonableness is not capable of precise definition or mechanical application." Graham v. Connor 490 U.S. 386 (1989)

Long ago, a fellow officer from MDPD found himself in the same predicament; he too was forced by the subject driver's actions to jump on the vehicle's hood to avoid being mangled as the driver tried to jettison him. He too gave the driver commands to stop, which were ignored; leaving him two options entrust his life and limbs to the criminal or end the situation by using deadly force. He chose the latter.

Pray that none of you will find yourselves in that situation and the best way to ensure it is by embracing the "Ferguson Effect." I see nothing and I will do nothing, unless absolutely necessary to avoid a charge of nonfeasance. Even then, the subject's actions will dictate yours: Do I allow this person to mutilate or kill me or do I use deadly force to protect myself?
Choose wisely!

Look at the video he didn't walk up to the veh. He drove In front of his veh in an aggressive manner. Started bagging on the vehicle and began yelling at the driver. The trooper was so upset that he jumped out of his bike without putting the kick stand. From their it all went down hill. A defense wrongfull death attorney is going to kill them in court. Don't sugar coat it.

05-28-2016, 11:11 PM
Man you better wake up if you believed that shit. Ask yourself this question, Was it worth it for a NVDL ticket or arrest. I'm pretty sure FHP policy doesn't say or teach you to jump on the hood of a car. Regardless what the out come is. Killing someone for a speeding ticket is not worth it. Get ready FHP for the lawsuit that for sure is coming.

If i pull some vehicle over and that asshole like this one tries to run me over I will defend myself at all cost. You sir sound like a copblock cheerleader. STFU and go back and patrol your papers on your desk... don't let the staple machine fall on the floor.

05-29-2016, 12:07 AM
Exactly what happens when you let the badge get to your head. He put himself in that situation and ended up taking a life. There's no reason why he pulled in front of that vehicle to begin with.

05-29-2016, 01:27 AM
If i pull some vehicle over and that asshole like this one tries to run me over I will defend myself at all cost. You sir sound like a copblock cheerleader. STFU and go back and patrol your papers on your desk... don't let the staple machine fall on the floor.

Do they teach you in the academy to 19 a veh like that. If they do I would suck your ****.

05-29-2016, 05:07 AM
Is very easy to avoid stiches on your head or a cap on your ass,example 1: may i see your D/L? yes sir here it is.
Example 2: same question different answer,what you mean, i don't have to show you shit, you stop me cause im blk, i got you on tape, im out of here (while trying to drive away) results, see above. OBEY the man, you will be fine, disobeying the man is not good for your health. The ball is in your court.

Best post on this board! Agreed!!

05-29-2016, 11:18 AM
Best post on this board! Agreed!!

Best post on the board really grasshopper.

Please Ask every current officer that has recently been involved in a firearm discharge under the new investigated Policy.

Immediately administrated reassign to a front desk job.
Mark take home veh exchange with a unmarked piece of shit dirty spare.
Not allow to work OT or Off duty job.
Legal / Administrative & family stress of being involved in a shooting Etc etc

I understand you want to change the world.
No one can do the job as well as you can.
This place will never be the same without you.
Your the man that lives within his means.

Live Within Your Means - If you are like many Americans, you may find that you are spending more than you're saving and steadily going deeper into debt as a result. This is an easy and common pattern to fall into, and one that requires some planning and discipline to reverse.
The first step is creating a budget.

Now what happens if you take a pay cut like we did in 2010.
Are you going to stop taking your kids to their daily activities or are you going to work off duties. Not to mention everything keeps going up.

Bottom line I can talk and write here for hours but for what. Until you step on shit you will not learn.
For the FHP officer good luck to you sir. Your a hero to some and a murderer to others.

Just know this grasshopper you would have been fired if you did that here at MPD. If not talk to officer goyos
You don't have not even one staff member here involved in a discharge or multiple complaints.

05-29-2016, 08:53 PM
And another shooting happen again today in Miami Gardens.. Got a feeling we are going to have a bad one soon.

05-29-2016, 08:56 PM
And another shooting happen again today in Miami Gardens.. Got a feeling we are going to have a bad one soon.

There is never a bad shooting only bad statements because the officer can not shut up.

05-29-2016, 09:15 PM
Remember your mouth will always get you in trouble. IA is not your friend.

05-30-2016, 05:14 AM
There is never a bad shooting only bad statements because the officer can not shut up.

That's the old days saying old timer. Their is video surveillance now.

05-30-2016, 08:31 AM
Sanchez when you were a city commissioner here was an ass o to the police. Now let me think if you jump on top of a hood of a car in the city you ate going to get ****ed and arrested. So Don't think that what happens in other police department will be ok here.


Are you sure this is the same Sanchez ? The guy went from City commissioner, to FHP trooper ? This ain't the same Sanchez surely ???

05-30-2016, 04:36 PM
Are you sure this is the same Sanchez ? The guy went from City commissioner, to FHP trooper ? This ain't the same Sanchez surely ???

It surely is! Once the Manny Diaz, gravy train ended and he was booted out office, he was lucky to get his job back at FHP. But not as a regular trooper, oh no, that would have been beneath the former Miami Commissioner. The special interest he fawningly served while commissioner, got him the gig as PIO. What a sorry excuse this man is; no wonder someone bathed his FHP cruiser with human feces. Shame on the culprit, the FHP cruiser should not be targeted for the occupant's deeds, past and present.