View Full Version : History: McDuffie Riot.... Speechless

05-17-2016, 04:46 PM
Wow, I was reading the history on this and I am speechless.


05-17-2016, 05:00 PM
Wow, I was reading the history on this and I am speechless.


Yep, back in the day 36 years ago, and I had the pleasure of riding, being trained, and supervised by that generation of Miami cops !

All of them are retired now ( I think ??? ) , some are dead, and let me tell ya, they kicked ass, shot people, gassed them, and generally took care of business. My old sergeant said " it was like Veitnam " a few cops were shot, and a lieutenant had a heart attack and died. Of course he told me, there were plenty of shots fired, and QRU , no report ! Same for control reports, didn't happen, LOL !

That generation of MPD didn't take any shit, they ruled the streets, and the staff and bosses backed them up, unlike these days sad to say :-( thank God I've only got another 6 months, and I'll be out if this circus too. Have fun with the idiots we have running this place now, adios amigos !

05-17-2016, 06:33 PM
I always give respect to those officers who went through those times unlike the officers this generation have. The officers in this generation wouldn't be able to survive back in the days.

05-17-2016, 06:39 PM
I always give respect to those officers who went through those times unlike the officers this generation have. The officers in this generation wouldn't be able to survive back in the days.

But they can dance *****es and hide real good because the all wear maxi pads now.

05-17-2016, 08:39 PM
That generation of MPD didn't take any shit, they ruled the streets, and the staff and bosses backed them up, unlike these days sad to say

I was part of that, we owned the streets and the thugs knew it. Thank God i've been gone for a few years, in today's MPD i would have had a heart attack. Good luck to the new breed if (when?) a riot breaks out, without training you are going to get hurt.

05-17-2016, 08:59 PM
Old Fart this is a new breed of officers save that old time talk that shit is the past we good

05-17-2016, 09:15 PM
Old Fart this is a new breed of officers save that old time talk that shit is the past we good

Yeah the new breed call in I and do dance videos, whats police work

05-17-2016, 11:13 PM
That generation of MPD didn't take any shit, they ruled the streets, and the staff and bosses backed them up, unlike these days sad to say

I was part of that, we owned the streets and the thugs knew it. Thank God i've been gone for a few years, in today's MPD i would have had a heart attack. Good luck to the new breed if (when?) a riot breaks out, without training you are going to get hurt.

The new breeds would shit on their pants if that would happen again. They just don't know.

05-17-2016, 11:21 PM
You can call me old timer . Old fart . Tell me to retire already , but know this . Back then the blacks in the hood feared us now a days you young rookies fear them .

05-17-2016, 11:43 PM
You can call me old timer . Old fart . Tell me to retire already , but know this . Back then the blacks in the hood feared us now a days you young rookies fear them .

Big QSL on that !

Ive been here almost 28 years , and I know, since a lot of that generation broke me in , and supervised me, so I've seen both sides of this, and I'll tell you now, the cops we have these days, are no were near, as smart, brave, tough, in shape, and dedicated as that generation !

In the 70s the entire national law enforcement family, looked at the
" MMPD " as it was also known as ( Modern Miami Police Dept ) this dept was a National trendsetter back then, even more so than LAPD .

The cops were some of the best, the exams, both mental and physical were very tough, unlike what it is today. I'm proud that I got to know a lot of that generation. Soon I'll be gone from here, and glad of it. I look in disgust, as I see what is being hired now, and in the last 20-25 years or so. These current so called cops, would never been hired back in the day, and if they were, they would soon be sorted out, not by the bosses , but by their own peer group. It's the way it was, sadly this is NOT the way it is these days , with theses dancing assholes, and that social media sissy, what is that shit about ?

So to all you disrespectful assholes that mock the old timers on here, know that YOU would have been told this : " Wanna wear a uniform , go work at Burger King , cause you don't fit in here "
Yep, I remember that phrase very well ! Respect those that went before you, and good luck working for Najiy the Islamic creep, Lexus Jackson, the ignorant liar, and the rest of the clowns here now, you'll all need it !!!!

05-18-2016, 01:22 AM
Let's see back in the day a six shot revolver with 12 extra rounds a shot gun, your flashlight, radio, nightstick, call boxes your braun and street smarts. Men were men

Now a days semi auto's with 39 rounds minimum, semi auto rifles smaller lighter body armor, tazers, pepper spray, computers, cell phones, net flicks, no street smarts, no back ups glad I ain't there where the men are girls and the girls are men and some who knows what the F they are. Glad it lived on the past because it sucks to be you.

05-18-2016, 02:03 AM
Hey old timer I agree with that but it's your people (Hispanic) that's afraid of the BLACK MAN. My Blacks have no reason to fear their own so preach brother preach

Civilian Guy
05-18-2016, 02:04 AM
Big QSL on that !

Ive been here almost 28 years , and I know, since a lot of that generation broke me in , and supervised me, so I've seen both sides of this, and I'll tell you now, the cops we have these days, are no were near, as smart, brave, tough, in shape, and dedicated as that generation !

In the 70s the entire national law enforcement family, looked at the
" MMPD " as it was also known as ( Modern Miami Police Dept ) this dept was a National trendsetter back then, even more so than LAPD .

The cops were some of the best, the exams, both mental and physical were very tough, unlike what it is today. I'm proud that I got to know a lot of that generation. Soon I'll be gone from here, and glad of it. I look in disgust, as I see what is being hired now, and in the last 20-25 years or so. These current so called cops, would never been hired back in the day, and if they were, they would soon be sorted out, not by the bosses , but by their own peer group. It's the way it was, sadly this is NOT the way it is these days , with theses dancing assholes, and that social media sissy, what is that shit about ?

So to all you disrespectful assholes that mock the old timers on here, know that YOU would have been told this : " Wanna wear a uniform , go work at Burger King , cause you don't fit in here "
Yep, I remember that phrase very well ! Respect those that went before you, and good luck working for Najiy the Islamic creep, Lexus Jackson, the ignorant liar, and the rest of the clowns here now, you'll all need it !!!!

Very well said, I remembered those days we were scared of the cops and they ran the streets. Now, we look at them like who they are and they do not put any fear in us like the old school cops did. Wow, just reading that article brings back memories of those riots and officers in their riot gears.

Civilian Guy

05-18-2016, 02:04 AM
Oh yeah it's a new day in age that SLAVE MENTALITY is gone. Can't pull the old time shit anymore

05-18-2016, 02:06 AM
Old timer leave now spare us the heart attack on duty

05-18-2016, 05:59 PM
Big QSL on that !

Ive been here almost 28 years , and I know, since a lot of that generation broke me in , and supervised me, so I've seen both sides of this, and I'll tell you now, the cops we have these days, are no were near, as smart, brave, tough, in shape, and dedicated as that generation !

In the 70s the entire national law enforcement family, looked at the
" MMPD " as it was also known as ( Modern Miami Police Dept ) this dept was a National trendsetter back then, even more so than LAPD .

The cops were some of the best, the exams, both mental and physical were very tough, unlike what it is today. I'm proud that I got to know a lot of that generation. Soon I'll be gone from here, and glad of it. I look in disgust, as I see what is being hired now, and in the last 20-25 years or so. These current so called cops, would never been hired back in the day, and if they were, they would soon be sorted out, not by the bosses , but by their own peer group. It's the way it was, sadly this is NOT the way it is these days , with theses dancing assholes, and that social media sissy, what is that shit about ?

So to all you disrespectful assholes that mock the old timers on here, know that YOU would have been told this : " Wanna wear a uniform , go work at Burger King , cause you don't fit in here "
Yep, I remember that phrase very well ! Respect those that went before you, and good luck working for Najiy the Islamic creep, Lexus Jackson, the ignorant liar, and the rest of the clowns here now, you'll all need it !!!!

Excellent post ! But I see the modern day fags, are having a hard time dealing with the truth , wonder why ? Could it be because they KNOW they would be terrified if they were there ? Yep, they don't make Miami cops like they use to. Look at the little fat asses they hire today, ha ha ha ! How can you respect an officer that's 5 foot 3 and weighs 230 pounds, can't speak English, and has an I Q of 75 , ha ha hah !!!!!

05-18-2016, 11:54 PM
Glad to see someone bringing up history. Only if today's generation understand what real policing was. Just a bunch of whining mofos in a uniform always coming on here complaining about contract this and they do not have that blah blah blah. The shit they get away with now.