View Full Version : No more police chases allowed in the City, Rookies!!!

05-16-2016, 02:20 PM
So early this morning I'm there jamming to the scanner and BOOM a chase in progress 22 vehicle not stopping on NE 1 and NE 5th street and the Sgt., tells the officer to cancel the pursuit.

Police work isn't what it used to be... the fun chasing and beating that mofo up is over. :-(

Desk patrol is the only thing allowed here...

05-16-2016, 02:40 PM
So early this morning I'm there jamming to the scanner and BOOM a chase in progress 22 vehicle not stopping on NE 1 and NE 5th street and the Sgt., tells the officer to cancel the pursuit.

Police work isn't what it used to be... the fun chasing and beating that mofo up is over. :-(

Desk patrol is the only thing allowed here...

I volunteer for the desk all the time, I 46 and put money away. Let me have the desk.

05-16-2016, 02:40 PM
Old policing is not allowed. Too many video's. All they want for us to do is write a report and give a yellow card.. Soon we are going to be like the British police officers. Patrol with no GUNS.

05-16-2016, 03:53 PM
This looks bad when a suspect sees a cop backing off pursue. So they will now know that they can steal any car and get away with it without ever being pursue by officers.

05-16-2016, 04:07 PM
We should start spreading the word our foot & vehicle chase policy. Let people know the chains that are put on us so that they can commit the crime and get away with it.... We decide if crime runs free. I say let it. Let the department burn itself with all these chains they put on us

05-16-2016, 07:21 PM
So early this morning I'm there jamming to the scanner and BOOM a chase in progress 22 vehicle not stopping on NE 1 and NE 5th street and the Sgt., tells the officer to cancel the pursuit.

Police work isn't what it used to be... the fun chasing and beating that mofo up is over. :-(

Desk patrol is the only thing allowed here...

Since City of Pinellas Park v Brown, Florida Supreme Court 1992, police officers have been barred from pursuing vehicles driven by misdemeanants and traffic violators. Below is the salient paragraph from that decision:

“We do not suggest, however, that the police must allow every lawbreaker to escape merely because a hot pursuit is occurring. Deference will be shown to the ‘reasonable’ decisions of law officers to maintain pursuit of certain offenders who are ‘reasonably’ thought to be violent or to pose a danger to the public at large. What is required is for police to use ‘reasonable’ means in light of the nature of the offense and threats to safety involved. For example, a high-speed chase is likely to be justifiable if its object is a gang of armed and violent felons who probably will harm others.”

Notice that thrice within the above paragraph the FSCT emphasized reasonableness as the guiding principle governing vehicle pursuits. Your police chief should ask MPD’s legal adviser to recirculate a legal not governing vehicle pursuits as authorized under Pinellas. The bottom line is that unless the vehicle is suspected of being an instrumentality in a violent crime, DON’T CHASE! Even under the violent crime exception, do so with the utmost care for your safety and that of the motoring public. Until the “PIT Maneuver” is approved, if ever, defer to the Air Units, should one be available – whether County or City – and wait for the fleeing driver to exhaust him or herself; then, should the offender resist, use the force necessary to effect the arrest.

Remember, your mission is to go home alive and in one piece at the end of your shift. Here endeth the lesson.


05-16-2016, 08:00 PM
This looks bad when a suspect sees a cop backing off pursue. So they will now know that they can steal any car and get away with it without ever being pursue by officers.


05-16-2016, 11:17 PM
Since City of Pinellas Park v Brown, Florida Supreme Court 1992, police officers have been barred from pursuing vehicles driven by misdemeanants and traffic violators. Below is the salient paragraph from that decision:

“We do not suggest, however, that the police must allow every lawbreaker to escape merely because a hot pursuit is occurring. Deference will be shown to the ‘reasonable’ decisions of law officers to maintain pursuit of certain offenders who are ‘reasonably’ thought to be violent or to pose a danger to the public at large. What is required is for police to use ‘reasonable’ means in light of the nature of the offense and threats to safety involved. For example, a high-speed chase is likely to be justifiable if its object is a gang of armed and violent felons who probably will harm others.”

Notice that thrice within the above paragraph the FSCT emphasized reasonableness as the guiding principle governing vehicle pursuits. Your police chief should ask MPD’s legal adviser to recirculate a legal not governing vehicle pursuits as authorized under Pinellas. The bottom line is that unless the vehicle is suspected of being an instrumentality in a violent crime, DON’T CHASE! Even under the violent crime exception, do so with the utmost care for your safety and that of the motoring public. Until the “PIT Maneuver” is approved, if ever, defer to the Air Units, should one be available – whether County or City – and wait for the fleeing driver to exhaust him or herself; then, should the offender resist, use the force necessary to effect the arrest.

Remember, your mission is to go home alive and in one piece at the end of your shift. Here endeth the lesson.


"For example, a high-speed chase is likely to be justifiable if its object is a gang of armed and violent felons who probably will harm others.”

Wow you could easily say anyone in that vehicle is part of a gang of armed and violent felons to continue pursue. Thats sound like discrimination.

05-17-2016, 12:06 AM
"For example, a high-speed chase is likely to be justifiable if its object is a gang of armed and violent felons who probably will harm others.”

Wow you could easily say anyone in that vehicle is part of a gang of armed and violent felons to continue pursue. Thats sound like discrimination.

Clearly your reading comprehension is sadly lacking! The Florida Supreme Court cited the "gang of armed and violent felons" an example that many of us who have worked the streets and responded to home invasion robberies and other violent crimes know what they are. Generally these violent criminal operate in three and four men team. That is the wheel man or driver, and two or three gunmen. To say the Florida Supreme Court was discriminatory in its finding, exposes a level of ignorance that defies logic!

05-17-2016, 12:52 AM
How boring I'm not allowed to chase a criminal... so why the hell I become a cop for? I need to a job like Nicks making videos for the department vlog.

05-17-2016, 01:46 AM

Here is what the SCOTUS ruled on the issue of pursuits.

Fast Fausto
05-17-2016, 03:11 AM
Papo, if they run, imma chase them mofos.

05-17-2016, 01:50 PM
Papo, if they run, imma chase them mofos.

Kudos to you, you are a dying breed.

05-17-2016, 02:36 PM
Park those police cars under a tree and let those criminals kill each other. You will be rewards by the chief and his staff at the end of the month for OFFICER OF THE MONTH REWARD.

05-18-2016, 05:26 PM
City has plenty of carjackings. Go chase those.

05-19-2016, 01:12 AM
Bla bla bla.

Let's go get coffee.

05-19-2016, 01:32 PM
Let's see we chase a fool. Put our and those around at risk. Just so staff can have a stat and the prosecutor can plea them down. Yet you get them with no incident your ok. If something happens, you knew the general orders and will be held responsible and we be out. Depending upon the damage YOU caused. If you really think anyone on staff or appointed above you, will take the hit with and for you. You got a lot to learn yet and should be back in the FTO program. I get it we all love a good long chase and would like to take back the city from the criminals and CITY HALL. This isn't going to happen anytime SOON, with our current staff and city hall. Just handle your calls, back each other up and go home to your family. If you want to make a different, then I suggest you go to another department. Where police work is what is should be. Here, your a report writer and ticket writer. Many times I saw in progress calls, turn to shit on officers. By the same people who called the police to report something or to save their sorry ass. The community looks to us now as $$ signs. Waiting for one to us to violate S.O.P, general orders and guidelines. To cash in too. It sucks, yet it what we got and have to do. Most important thing to remember is to COVER YOUR ASS!. Cause no-one else will.