View Full Version : Lt. Castro caught red handed!

05-04-2016, 05:29 AM
Unbelievable! Well... not really, it is Sweetwater PD after all.


Gold Tyron
05-04-2016, 02:04 PM
Guess you should check the source of your information...... The guys that are putting this together are all corrupt and dirty from the city of Miami. One lies for the other and are only there st Sweetwater as a political contribution. Castro is a good mad and an ass chewer but a retard could see that this is all put together to make it seem like the chief has done something since he has not really done those big promised arrest . It's a smokescreen and the smoke will soon clear boys and girls. Seems they have a hard on for him cause his doesn't play dirty at all. Maybe your one of the ones that cheated on the Sergeants test ( why don't the investigate that ) or one of the one that are double dipping ( no investigation there either ) or maybe one f the ones that was given rank to not be laid off as another favore ( no no no investigation there either ) . Well seems like at the money property and drugs missing will stay missing cause this chief has his own plan . He wants to destroy the department and pension then be forced out and leave us in shambles.

So check your sources before you go on here , this should be facts and I'm sure the facts are on crespogram.com which has official police documents attached showing all the Interm chief lies.

05-04-2016, 04:56 PM
Guess you should check the source of your information...... The guys that are putting this together are all corrupt and dirty from the city of Miami. One lies for the other and are only there st Sweetwater as a political contribution. Castro is a good mad and an ass chewer but a retard could see that this is all put together to make it seem like the chief has done something since he has not really done those big promised arrest . It's a smokescreen and the smoke will soon clear boys and girls. Seems they have a hard on for him cause his doesn't play dirty at all. Maybe your one of the ones that cheated on the Sergeants test ( why don't the investigate that ) or one of the one that are double dipping ( no investigation there either ) or maybe one f the ones that was given rank to not be laid off as another favore ( no no no investigation there either ) . Well seems like at the money property and drugs missing will stay missing cause this chief has his own plan . He wants to destroy the department and pension then be forced out and leave us in shambles.

So check your sources before you go on here , this should be facts and I'm sure the facts are on crespogram.com which has official police documents attached showing all the Interm chief lies.

Papo, you got fired from Surfside PD... time to find another line of work.

05-04-2016, 09:31 PM
I'm sure there are more far worst people working there with a criminal past and arrest should be start ? Hmmm one for two DUI another with one DUI then there is one who was arrested while working in homestead with a gun then there is the pater Peter Daniels case who two were arrested then there was the most recent who was arrested by your own department and now works for you lol.... I can go on and on PAPO ....

05-04-2016, 10:41 PM
Papo, you got fired from Surfside PD... time to find another line of work.
Castro! Papo, maybe you can get a job on the beach driving a tow truck with that one special freind you had when you were at Surfside. He/She sends his/hers (it's) well wishes.

05-05-2016, 02:37 AM
Guess you should check the source of your information...... The guys that are putting this together are all corrupt and dirty from the city of Miami. One lies for the other and are only there st Sweetwater as a political contribution. Castro is a good mad and an ass chewer but a retard could see that this is all put together to make it seem like the chief has done something since he has not really done those big promised arrest . It's a smokescreen and the smoke will soon clear boys and girls. Seems they have a hard on for him cause his doesn't play dirty at all. Maybe your one of the ones that cheated on the Sergeants test ( why don't the investigate that ) or one of the one that are double dipping ( no investigation there either ) or maybe one f the ones that was given rank to not be laid off as another favore ( no no no investigation there either ) . Well seems like at the money property and drugs missing will stay missing cause this chief has his own plan . He wants to destroy the department and pension then be forced out and leave us in shambles.

So check your sources before you go on here , this should be facts and I'm sure the facts are on crespogram.com which has official police documents attached showing all the Interm chief lies.

Right on the money!!!!!!!!!!! This Mayor is using the media to make himself look better when everyone knows his corrupt past and how he is mentally unstable. That is the term you use for a person who tries to kill themselves He has some nerve to do this to Ramos and Castro. These guys have done wrong to no one, they come in do their job and work hard. Guess they were a threat to you Chief! Keep trying to look pretty on camera your days in Sweetwater are numbered

05-05-2016, 11:24 AM
I see nothing wrong with a department giving someone a chance to wear the badge with a past arrest... young people make mistakes all the time... now if they learned from it and changed their life around its a good thing. No point in hanging up someone's dream forever for a past mistake. Shit happens. It's life. Now if you didn't learn from your first mistake then that's a different story.

05-05-2016, 11:37 PM
I see nothing wrong with a department giving someone a chance to wear the badge with a past arrest... young people make mistakes all the time... now if they learned from it and changed their life around its a good thing. No point in hanging up someone's dream forever for a past mistake. Shit happens. It's life. Now if you didn't learn from your first mistake then that's a different story.

And that's why you work for Sweetwater and not a real police department...People with arrest past have no place being police officers...That's why major police departments with good salaries and benefits don't hire losers with arrest records and they end up working for Sweetwater or Hialeah Gardens

05-06-2016, 08:33 PM
And that's why you work for Sweetwater and not a real police department...People with arrest past have no place being police officers...That's why major police departments with good salaries and benefits don't hire losers with arrest records and they end up working for Sweetwater or Hialeah Gardens

Papo, hate to break your heart... I was arrested in the past for a mistake I made, (grand theft), case dismissed and I paid my dues, got an MPA degree while I volunteered, did military service, and I now work for a big sheriff agency in Florida. Not everyone who has been arrested is a loser. You sound like a loser yourself crying here... get real!

05-06-2016, 08:52 PM
This guy is a cop... a well paid Lt.!
