View Full Version : Mass exodus in sector 3 mids

02-01-2016, 02:58 PM
Just about every officer in sector 3 mids has left. They had the best squad on mids until Sgt. Argentino came along. This guy is a huge puxxy rat basterd. He was useless as a cop and even more useless as a Sgt. He has no spine and will not go to bat for you. He's a huge kiss arse to the command staff trying to score brownie points to get back his take home. What a whining little ***** this guy is. Always showing pics of his **** next to a wine bottle.
The funny thing is that he only shows it to men and the wine bottle is one of those little ones that you drink in two sips! Lol, you homo. Do us all a favor and don't bid in sector 3 so that the squad can come back together.

02-02-2016, 12:14 AM
Have the pajaros now flown to sector 3?

02-02-2016, 12:43 AM
I've seen that picture he shows. Now I know why the Pajaros have come to 3. They chasing the Argentinian sausage 😂

02-02-2016, 12:44 AM
Were you one of the zeros that was put to work.....? You're just jealous of my delicious churrasco. Get back to work you slug.

02-02-2016, 02:08 AM
Vete a la mierda boludo, ahora voz no estas invitado mas nunca a mis parrilladas. Que vivan Maradona y Messi !!!!!

02-02-2016, 05:56 AM
Were you one of the zeros that was put to work.....? You're just jealous of my delicious churrasco. Get back to work you slug.

Bro I'm crying right now! That shit is funny!

02-02-2016, 01:32 PM
Sgt. Argentino is a zero to the left. He was a slug is a slug & always will be a slug. What a piece of caca

02-02-2016, 01:40 PM
Sgt. Argentino is a zero to the left. He was a slug is a slug & always will be a slug. What a piece of caca

Che otro boludo de mierda que quiere que yo le meta mi chorizo argentino. Que envidia te da de saber que soy perfecto.

La Bears bouncer
02-17-2016, 03:11 AM
I like ****

Rajame una yuca
02-17-2016, 04:23 AM
I like ****
And I like to rajar le ****.

02-25-2016, 12:52 PM
Consalvo eres tremenda rata bro. You're a huge kiss arse to brass and you don't back your men for anything. Que plasta de mierda tu eres. Next bid please leave papo. You have single handedly destroyed a great squad. I hope the commander comes down on you hard and forces you to leave. Plasta de pinga me cago en ti!

02-25-2016, 01:49 PM
Consalvo eres tremenda rata bro. You're a huge kiss arse to brass and you don't back your men for anything. Que plasta de mierda tu eres. Next bid please leave papo. You have single handedly destroyed a great squad. I hope the commander comes down on you hard and forces you to leave. Plasta de pinga me cago en ti!

Che para de decir tantas boludeces, vos sabes que este sector se volvio casi tan perfecto como yo desde que llegue aqui. Que envidioso que sos come mierda, y no te digo mas de lo que te mereces porque estoy ocupado haciendo una tremenda parrillada para los que de verdad quieren trabajar y no los boludos vagos de porqueria como vos, y despues de eso voy a estar aun mas ocupado mirandome en el espejo todo el dia, asi que vete a comer mierda maricon envidioso.

02-25-2016, 05:44 PM
Consalvo es un kiss ass pero sector 3 mids? The equivocado squad? A conjunction of some of the biggest comepingas in hialeah with a 4-8 yr señority range that feel they are all on the drop? Nothing about that sector and shift is good. Pala pinga paya con eso.

02-26-2016, 02:42 AM
Sergeant Argentino que clase animal tu eres. Leave next bid please. You're a loser

02-26-2016, 03:57 AM
Sergeant Argentino que clase animal tu eres. Leave next bid please. You're a loser

Callate boludo, tu queres quedarte sin chorizo? No te invito a mi proximo bbq por boludo y ya deja de morirte de la envidia che, yo no tengo la culpa de ser tan perfecto ni tu de ser tan boludo, ya tu quisieras ser como yo pendejo de mierda. En este sector me quedo hasta que Argentina gane el proximo mundial de soccer asi que vete acostumbrando pedazo de cabron.

03-12-2016, 08:29 PM
Consalvo what a piece of crap you are. You have single handedly destroyed sector 3. I hope Gabe rides your ass out of 3 so the squad can come back. You're garbage bro

03-13-2016, 03:52 AM
yeah Consalvo get the hell out of 3. You don't got a spine and you don't back up your guys. You're only good for kissing arse to the higher ups. Get out of 3 the squad can return. Gabe gets this clown out of 3!

03-13-2016, 09:08 AM
Pues te cuento a vos que ese squad era una mierda hasta llegue yo y todo se volvio perfecto. Ademas te cuento che que Gabrielito me va a condecorar por ser tan perfecto aunque todos ustedes se mueran de la envidia cuerda de boludos. No pueden ver que alguien es lindo y perfecto como yo porque se cagan de la envidia. No les escribo mas boludos de porqueria porque me voy a mirar en el espejo por el resto de la noche ya que al espejo le encanta reflejar mi bella imagen. Ya vayanse ustedes a poner tickets porque sino no les doy mas chorizo argentino.

03-18-2016, 12:08 AM
Vete para sector uno con todos los pajarracos!!

03-19-2016, 10:12 AM
Vete para sector uno con todos los pajarracos!!

Che como se te ocurre a vos semejante barbaridad. Vos sabes que las pajarracas de sector unos son estupidas, arrogantes y creen que lo saben todo y en verdad lo unico que saben es a mierda. En cambio las pajarracas que tenia aqui en el squad de la noche se sentian todas enjauladas y se fueron volando buscando su libertad porque no pudieron entender lo lindo y perfecto qie soy yo. Te cuento que si todos fueran como yo, el mundo seria perfecto.
Ahora si vos queres tu te podes ir al sector uno y compartir plumas con todas esas pajarracas ridiculas y aborrecibles.

04-11-2016, 04:13 AM
The parasite left to Sector 2. I guess Gabe scared you away. That's Sector 2's problem now, you guys are in for a big surprise! By far he's the worst supervisor we have! No backbone, won't back up his guys, suck-up to the brass, he has no idea how to do police work, never been a cop, all he does is 16's. In other words, this parasite is useless!

04-12-2016, 05:58 AM
The parasite left to Sector 2. I guess Gabe scared you away. That's Sector 2's problem now, you guys are in for a big surprise! By far he's the worst supervisor we have! No backbone, won't back up his guys, suck-up to the brass, he has no idea how to do police work, never been a cop, all he does is 16's. In other words, this parasite is useless!

Que envidioso que sos, eres toda una pajarraca que se muere de los celos porque me llevo toda mi perfeccion y mi belleza para otro sector. Y te cuento mariconsita estupida que Gabrielito me rogo para que no me fuera, pero toda mi perfeccion y belleza hay que compartirla, y a vos si no te gusta podes llevarte tus plumas a otro lado estupida de mierda.
Sector 2 que suerte tenes de que voy para alla, haremos parrillada y repartiremos chorozo argentino todos los dias..... O mejor dicho, las noches.....

04-13-2016, 02:33 AM
Get ready for sect 3 mids next bid rooks you guys are in for a real treat with mr. "Ey man" and the short bald short guy scared of his own shadow who literally cries in IA when he feels someone is picking on him.

Batman and Robbin
04-14-2016, 02:19 PM
Wasn't that queer that was forced to resign for hanging out at strip clubs while on probation in Sector 1...Tremendo mariconsons that get produced there

04-14-2016, 06:09 PM
Wasn't that queer that was forced to resign for hanging out at strip clubs while on probation in Sector 1...Tremendo mariconsons that get produced there

He was not a real sect 1 guy...and no one liked him wherever he went

04-15-2016, 01:07 AM
He was not a real sect 1 guy...and no one liked him wherever he went

That's because he always smelled like anal lube and arrogance. The loser was always talking about how much police experience he had from the gardens lol everyone knows Hialeah Gardens is not a real police department

04-15-2016, 02:26 AM
That's because he always smelled like anal lube and arrogance. The loser was always talking about how much police experience he had from the gardens lol everyone knows Hialeah Gardens is not a real police department

He was 100% sector 1 prototype and fitted right into all those feathers over there. By the way, one of the feather bags is flying north soon.

04-15-2016, 04:52 AM
He was 100% sector 1 prototype and fitted right into all those feathers over there. By the way, one of the feather bags is flying north soon.

By that you mean.......

06-29-2016, 07:39 AM
Consalvo que le paso a messi????? Buahaha argentino alfin buena mierda!!!!! Ala madrid!!!!

06-29-2016, 08:52 PM
Consalvo que le paso a messi????? Buahaha argentino alfin buena mierda!!!!! Ala madrid!!!!

Che vos sabes que los argentinos somos perfectos, pero seguro que el boludo del Messi estubo muchisimas horas mirandose en el espejo antes del partido y llego a jugar cansado !!!! Y vos ya para de hablar boludeces que ya quisieras ser argentino asi que vete vos a la mierda pelotudo !!!!

06-30-2016, 03:28 AM
Che vos sabes que los argentinos somos perfectos, pero seguro que el boludo del Messi estubo muchisimas horas mirandose en el espejo antes del partido y llego a jugar cansado !!!! Y vos ya para de hablar boludeces que ya quisieras ser argentino asi que vete vos a la mierda pelotudo !!!!

Che el boludo del Messi estba rajando se la Yuca antes de el juego por que es tremendo mariconson

06-30-2016, 03:42 PM
Che el boludo del Messi estba rajando se la Yuca antes de el juego por que es tremendo mariconson

Che, Messi es sargento en Hialeah? Cuantos Raja Yucas hay en este departamento?

06-30-2016, 05:10 PM
Che, Messi es sargento en Hialeah? Cuantos Raja Yucas hay en este departamento?

Uno Raja Yuca y uno Mata Perro x 2

07-01-2016, 12:44 PM
Che, Messi es sargento en Hialeah? Cuantos Raja Yucas hay en este departamento?

We have a few but the SWAT Raja Yuca is his father's son no doubt about the apple not falling far from the tree

Rajame una yuca
07-03-2016, 03:36 AM
Raja Yuca! !💩

07-15-2016, 05:11 AM
He was 100% sector 1 prototype and fitted right into all those feathers over there. By the way, one of the feather bags is flying north soon.

Sector 1 los mariconsons oye OT HOG aka mata vieja aka mata perro word is that you traded your exwife in for a tranny

07-16-2016, 03:24 PM
Sergeant R. Yuca will split the mass exodus like he splits his Cassava every night

08-01-2016, 08:14 PM
Sergeant Con-Snake-O A.K.A Argentino
I pray that you get a position upstairs somewhere and leave the road. Your such a disgusting parasite. But your not qualified to go upstairs. So I guess you'll be on the road for life.

08-01-2016, 10:12 PM
Sergeant Con-Snake-O A.K.A Argentino
I pray that you get a position upstairs somewhere and leave the road. Your such a disgusting parasite. But your not qualified to go upstairs. So I guess you'll be on the road for life.

Che boludo para de decir estupideces que vos sabes que soy perfecto y lo que tenes es envidia. Estoy mas que calificado para ir tan arriba como el cielo pero me quedo en patrullaje para tu tengas que saborear un chorizo argentino todos los dias. Mejor preparate boludo porque mañana me vas a tener que lavar mi carro hermoso a ver si paras de comer mierda y decir boludeces.

09-04-2016, 04:47 AM
The pug faced chick in sector 3 mids gets 2+ 15s salchicha backups on every 19.

09-04-2016, 07:11 AM
The pug faced chick in sector 3 mids gets 2+ 15s salchicha backups on every 19.

Is she getting the salchicha dose along with those 15's? or just the 15's without ensalchichar? Cuz it makes a big difference 😁😁😁

09-04-2016, 10:59 PM
Is she getting the salchicha dose along with those 15's? or just the 15's without ensalchichar? Cuz it makes a big difference 😁😁😁

Y'all some haters

09-05-2016, 01:45 AM
Y'all some haters

We dont hate, we just gossip 😀

09-13-2016, 03:23 AM
Soy gayyyyyyyyyyy

09-13-2016, 03:32 AM
We dont hate, we just gossip 😀
Gossip like children - and you protect the people???

09-13-2016, 12:20 PM
Gossip like children - and you protect the people???

We take em to jail..... They're pretty safe over there... If you dont feel safe we can take you, its a free ride, so let us know 😁😁😁

09-13-2016, 04:28 PM
We take em to jail..... They're pretty safe over there... If you dont feel safe we can take you, its a free ride, so let us know 😁😁😁

Eh no it's not the last thing I wanna do is go to tgk and deal with those fuk head nurses and pusxy c.o's.

09-14-2016, 05:33 AM
Raaaaajaaa Yuuuucaaaa!!!! All up and down Palm Ave Rajando la Yuca and kidnapping minors

09-14-2016, 09:29 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2671221]Eh no it's not the last thing I wanna do is go to tgk and deal with those fuk head nurses and pusxy c.o's.[/QUO

You have to be careful not to come across Sargento Respepingosa because he will send you to TGK in a heart bit y con corona de plumas y todo 😄😄😄