View Full Version : Guess Who Is Running For Sheriff Now

Hawk Sr.
01-26-2016, 01:40 AM
Al Lamberti has now officially shown how desperate he is to make his way back to BSO.

Al is now trying to convince the Chief of Wilton Manners to run for Sheriff. Paul use to hang out in the parking lots of places like Wags and the Clock. By the way, my son was conceived in one of those parking lots.

Paul and I were original PBPD cops together. When Parkland was taken over, as a supervisor, he continued the PBPD ways. He hated BSO, still hates BSO, and during his tenure as a supervisor with BSO, made sure many deputies suffered for not being original PBPD first.

Side note-As I write this post, O'C will go to his grave believing Bengi and Poole deserve their PBPD pensions.

Fast Forward-O'C, text messages, cover ups, 12 year old's performing the "JIG" in mini skirts, and Al [my son's step daddy] making sure Paul got a job so he wouldn't snitch.

Imagine what the Sheriff's Office would turn into with a original Pompano Beach criminal offender running the show?

01-26-2016, 02:24 AM
I'll bet it will be the same

01-26-2016, 02:51 AM
Al Lamberti has now officially shown how desperate he is to make his way back to BSO.

Al is now trying to convince the Chief of Wilton Manners to run for Sheriff. Paul use to hang out in the parking lots of places like Wags and the Clock. By the way, my son was conceived in one of those parking lots.

Paul and I were original PBPD cops together. When Parkland was taken over, as a supervisor, he continued the PBPD ways. He hated BSO, still hates BSO, and during his tenure as a supervisor with BSO, made sure many deputies suffered for not being original PBPD first.

Side note-As I write this post, O'C will go to his grave believing Bengi and Poole deserve their PBPD pensions.

Fast Forward-O'C, text messages, cover ups, 12 year old's performing the "JIG" in mini skirts, and Al [my son's step daddy] making sure Paul got a job so he wouldn't snitch.

Imagine what the Sheriff's Office would turn into with a original Pompano Beach criminal offender running the show?

When you see and read stuff like this, all you have to think of if some guy trying to protect his cushy little job and making sure when the next guy comes in if he comes in that he doesn't lose it

01-26-2016, 03:18 AM
Lamberti is running against Israel ... no, DeJesus is ... the Miami Gardens chief is running ... No, wait. Chief Smalling is running ... Never mind, Jim Chin is running ... Wait, no, Granteed ... Nope, Chin again ... Not Chin, Fondo is running ... oh, not Fondo, it's O'Connell ...

This act is getting pretty tiring. You losers have got nobody running except Willie Jones and Edison Jules ... two big zeroes.

01-26-2016, 05:17 AM
The only one that has a chance is Sgt. Napoleon Paparella. Paparella has what it takes to be a Sheriff.......

01-26-2016, 12:52 PM
The only one that has a chance is Sgt. Napoleon Paparella. Paparella has what it takes to be a Sheriff.......

I can see it know. Sgt P standing on a milk crate next to a reporter giving a live tv comment

John Hawkins
01-26-2016, 09:25 PM
To the User "Hawk Sr." Please change your user name... My name is John Hawkins a former member of The Pompano Beach Police Dept. I was.. and.. am known as "Hawk".. Your rat******* statement was brought to my attention... I am not concerned with your statement only the use of a fictitious name... that so happens to be my name... I've read several topics on this page.. No one here has the balls to use their real name... If your going to talk smack and throw each other under bus try using your real name... BSO and every department have rat*******s.... I'm not one and never was.

01-26-2016, 10:10 PM
The real John Hawkins went into the witness protection program and currently living in Wilton Manors as a gay florist under the name of Dirk Diggler. He has a contract still out on him for turning states evidence against Kenny Barone for gerbil smuggling.

Falcon Jr.
01-26-2016, 10:40 PM
"... a former member of The Pompano Beach Police Dept."

Above says it all!! That is all we need to know about your character.

They funny part about your original statement is you don't bring up your spawn, the Clock, or anything else. You are more concerned with a screen name. Typical PBPD.

At your request, I changed my screen name YOU RAT PBPD LOWLIFE ******* YOU!!

John Hawkins
01-26-2016, 11:07 PM
The real John Hawkins went into the witness protection program and currently living in Wilton Manors as a gay florist under the name of Dirk Diggler. He has a contract still out on him for turning states evidence against Kenny Barone for gerbil smuggling.

assclown still hiding behind a fictitious name. You tell me when and Where you sissy nutless wonder...I bet you still live with your mom...

Falcon Jr.
01-26-2016, 11:38 PM
assclown still hiding behind a fictitious name. You tell me when and Where you sissy nutless wonder...I bet you still live with your mom...

I live with my children. And Al and Holly live with their children.......................................... ....At least Holly does.

Hawk Sr's former partner
01-27-2016, 03:43 PM
Hawk Sr = former Lt Charla.

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01-27-2016, 05:32 PM
Please don't use my friend"s name Connie Hawkins NBA "The Hawk" or I will slam dunk you. All you nameless cowards go play with your balls and stay off this site.

01-27-2016, 06:16 PM
"... a former member of The Pompano Beach Police Dept."

Above says it all!! That is all we need to know about your character.

They funny part about your original statement is you don't bring up your spawn, the Clock, or anything else. You are more concerned with a screen name. Typical PBPD.

At your request, I changed my screen name YOU RAT PBPD LOWLIFE ******* YOU!!

You are a gutless key board coward. I know John Hawkins. You wouldn't have the balls to say it to his face. He came on here with his real identity. Why don't you use yours. Better yet why don't you agree to talk the matter over with him personally. I know he would be more then willing. Maybe you're just a little jealous because the PBPD guys show some camaraderie unlike a lot of the constant back stabbing that...well without getting into to it I'm sure you know!

S. Hawking
01-28-2016, 01:59 PM
Will the real Hawk be bringing change to the old BSO system?


02-01-2016, 01:21 PM
Two weeks ago there were post all over this site saying that a major candidate was going to announce for sheriff before the end of January. Well, guess what ... It is now February and nobody else got in. Deal with it, losers. You've got Willie Jones, DD Jones and Edison Jules running ... and maybe the ancient Jimmy Chin ... and that is it.

So ... who are you going to run against Sheriff Israel ... in 2020?