View Full Version : Take home incentive

10-20-2015, 09:44 PM
I am in the final phase of hiring and I am wondering if someone could tell me how far we can take our patrol vehicles out of county or if we even can and what stipulations there are? My wife and I are looking at Lakewood ranch which isn't to far north but unfortunately not inside the county. Does the department charge for out of county use or is it ok? Also, how good are the insurance plans (medical, dental, vision) for a family of 2 (no kids yet).

Thank you in advance

2nd floor watcher
10-21-2015, 12:53 PM
To answer your question: It depends on who you know!

Lt. ///name removed by moderation/// got caught taking his car out-of-county into Manatee County to “run errands.” That is a violation of general orders. He was photographed to ensure that he could not deny it. Then Mr. Tom Knight was notified about it. Mr. Knight said that the lieutenant would be punished (whatever that means). Lt. ///name removed by moderation/// is now promoted to captain and is now in Mr. Knight’s 2nd floor inner circle. lol

10-21-2015, 02:41 PM
To answer your question: It depends on who you know!

Lt. ///name removed by moderation/// got caught taking his car out-of-county into Manatee County to “run errands.” That is a violation of general orders. He was photographed to ensure that he could not deny it. Then Mr. Tom Knight was notified about it. Mr. Knight said that the lieutenant would be punished (whatever that means). Lt. ///name removed by moderation/// is now promoted to captain and is now in Mr. Knight’s 2nd floor inner circle. lol
I so much want to comment on his actions, but I'm resisting. Man it's hard to resist.

10-21-2015, 02:56 PM
Ok so to simplify my question... what does policy say?

10-21-2015, 04:47 PM
Ok so to simplify my question... what does policy say?

The current sheriff (Tom Knight) has asked us not to provide details on this website but, instead, to refer all of those kinds of questions about the Sarasota Sheriff's Office to the Human Resources (HR) department. Please call 316-1201 and please ask to be transferred to HR and they will answer all specific questions that you have. If you want us to ignore our current sheriff's wishes, then please re-ask your question here at this website.

10-21-2015, 05:26 PM
To answer your question: It depends on who you know!

Lt. ///name removed by moderation/// got caught taking his car out-of-county into Manatee County to “run errands.” That is a violation of general orders. He was photographed to ensure that he could not deny it. Then Mr. Tom Knight was notified about it. Mr. Knight said that the lieutenant would be punished (whatever that means). Lt. ///name removed by moderation/// is now promoted to captain and is now in Mr. Knight’s 2nd floor inner circle. lol

I remember that situation, along with who the violator it is. The original complainant should get a copy of that incident and then post it online and then post a link to it (here) for all the world to read. How did Knight handle the violation? Answer: Knight promoted the violator to Captain into his trusted second-floor inner circle, so once again, we have Knight in the middle of another swirling controversy about how general order violations are unfairly mishandled on the second floor, thanks to internal politics.

At least we investigate pedophiles who get juveniles pregnant! Or do we? All is fair in pedophile love and second floor war!

10-21-2015, 06:14 PM
I remember that situation, along with who the violator it is. The original complainant should get a copy of that incident and then post it online and then post a link to it (here) for all the world to read. How did Knight handle the violation? Answer: Knight promoted the violator to Captain into his trusted second-floor inner circle, so once again, we have Knight in the middle of another swirling controversy about how general order violations are unfairly mishandled on the second floor, thanks to internal politics.

At least we investigate pedophiles who get juveniles pregnant! Or do we? All is fair in pedophile love and second floor war!

How do you know that the out-of-county car violation wasn't swept under the carpet to preclude any documentation of it? Even if the complainant had photos of it, it doesn't mean anything under an administration that refuses to investigate allegations of a staff member getting a juvenile pregnant. It's highly unlikely that the complainant is going to make a stink of it now. BTW, what was the motive of the complainant? What did the complainant expect to gain by turning in the lieutenant (now promoted to captain) for violating a G.O. for taking an agency car out-of-county for personal business?

10-21-2015, 07:26 PM
How do you know that the out-of-county car violation wasn't swept under the carpet to preclude any documentation of it? Even if the complainant had photos of it, it doesn't mean anything under an administration that refuses to investigate allegations of a staff member getting a juvenile pregnant. It's highly unlikely that the complainant is going to make a stink of it now. BTW, what was the motive of the complainant? What did the complainant expect to gain by turning in the lieutenant (now promoted to captain) for violating a G.O. for taking an agency car out-of-county for personal business?

How about fairness and integrity as his motive for ratting out JJ? WTF was JJ doing out of county on personal errands in his patrol car? Then in this ongoing knightmare , TK promotes JJ. The unethical command structure of this agency is systemically corrupt. There is no name calling here: Just facts that cause honest deputies to have contempt for ongoing shenanigans on the 2nd floor.

I hate Adolf Hitler's nutty power hungry unethical tactics ----- and the current crop of 2nd floor henchmen is no different.

Someone asked a legitimate question about out of county car policies ---- and it still comes back to knightmare inequities.

The "fairness" poster at 2071 is an insult to every honest employee in this once proud agency.

10-21-2015, 09:08 PM
Does every single thread on this website have to immediately resort to mud slinging??? What a bunch of babies. The answer new guy is within 4 miles outside of the county. Welcome and good luck.

10-21-2015, 09:55 PM
Does every single thread on this website have to immediately resort to mud slinging??? What a bunch of babies. The answer new guy is within 4 miles outside of the county. Welcome and good luck.

So if SSo employees complain that Mr. Knight is unfair and unpredictable, then you call us a bunch of crybabies? Get a life.

The policy answer that you posted for all the world to see is incorrect. It's only 4 miles outside of the county "IF" you live within 4 miles of the county (within 4 miles distance). For everybody else, you must stay within Sarasota County. If you live within the county and if you drive outside of the county, then you're in violation of policy.

You are a part of the Knightmare. Get lost.

10-22-2015, 05:44 PM
Does every single thread on this website have to immediately resort to mud slinging??? What a bunch of babies. The answer new guy is within 4 miles outside of the county. Welcome and good luck.

See how easy that was. thank you. I've asked HR and they couldn't tell me the answer to the question.

Thank you once again.

propaganda posters
10-23-2015, 11:45 AM
How about fairness and integrity as his motive for ratting out JJ? WTF was JJ doing out of county on personal errands in his patrol car? Then in this ongoing knightmare , TK promotes JJ. The unethical command structure of this agency is systemically corrupt. There is no name calling here: Just facts that cause honest deputies to have contempt for ongoing shenanigans on the 2nd floor.

I hate Adolf Hitler's nutty power hungry unethical tactics ----- and the current crop of 2nd floor henchmen is no different.

Someone asked a legitimate question about out of county car policies ---- and it still comes back to knightmare inequities.

The "fairness" poster at 2071 is an insult to every honest employee in this once proud agency.

The fairness poster has been an ongoing joke since the Knight had it installed. Adolf had his own propaganda posters too. haaaaaaa

10-23-2015, 03:31 PM
The fairness poster has been an ongoing joke since the Knight had it installed. Adolf had his own propaganda posters too. haaaaaaa

Propaganda posters definitely send a message -- loud and clear! That's why they line the hall walls at 2071. They can be very effective.


Hey, speaking of take-home car policies...

Is there a policy for taking gas from fleet...

... and then using it in our personally owned vehicles?

10-23-2015, 03:45 PM
Propaganda posters definitely send a message -- loud and clear! That's why they line the hall walls at 2071. They can be very effective.


Hey, speaking of take-home car policies...

Is there a policy for taking gas from fleet...

... and then using it in our personally owned vehicles?

I don't know about a policy on taking gas that does not belong to you, but it's definitely a criminal theft charge, which would get your garden-variety Leo decertified. Under the general orders, it could be listed as conformance with laws or conduct unbecoming. The five finger discount is reserved exclusively for thieves. Don't steal it if it doesn't belong to you, and if you do steal it, then expect to pay the consequences.

10-24-2015, 05:35 PM
Propaganda posters definitely send a message -- loud and clear! That's why they line the hall walls at 2071. They can be very effective.


Hey, speaking of take-home car policies...

Is there a policy for taking gas from fleet...

... and then using it in our personally owned vehicles?

You should ask Lt. Waller. He knows and will be held accountable for his actions in God's own time.