View Full Version : Tattoos, ponytails, and policy

08-24-2015, 07:26 PM
Ok: Im back!! Missed me? Great!! Let's begin!!

The problem with the department is a simple one: failed and outdated policies and lack of consistency from district to district, shift to shift and NET to NET.

Major Farmer sent all the Central LTs an email sometime ago suspending the "cover your tats with sleeves" directive because no where in our DOs do they mention sleeves. If you have arm tats you need to use class A. This is a well known fact. SO she sent the email suspending the enforcement until the DO could be clarified, rewritten, whatever. YET, neither the North or South District received similar emails from their Majors. SO there's an example of a failed/outdated policy combined with inconsistency.

In Central the Sgts are doing Quality Checks and submitting them thru the chain. No other district is doing this. Inconsistency again.

Some Lts are requesting daily After Action Plans for their shift, but the next shift isnt required to do them.

SO..hat can be done? EASY: WHen a Major gives a directive he/she should email it to the FOD Chief and if he agrees then he should Email all the Majors the directive so...even if its an idiotic order...its at least consistant. In other words: Lets all be idiots together or not at all. =D

08-24-2015, 08:13 PM
Ok: Im back!! Missed me? Great!! Let's begin!!

The problem with the department is a simple one: failed and outdated policies and lack of consistency from district to district, shift to shift and NET to NET.

Major Farmer sent all the Central LTs an email sometime ago suspending the "cover your tats with sleeves" directive because no where in our DOs do they mention sleeves. If you have arm tats you need to use class A. This is a well known fact. SO she sent the email suspending the enforcement until the DO could be clarified, rewritten, whatever. YET, neither the North or South District received similar emails from their Majors. SO there's an example of a failed/outdated policy combined with inconsistency.

In Central the Sgts are doing Quality Checks and submitting them thru the chain. No other district is doing this. Inconsistency again.

Some Lts are requesting daily After Action Plans for their shift, but the next shift isnt required to do them.

SO..hat can be done? EASY: WHen a Major gives a directive he/she should email it to the FOD Chief and if he agrees then he should Email all the Majors the directive so...even if its an idiotic order...its at least consistant. In other words: Lets all be idiots together or not at all. =D

Farmer, like Najiy, is an embarrassment to this dept, KNOW THAT !

Neither should have never risen to the rank they are, come to think of it, neither should have never become police officers ! Najiy is a politically sound, militant Islamic negro, and we ALL know how Farmer aspired to where she is now, don't we :-) I hope the Justice dept flushes this toilet, so we can become the once proud dept we were, even if it was decades ago, sad :-(

08-24-2015, 09:49 PM
The justice department has had many opportunity to flush this department. Yet really has never have. If it's a press moment then yes something will be said for face time on the news. If the justice department really had an interest in this place. One would think they would review and open some investigation into officers that had been dismissed. When I.A. makes a mistake and covers it up with the chief's knowledge. I think since our department can't handle or be trusted to investigate officer involved shooting. They should disband I.A. and have FDLE or Metro handle complaints. Yet it will never happen the City need's these moron's to tell them what results we need to appease the public.

08-26-2015, 01:14 AM
Ok: Im back!! Missed me? Great!! Let's begin!!

The problem with the department is a simple one: failed and outdated policies and lack of consistency from district to district, shift to shift and NET to NET.

Major Farmer sent all the Central LTs an email sometime ago suspending the "cover your tats with sleeves" directive because no where in our DOs do they mention sleeves. If you have arm tats you need to use class A. This is a well known fact. SO she sent the email suspending the enforcement until the DO could be clarified, rewritten, whatever. YET, neither the North or South District received similar emails from their Majors. SO there's an example of a failed/outdated policy combined with inconsistency.

In Central the Sgts are doing Quality Checks and submitting them thru the chain. No other district is doing this. Inconsistency again.

Some Lts are requesting daily After Action Plans for their shift, but the next shift isnt required to do them.

SO..hat can be done? EASY: WHen a Major gives a directive he/she should email it to the FOD Chief and if he agrees then he should Email all the Majors the directive so...even if its an idiotic order...its at least consistant. In other words: Lets all be idiots together or not at all. =D

This is all a failure to lead and such malfunction radiate from the top, that's you LLanes! Set the tempo, as command inconsistencies are the worse malaises that can affect any police agency.

08-26-2015, 02:20 AM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2250714]Farmer, like Najiy, is an embarrassment to this dept, KNOW THAT !

Neither should have never risen to the rank they are, come to think of it, neither should have never become police officers ! Najiy is a politically sound, militant Islamic negro, and we ALL know how Farmer aspired to where she is now, don't we :-) I hope the Justice dept flushes this toilet, so we can become the once proud dept we were, even if it was decades ago, sad :-([/QUOTE)

Never a truer word spoken about those two, Najiy and Farmer, and of course they NEVER did any police work, shame on the dept and city for promoting these two embarrassing slugs.