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08-05-2015, 05:13 AM
nothing changes at the mpd, just more good old corruption
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners:

I am writing to express my concern with the current chaos the City Manager has allowed at the City of Miami Police Department. I will highlight several incidents that have occurred that summarizes the current incompetent leadership. At one of your last commission meetings, the FOP Vice President informed you that there have been thirteen newly sworn police officers waiting for police uniforms since January. This is factual information. Chief Llanes stated on the record at the commission meeting that he was not aware that this was occurring. He was untruthful and disingenuous to all of you. On May 26, 2015, Chief Llanes administered the oath of office to 6 new officers who wore suits. Additionally, other newly sworn officers that had been administered the oaths months before by the Chief attended the ceremony in their training attire because they hadn’t been issued uniforms. Being untruthfulness violates the oath officers swear by and tarnishes the moral fabric of the law enforcement profession.

On May 30, 2015, the police department organized and hosted a gun for bikes event that occurred at 1598 NE 1st Ave. The purpose of the event was to take guns off the street. The police department collected over seventy guns in exchange for bikes. The police department allowed individuals to turn in firearms without any questions asked or documentation. This type of publicity event is reckless, irresponsible and negligent placing the city in liability. In many circumstances these firearms are used in the commission of crime. By allowing individuals to partake in these publicity stunts the police departments is allowing for the contamination of evidence that was possibly used in a crime. An example would be that an individual submits a firearm that was used in a murder. He is now allowed to legally surrender evidence without any questions asked and the evidence is now contaminated by every officer handling that weapon has placed their fingerprints and DNA. If you were the family of a murdered victim and were told that murder weapon was found but cannot be used as evidence by the prosecution because of contamination and lack of suspect information.

On April 20, 2015, the Chief of Police transferred Lieutenant Jose Alfonso from the Human Trafficking detail at the States Attorney’s Office to the Internal Affairs Anti-Corruption/Proactive Unit. Simultaneously, he transferred Lieutenants Alfonso’s son to the Human Trafficking Detail at the States Attorney’s Office. Additionally, Lieutenant Jose Alfonso was supervising his sister Officer Maritza Alfonso who is also assigned to the Internal Affairs Anti-Corruption/Proactive Unit. Besides the obvious that the Chief was taken care of the Alfonso family, lets discuss the casts of characters in this scenario. An internal affairs background check of these three individuals will clearly reveal who they truly are and their course of conduct during their careers. Lieutenant Alfonso was demoted as a Commander by Chief Exposito because of his conduct and treatment of those he is sworn to serve. He has amassed more internal affairs complaints for misconduct and lack of professionalism than any Commanding officer in the history of MPD. He is an individual who will not hesitate to violate someone civil rights or the law to make an arrest that will make him shine. Officer Maritza Alfonso who is currently assigned to internal affairs working for her brother also has a shady internal affairs profile. An example of this is an incident were Officer Maritza Alfonso was playing with her City issued firearm (some say she was drunk) and shot herself in the hand. Finally, the lieutenant’s a rookie police officer who has less than three years of police experience. He is now replacing his father in an elite assignment without any training or experience that justifies such transfer. Additionally, this is the same son who several years ago prior to becoming a police officer took his father’s City rental for a joy ride and was involved in an accident. I asked myself how was that covered up and who signed off on this individual’s hire. Unfortunately, the Chief of Police cannot claim ignorance since these assignments are under his direct purview.

It has surfaced recently that Kent Security company who a City vendor has been financially sponsoring police department events and the City Managers Charity Golf event. These individuals have circumvented City Ordinance by allowing Kent Security to make donations through a third party even though they’re the ones who are directly soliciting Kent Security. Additionally, a Kent Security representative Mr. Jerry Tollenson pays for meals for these individuals.

I am requesting that the City Commission direct an independent investigation of the listed allegations by the City of Miami Civilian Investigative Panel or Auditor General. I will also forward this information to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Miami Dade Ethics Commission and the State Attorney’s Office.

The police department is 115 officers short and 80 civilian positions. Training to address the current national policing crisis and in the DOJ report has not occurred. The department is so understaffed that if there are two major crime scenes they will not have the crime scene investigators to process the scenes. None the less, the City manager is firing an African American Officer for defending himself at a civil service hearing and allowing the demotion of a high ranking police Major for a trump up allegation. Accept for promotions the Chief has done nothing and the tone is that it will be someone else’s problem to fix when I’m gone. The realism of the issue that this is a crisis and not addressing it places both the citizenry and the officers lives on the line. It’s not about being optimistic or pessimistic it’s about being realistic.

Employees United Against Corruption

08-05-2015, 11:14 AM
nothing changes at the mpd, just more good old corruption
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners:

I am writing to express my concern with the current chaos the City Manager has allowed at the City of Miami Police Department. I will highlight several incidents that have occurred that summarizes the current incompetent leadership. At one of your last commission meetings, the FOP Vice President informed you that there have been thirteen newly sworn police officers waiting for police uniforms since January. This is factual information. Chief Llanes stated on the record at the commission meeting that he was not aware that this was occurring. He was untruthful and disingenuous to all of you. On May 26, 2015, Chief Llanes administered the oath of office to 6 new officers who wore suits. Additionally, other newly sworn officers that had been administered the oaths months before by the Chief attended the ceremony in their training attire because they hadn’t been issued uniforms. Being untruthfulness violates the oath officers swear by and tarnishes the moral fabric of the law enforcement profession.

On May 30, 2015, the police department organized and hosted a gun for bikes event that occurred at 1598 NE 1st Ave. The purpose of the event was to take guns off the street. The police department collected over seventy guns in exchange for bikes. The police department allowed individuals to turn in firearms without any questions asked or documentation. This type of publicity event is reckless, irresponsible and negligent placing the city in liability. In many circumstances these firearms are used in the commission of crime. By allowing individuals to partake in these publicity stunts the police departments is allowing for the contamination of evidence that was possibly used in a crime. An example would be that an individual submits a firearm that was used in a murder. He is now allowed to legally surrender evidence without any questions asked and the evidence is now contaminated by every officer handling that weapon has placed their fingerprints and DNA. If you were the family of a murdered victim and were told that murder weapon was found but cannot be used as evidence by the prosecution because of contamination and lack of suspect information.

On April 20, 2015, the Chief of Police transferred Lieutenant Jose Alfonso from the Human Trafficking detail at the States Attorney’s Office to the Internal Affairs Anti-Corruption/Proactive Unit. Simultaneously, he transferred Lieutenants Alfonso’s son to the Human Trafficking Detail at the States Attorney’s Office. Additionally, Lieutenant Jose Alfonso was supervising his sister Officer Maritza Alfonso who is also assigned to the Internal Affairs Anti-Corruption/Proactive Unit. Besides the obvious that the Chief was taken care of the Alfonso family, lets discuss the casts of characters in this scenario. An internal affairs background check of these three individuals will clearly reveal who they truly are and their course of conduct during their careers. Lieutenant Alfonso was demoted as a Commander by Chief Exposito because of his conduct and treatment of those he is sworn to serve. He has amassed more internal affairs complaints for misconduct and lack of professionalism than any Commanding officer in the history of MPD. He is an individual who will not hesitate to violate someone civil rights or the law to make an arrest that will make him shine. Officer Maritza Alfonso who is currently assigned to internal affairs working for her brother also has a shady internal affairs profile. An example of this is an incident were Officer Maritza Alfonso was playing with her City issued firearm (some say she was drunk) and shot herself in the hand. Finally, the lieutenant’s a rookie police officer who has less than three years of police experience. He is now replacing his father in an elite assignment without any training or experience that justifies such transfer. Additionally, this is the same son who several years ago prior to becoming a police officer took his father’s City rental for a joy ride and was involved in an accident. I asked myself how was that covered up and who signed off on this individual’s hire. Unfortunately, the Chief of Police cannot claim ignorance since these assignments are under his direct purview.

It has surfaced recently that Kent Security company who a City vendor has been financially sponsoring police department events and the City Managers Charity Golf event. These individuals have circumvented City Ordinance by allowing Kent Security to make donations through a third party even though they’re the ones who are directly soliciting Kent Security. Additionally, a Kent Security representative Mr. Jerry Tollenson pays for meals for these individuals.

I am requesting that the City Commission direct an independent investigation of the listed allegations by the City of Miami Civilian Investigative Panel or Auditor General. I will also forward this information to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Miami Dade Ethics Commission and the State Attorney’s Office.

The police department is 115 officers short and 80 civilian positions. Training to address the current national policing crisis and in the DOJ report has not occurred. The department is so understaffed that if there are two major crime scenes they will not have the crime scene investigators to process the scenes. None the less, the City manager is firing an African American Officer for defending himself at a civil service hearing and allowing the demotion of a high ranking police Major for a trump up allegation. Accept for promotions the Chief has done nothing and the tone is that it will be someone else’s problem to fix when I’m gone. The realism of the issue that this is a crisis and not addressing it places both the citizenry and the officers lives on the line. It’s not about being optimistic or pessimistic it’s about being realistic.

Employees United Against Corruption

Thank you for your concern,we are all on the Friends &'Family. It is obvious you aren't,too bad for you.

08-05-2015, 12:38 PM
Thank you for your concern,we are all on the Friends &'Family. It is obvious you aren't,too bad for you.

F reinds L ove O nly W itty E nergetic R esponses S tupid

08-15-2015, 07:04 PM
"Some say she was drunk"??? In fact she was drunk. As she will proudly tell you in confidence. She was drunk and it was her day off from work. That is a fact, but the rumor is she actually did it for attention. This isn't the only thing this officer is guilty of. She has done so much harm to others that will never surface thanks to her peers that cover all her illegal and unethical stuff. Now she policing officers when she is not fit to be one and will go after those she doesn't like and cover up her little friends. What a joke!

08-15-2015, 07:13 PM
You have posted this until your fingers got tired, and what. Nothing.

Get a life.

08-15-2015, 08:32 PM
"Some say she was drunk"??? In fact she was drunk. As she will proudly tell you in confidence. She was drunk and it was her day off from work. That is a fact, but the rumor is she actually did it for attention. This isn't the only thing this officer is guilty of. She has done so much harm to others that will never surface thanks to her peers that cover all her illegal and unethical stuff. Now she policing officers when she is not fit to be one and will go after those she doesn't like and cover up her little friends. What a joke!

Day off from work please! If anything after the shooting they changed her work schedule to be off. Ask yourself these simples questions. If she was off what was she doing at the central station driving a city vehicle and parking illegally in her brothers Commanders slot parking. If she was off why would she be handling her weapon that was inside her rental vehicles trunk. Why was she at the central station off. Either way was she drinking that day? If so was she driving or handling a firearm drunk.

This ***** has always been a **** up and a drunk. She will get hers eventually.

Matter off fact I here that her baby's daddy's is in the hospital and she's been spending a lot of hours on duty visiting him.