View Full Version : FBI Hostage Rescue Team

07-25-2015, 01:52 PM
I'm hearing from a source in the FBI that their elite HRT is stepping up their training because of all the recent incidents linked to domestic terrorism. They are going around the country responding to mock terrorist attacks, and Dolphin Mall is on their list of soft targets. The HRT command at Quantico Marine Base where their headquarters is located are currently drafting a proposal to present the City of Sweetwater and Dolphin Mall. They will be including local SWAT teams in the training as perimeter security like they would do in a real incident. The way it was described to me our team will do the same job Airborne Rangers do in combat and HRT will be performing the tasks Delta Force and Team Six do in combat. This is going to be wicked for us on the SWAT team.

07-25-2015, 03:11 PM
Yeah right. Ain't gonna happen, eres un SWAT wanna be comemierda.
Remember, you work for Agua Dulce, the SWAT team here is Mikey Mouse.

So keep fantasizing about dropping into the mall from a chopper, just like Rambo, cause then you'll wake up to reality, which is your a loser mall cop.


07-25-2015, 03:26 PM
I'm hearing from a source in the FBI that their elite HRT is stepping up their training because of all the recent incidents linked to domestic terrorism. They are going around the country responding to mock terrorist attacks, and Dolphin Mall is on their list of soft targets. The HRT command at Quantico Marine Base where their headquarters is located are currently drafting a proposal to present the City of Sweetwater and Dolphin Mall. They will be including local SWAT teams in the training as perimeter security like they would do in a real incident. The way it was described to me our team will do the same job Airborne Rangers do in combat and HRT will be performing the tasks Delta Force and Team Six do in combat. This is going to be wicked for us on the SWAT team.

Didn't interim "chief" Placido Diaz disband SWAT?

07-25-2015, 10:29 PM
This two bit town does not need helicopter, mounted patrol or SWAT.
BIke and walking the beat is what SW needs.

If SWAT or air is needed, then call up the county.

07-26-2015, 12:06 AM
Didn't interim "chief" Placido Diaz disband SWAT?

He replaced SWPD with RDF. Rapid Deployment force.

07-26-2015, 12:23 AM
They 07'd foot beat and the bike unit. And he hasn't replaced SWAT with RDF. They Also took all the patrol rifles. They are all talk and no show.

07-26-2015, 02:16 AM
This two bit town does not need helicopter, mounted patrol or SWAT.
BIke and walking the beat is what SW needs.

If SWAT or air is needed, then call up the county.

Lets not get cray w/ no walking beat.. its summer.

07-26-2015, 02:17 AM
This two bit town does not need helicopter, mounted patrol or SWAT.
BIke and walking the beat is what SW needs.

If SWAT or air is needed, then call up the county.

This is clearly not a poor reserve that they have at the mall doing laps...
$6000 later... we are mall cops yayyy

07-26-2015, 03:39 AM
Your swat team will be baby sitting the military equipment. This happens in Broward every year when the SEALS come to train.

07-26-2015, 03:44 AM
The fact is Dolphin Mall is full of gang members and it's unsafe. Sweetwater PD does not have the staffing capacity, operational knowledge and proven leadership to effectively serve the mall, protect its patrons and never mind the entire business area surrounding DM! Maybe one day we might learn what political machinations were at work in having the County cede this lucrative commercial tax base to the Sweetwater? Hopefully, when the facts are known, one or more political hacks might go to federal prison then.

07-28-2015, 04:39 AM
I spoke with a county SRT guy who would help out JM during SWAT school at the college and he confirmed the training exercise is going to take place in late fall. They are going to be involved with it as perimeter security for HRT also.

07-28-2015, 06:56 PM
I'm hearing the same thing from my boy who works at Homestead AFB. He told me SOUTHCOM is going to send observers to the training so they can judge how prepared law enforcement is for a terrorist attack.

07-28-2015, 10:16 PM
Well, Homeland can save time and money, they don't need to travel all the way here because everyone knows that this Tiraflecha Dept. is no where near ready for a traffic accident investigation. ..YET alone a terrorist or active shooter incident.

07-31-2015, 11:23 AM
How can you say we are not prepared for a terrorist attack when our former deputy chief was an SF soldier. He brings a lot of knowledge to the table.

08-02-2015, 03:33 PM
Soy nica y a mucha honra.

Escribo en espaÑol porque me sale de la berga, hablo ingles, espaÑol y frances y tengo mas preparacion academica que ustedes que lo Único que tienen es un high school americano que es lo mismo que mierda.
Ustedes son un departmento de policia racista y corrupto, llenos de rejets y gente indeseables.

08-11-2015, 06:38 AM
The HRT commander will be meeting with our chief and mayor September 7 to go over the logistics and final preparations for the exercise. The date is not finalized but they are aiming for early November.

08-11-2015, 11:43 AM
The HRT commander will be meeting with our chief and mayor September 7 to go over the logistics and final preparations for the exercise. The date is not finalized but they are aiming for early November.

They're meeting with our new administration? For what? Are they looking to remodel their office? If so, they have found the right group of guys. These fantastic 4 can really tear down walls and place a mean coat of paint. But if what HRT is looking for is knowledge or input for the excercise, they're going to strike out. These guys can't even get a schedule right.

08-11-2015, 11:11 PM
They're meeting with our new administration? For what? Are they looking to remodel their office? If so, they have found the right group of guys. These fantastic 4 can really tear down walls and place a mean coat of paint. But if what HRT is looking for is knowledge or input for the excercise, they're going to strike out. These guys can't even get a schedule right.

I think HRT is basically going to tell the chief and mayor what is going down during the training and what they need from SPD during the exercise, the commander is also meeting with the MDPD director, MDFR chief, and county mayor. I'm hearing they are going to come down with two black hawks and launch from Homestead AFB. It's going to be some intense shit, I be JM and IM are wishing they were here for this.

08-12-2015, 01:10 AM
JM is too busy working on defending Raja Yuca to be worrying about some little training, Black Hawks or not.


08-12-2015, 03:55 AM
Actually the Menocals are going to be providing distractions during the training for HRT. When they fast rope onto the roof of Dave And Busters the first thing they will see is JM and IM jerking off a Great Dane, when they move into the hall they will find Junior in full throttle raja yuca mode to a sweet 16 catalog, and finally when they assault the movie theater instead of terrorist they will find abuelo Menocal slamming a goat in the ass. If they can survive this event without getting PTSD then HRT is ready for anything ISIS throws at them.

08-14-2015, 05:19 PM
Guys we are going to have a Liutenant commander from SEAL Team 6 and a Major from DELTA evaluate the joint exercise we are doing with HRT and the county SRT. My source told me they will be in plain clothes so we won't know who they are.

08-14-2015, 05:27 PM
I actually have info from someone deep within SOUTHCOM it's not really going to be HRT training, I was told there is a small detachment of HRT which is really made up of Delta and Team 6 members. It's a top secret venture with special congressional clearance, their job is to respond to incidents involving and hunt down in the shadows homegrown Muslim extremists. A lot of people which are reported missing were actually taken in by this unit, and are being kept at a black site in Colorado.

08-14-2015, 05:30 PM
No your source is wrong they keep them at the north pole in an underground base

08-14-2015, 05:35 PM
Close but your wrong the underground base is at northeast Canada on the border with Greenland(north pole) they have it set up this way so F-22s from Alandorf Air Force base in Alaska can support any possible attacks within 30 minutes of takeoff, it is like Canada's version of NORAD staffed by uniforms of both nations.

08-14-2015, 05:37 PM
The entrance is some BS mine cover company, but instead of diamonds they have NORAD 2 underground

08-14-2015, 05:39 PM
Worry about the military units which you don't know exisist, the ones that are just labeled as Task Force whatever. Those are the true best of the best

08-14-2015, 05:44 PM
Very true, I had a beer once with a British soldier whom was in a unit called Task Force 141. He used to be SAS, but was recruited by JSOC for that elite unit. They were trained to be able to take down a rural air base with just two soldiers.

08-14-2015, 06:17 PM
This more hilarious then the funny section of the papers. If I was an outsider I would actually beleave you guys lol.

Awesome !

08-15-2015, 12:31 AM
Very true, I had a beer once with a British soldier whom was in a unit called Task Force 141. He used to be SAS, but was recruited by JSOC for that elite unit. They were trained to be able to take down a rural air base with just two soldiers.

Bobby O was in that unit, they showed him the most elite way of avoiding paying people back money owed

08-15-2015, 12:52 AM
Bobby O was in that unit, they showed him the most elite way of avoiding paying people back money owed
I have to say that it's funny how prior Sweetwater Police administrations believe they could have handled an incident at the mall. The fact is that the county has to be a part of the equation. There is no way that given the limited resources could Sweetwater handle a major incident. The fact is there has to be a partnership consistent with incident command protocol.. The law enforcement community has to be one untied not one divided as in the past.

Old timer looking forward,

08-15-2015, 02:04 AM
Remember we have FEMA detention camps too.

08-15-2015, 04:48 PM
Remember we have FEMA detention camps too.

They are in the Menocals back yard, and daily manual collections of sperm samples are required. The juvenile camp is in junior's backyard

08-16-2015, 12:16 AM
I have to say that it's funny how prior Sweetwater Police administrations believe they could have handled an incident at the mall. The fact is that the county has to be a part of the equation. There is no way that given the limited resources could Sweetwater handle a major incident. The fact is there has to be a partnership consistent with incident command protocol.. The law enforcement community has to be one untied not one divided as in the past.
Old timer looking forward,
It's a fact that the retailers don't prosecute.. This action has led to reinforcing negative behavior. The crime stats will go up so long as we do not have a public/private partnership to prosecute.. This has nothing to do with resources but partnerships... This is a trend at all malls...


A true investigator

08-16-2015, 05:39 PM
It's a fact that the retailers don't prosecute.. This action has led to reinforcing negative behavior. The crime stats will go up so long as we do not have a public/private partnership to prosecute.. This has nothing to do with resources but partnerships... This is a trend at all malls...


A true investigator

Retard the comment you mentioned was referring to major incidents like an active shooter or hostage situation. The MDPD SRT would have to respond because Shitwater SWAT could not handle it, and the administration he was talking about was none other than the Menotards.

08-16-2015, 08:15 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2236292]It's a fact that the retailers don't prosecute.. This action has led to reinforcing negative behavior. The crime stats will go up so long as we do not have a public/private partnership to prosecute.. This has nothing to do with resources but partnerships... This is a trend at all malls...


A true investigator . . . REALLY? You have completely missed the point, or simply are incapable of grasping it. The theme is a tactical situation involving the FBI's HRT; not retailers unwilling to prosecute, I would guess for shoplifting. With few exceptions, previous Sweetwater PD administrations have madly embraced the notion that such a small police agency could actually and effectively respond to a major active shooter scenario similar to the ones in Aurora and Columbine, Colorado. Only in a “microcephalic ” brain is that remotely possible! Fortunately for Sweetwater PD, the agency is now led by a "pumpkin head," a leader with a huge cranial cavity hopefully housing a large cephalic mass! Let’s pray is not a hydrocephalic one!

08-18-2015, 06:21 AM
The DELTA FORCE is coming to town, September 7 they will have the dolphin project green lighted by our mayor and pumpkin head

08-18-2015, 03:06 PM
The Delta way is not for everyone only the Menocals knew this truth