View Full Version : Hiring

07-15-2015, 05:57 AM
When will MPD start hiring non certs again?

07-17-2015, 04:44 AM
When will MPD start hiring non certs again?

Are you illiterate?? Can you not read the current state of affairs with the city of miami and the police department? Of course not, who I am kidding... you will fit right in here! On the off chance you can read... you might want to take your happy ass elsewhere. This place is a joke! I'm not disgruntled... I'm a staff member, son... I'm in a pretty sweet spot. You will not be so lucky. PBSO or BSO... if you have to stay in dade county... MBPD of Gables... not good enough for them? Sunrise or Homestead. Don't fall into in this sinking ship.

07-17-2015, 02:53 PM
Want a job in MPD? Better know someone at city hall!

07-17-2015, 02:56 PM
According to a facebook post by a recruiting officer Miami Police will be hiring for two years non-stop... so go stop by city hall, tell the Mayor you want to wash his car and cut the grass for free maybe even blow him and sh*t they might just be a good reference on your application papo.

07-17-2015, 04:14 PM
I've got a masters papo, I think I should be quite fine (;

07-17-2015, 07:53 PM
Just do some porno films and you'll be great!!!!!!

07-17-2015, 09:06 PM
I've got a masters papo, I think I should be quite fine (;
PAPO??? Stick that masters degree up your ass douche bag! Some of the dumbest *******s I know have a master's degree. Your $60,000 + piece of paper has zero value in polive work. Douche

07-18-2015, 03:09 AM
Papo, you know your sargeant, your lieutenant, your major, your chief? You'll be looking up to me real soon (; You ? I won't know your name. Me? You'll be looking up at me while I laugh down on you papo. Oh and papo? 60k? Nah I got full ride to school. You the type to not know your laws and be looking mad stupid. Oh and btw, I got hired by Miami Dade. But it's okay, it's okay to look up to someone(;

07-18-2015, 03:12 AM
Those people with masters are federal or chief of a department lmfao. Chill out GED kid, your the type of officer to **** up on the job. Your probably don't even know the Admendment rights.

07-18-2015, 05:36 AM
Those people with masters are federal or chief of a department lmfao. Chill out GED kid, your the type of officer to **** up on the job. Your probably don't even know the Admendment rights.

What are these Amendment rights you speak of? Do you mean the Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments? Way to make that college degree your *****. By the way I have a degree too... the difference is I don't pin it to my chest as if its meant to define me. Instead I let my ations and articulation show the outside world I am worthy of the education I received. I don't brag, I prove and let the receiver develop thier own opinion. All my paper degree proves is that I can pass a test. It's what you do and how you apply those lessons that qualify your degree. So "Papo" take your smug know it all ass elsewhere, we have enough of your kind here. You're a dime a dozen and worthless from any angle. Don't think too hard about this, I would hate for you to waste valuable brain cells.

07-18-2015, 05:44 AM
Papo, you know your sargeant, your lieutenant, your major, your chief? You'll be looking up to me real soon (; You ? I won't know your name. Me? You'll be looking up at me while I laugh down on you papo. Oh and papo? 60k? Nah I got full ride to school. You the type to not know your laws and be looking mad stupid. Oh and btw, I got hired by Miami Dade. But it's okay, it's okay to look up to someone(;

"You the type to not know your laws and be looking mad stupid. Oh and btw, I got hired by Miami Dade. But it's okay, it's okay to look up to someone(;"

Ok there it is... no basic concept of English. You now look "mad stupid" as you so ignorantly put it. I don't look up to you. In fact you and your band of disqualified law enforcement costume wearing freaks are the main reason why I moved out of Miami Dade county. Thank you for justifying my decision and reaffirming my initial argument.

07-18-2015, 06:34 AM
"You the type to not know your laws and be looking mad stupid. Oh and btw, I got hired by Miami Dade. But it's okay, it's okay to look up to someone(;"

Ok there it is... no basic concept of English. You now look "mad stupid" as you so ignorantly put it. I don't look up to you. In fact you and your band of disqualified law enforcement costume wearing freaks are the main reason why I moved out of Miami Dade county. Thank you for justifying my decision and reaffirming my initial argument.

Lmfao!!!! This is awesome.... intelligent humor! Oye "Papo" take a lesson from this guy... you just got burned, stupid brown clown. Way to represent your peers. We can only hope you aspire to be the PIO one day, then everyone can delight in your ignorance!