View Full Version : The Real Rafael Castro

07-14-2015, 03:12 AM
Let's start with Castro's connection, his sister's BFF is the HR Director. Also, Ex- Mayor Diaz and Ex-Chief of Staff Guillermo Cuadra always protected him because of his ties to Roly and someone else I won't mention here but that's why he never got in trouble for his misconduct and criminal behavior.

Castro is a bully to all his subordinates and co-workers. He's a thug that would lie and cover all kinds of **** ups he did and tried to burn people in the process.

He was terminated from Surfside PD for False Statements and Perjury. But, he continues to do the same thing in Sweetwater PD and no one is doing anything about it.

This guy has mistreated and humiliated some many officers and now he's doing it to citizen. Mr. Cuevas can be a scumbag but we are held to a higher standard and should professional, not act like the people we arrest.

I hope FDLE comes and gets this tard for official misconduct. You're a loser Castro not a Lieutenant.

Chief Daiz please help morale and promote Sgt. St. Germain to lieutenant and fire that POS!

07-14-2015, 11:42 AM
Castro is trash not a good cop not a team player he's a liability and a law suit waiting to happen. All you need to see is his file and the proofs in the pudding. I'd love to have a one on one chat without the uniform. Everything falls under its own weight. Time is on our side. Chief NO ONE LIKES HIM the common denominator with conflicts is Castro, perhaps maybe you should consider what you did.

07-14-2015, 12:30 PM
Chief Daiz please help morale and promote Sgt. St. Germain to lieutenant ?


07-14-2015, 01:12 PM
Don't push St. Germain !!
Everyone knows (Feds, FDLE, SA, and co-workers) your ties with convict an ex SWEETWATER detective Willie García.

07-14-2015, 02:32 PM
Castro is a good guy. But I think st germain should have been LT

Plants of the morons
07-14-2015, 02:33 PM
You guys are idiots .... Castro has stood up for many and prevented the wrong doing to many innocent officers during the past administration. He could of taken the easy route and played dirty like the rest of the people , which I heard are either going to jail soon or leaving the department , and sailed through . You guys are truly jealous and envious but hey that is what haters do. I am glad to have someone like Castro as my supervisor and also call him a friend. He is doing all the right things that I'm guessing you couldn't do when u were there. It's called being fair to everyone not the selected few. So in closing you should just go with the flow and accept that change for the better is here since you and many were the problem. In other words you are morons lol......enjoy QSKing buddy .

07-14-2015, 02:34 PM
Don't push St. Germain !!
Everyone knows (Feds, FDLE, SA, and co-workers) your ties with convict an ex SWEETWATER detective Willie García.

Hey ****head. Willie worked in Sweetwater. Everyone had ties with him and socalized with him. . lol.

If there is anyone who didn't speak up. Kinda hard to avoid someone in this small city. This isn't the City of Miami

07-14-2015, 03:00 PM
You guys are idiots .... Castro has stood up for many and prevented the wrong doing to many innocent officers during the past administration. He could of taken the easy route and played dirty like the rest of the people , which I heard are either going to jail soon or leaving the department , and sailed through . You guys are truly jealous and envious but hey that is what haters do. I am glad to have someone like Castro as my supervisor and also call him a friend. He is doing all the right things that I'm guessing you couldn't do when u were there. It's called being fair to everyone not the selected few. So in closing you should just go with the flow and accept that change for the better is here since you and many were the problem. In other words you are morons lol......enjoy QSKing buddy .

Ramos, Demonte, Quintana, Trujillo. Stop licking this mans bootyhole.

07-14-2015, 03:34 PM
"heard are either going to jail soon or leaving the department "? Going to jail maybe, but to another department ? Negative, Miami Gardens PD will not take Wrves the drunk !! Nice wet dream guy!!! Lmao

07-14-2015, 03:40 PM
So we want a promotion so we have 2 Lts. that are 40 over.

07-14-2015, 04:03 PM
"heard are either going to jail soon or leaving the department "? Going to jail maybe, but to another department ? Negative, Miami Gardens PD will not take Wrves the drunk !! Nice wet dream guy!!! Lmao

Why would he go to Miami Gardens? All of you need to stay away from the rumors. Yea he has a DUI so what? Most of you have allot worst. Be careful which wet dream you ask for. Your girl might just like his dream. Or, did she already fulfill the wet dream with him? Hahaha .. Joke's on you jack!

07-14-2015, 04:22 PM
Back to the matter at hand. Castro needs to be demoted,FIRED & stripped of his certification. He's a liar, fake, makes false statements on official documents and has no backing from anyone. I think Orlando has finally realized he has made a mistake. His days are numbered. FDLE needs to look into this matter. If I'm not mistaken, while in uniform you cannot partake in any political activity. Even if it's just to advise someone that they should remove some political advertisement. I believe Mr. Cuevas felt threatened and in fear for his life because Castro was armed during the "Advice" he gave him.

07-14-2015, 10:15 PM
Bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, bs,

07-14-2015, 11:05 PM
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07-15-2015, 12:21 AM
"heard are either going to jail soon or leaving the department "? Going to jail maybe, but to another department ? Negative, Miami Gardens PD will not take Wrves the drunk !! Nice wet dream guy!!! Lmao

Oh Sordo lmao let's see who has the last laugh. U so pathetic kid !

07-15-2015, 12:34 AM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2211703]Ramos, Demonte, Quintana, Trujillo. Stop licking this mans bootyhole.[/QUOTE
Can't believe demonte would be licking this mans bootyhole when he was the one that got him fired.

07-15-2015, 12:39 AM
why would he go to miami gardens? All of you need to stay away from the rumors. Yea he has a dui so what? Most of you have allot worst. Be careful which wet dream you ask for. Your girl might just like his dream. Or, did she already fulfill the wet dream with him? Hahaha .. Joke's on you jack!

que pena !! 😂😂

07-15-2015, 12:59 AM
Ramos, Demonte, Quintana, Trujillo. Stop licking this mans bootyhole.

Let's take a moment and dedicate demonte some time..... seems like he is in desperate need of attention.

07-15-2015, 02:22 AM
Lots of wet dreams going around here. Wrves, Sordo, Castro you guys are all losers and can't go anywhere !!! I hope all you guys don't have the laugh stay miserable !!

Buffet inn
07-15-2015, 04:54 AM
Think the only loser is you.... Guess your so envious of all these guys that you come one here to try to make urself feel better bout the loser you are. You need to do more research you idiot for someone to work again obviously FDLE already looked into . Retard that's why your on here talking shit cause you have no idea how to get a real job. Don't hate and wishing your Castro or one of the other guys. Better idea why don't you tell us how good you are for police work. Lol exactly your a coward and a nobody that's why your not recognized by anyone important .

07-15-2015, 06:16 PM
Castro is trash not a good cop not a team player he's a liability and a law suit waiting to happen. All you need to see is his file and the proofs in the pudding. I'd love to have a one on one chat without the uniform. Everything falls under its own weight. Time is on our side. Chief NO ONE LIKES HIM the common denominator with conflicts is Castro, perhaps maybe you should consider what you did.

U see the title of this thread right? Cause that's all you'll ever be "ghost", no one here has LOS COJONES to go one on one with castro. This cyber guaperia u have apparently has gone to your head. Anytime any place any day, I'll put my money on him that he will use u as a mop ****tard!!

07-15-2015, 07:17 PM
U see the title of this thread right? Cause that's all you'll ever be "ghost", no one here has LOS COJONES to go one on one with castro. This cyber guaperia u have apparently has gone to your head. Anytime any place any day, I'll put my money on him that he will use u as a mop ****tard!!

Castro calm down your hoe's. By hoe's I mean the machos Papi .Lol!! Let them know que to no eres hombre.

07-15-2015, 09:55 PM
Dale pendejo tu sabes quien soy, cuando me veas solo, dime que quieres hablar y hablamos y si quieres peleamos.
Tu sabes quien soy yo , Yo no se quien tu estes, pues nada tu tienes veterans, cuando me veas y no hayan testigos pega tu primero .

07-15-2015, 10:03 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2212271]Dale pendejo tu sabes quien soy, cuando me veas solo, dime que quieres hablar y hablamos y si quieres peleamos.
Tu sabes quien soy yo , Yo no se quien tu estes, pues nada tu tienes veterans, cuando me veas y no hayan testigos pega tu primero .[/QUOTE

Ni puede escribir el bobo este. Lmao. Que personaje el pendejo esté.

07-15-2015, 10:38 PM
NO hables mas mierda cuando me veas tirame un golpe, te voy a dar la oportunidad que pegues primero.
Ahora bien despues prepara el culo porque te voy a meter la bota en el Culo.

No te voy a responder mas, ahora la bola esta de tu parte pendejo.

07-15-2015, 10:54 PM
NO hables mas mierda cuando me veas tirame un golpe, te voy a dar la oportunidad que pegues primero.
Ahora bien despues prepara el culo porque te voy a meter la bota en el Culo.

No te voy a responder mas, ahora la bola esta de tu parte pendejo.

Las bolas mías siempre han estado conmigo y bien puestas. No como la papaya tuya.

07-15-2015, 11:08 PM
NO hables mas mierda cuando me veas tirame un golpe, te voy a dar la oportunidad que pegues primero.
Le estas demostrando a todos los que escriben en este foro que eres un cobarde de mierda.
Hablas por detras del panty de tu madre, porque las bolas tuyas las tienes en tu boca.

Hasta la vista pendejo, te estoy dando demasiada importancia, mother ****er.

07-15-2015, 11:41 PM
All you mother **** es are corrupt as the day is long.
Just saw the trooper's dash cam of the SWPD dectective, Mr. Tag.

Oh, and the maintenance man arrested for allegedly molesting a minor.
Now this Castro, demanding that a political sign be removed from private property. That's the same tactics Hitler used.

Sweetwater is all ****ed up. The entire commission and city staff need to be flushed down the the toilet and let competent honest people provide the services to its residents.

Hopefully Chief Diaz will mop up the department and toss out the trash.

07-16-2015, 01:33 AM
Castro calm down your hoe's. By hoe's I mean the machos Papi .Lol!! Let them know que to no eres hombre.

What goes up ends up on 107&2 lol

07-16-2015, 02:05 AM
NO hables mas mierda cuando me veas tirame un golpe, te voy a dar la oportunidad que pegues primero.
Le estas demostrando a todos los que escriben en este foro que eres un cobarde de mierda.
Hablas por detras del panty de tu madre, porque las bolas tuyas las tienes en tu boca.

Hasta la vista pendejo, te estoy dando demasiada importancia, mother ****er.

This week you pendejo! You will cry like the little ***** you are. Make sure to wear your tampon.

07-16-2015, 03:23 AM
Que clase de animales con ropa son ustedes.
No tienen education ni morales.
Son unos coruptos y delinquentes.
llegarar el dia que caigan preso, por ser hijos de putas.
Mira Al idiota Octavio, el merece 20 anos de prison.

07-16-2015, 11:48 AM
What goes up ends up on 107&2 lol

Especially when Castro's sister is sucking my knob. I call her the Big Gulp!!!!! Castro do you suck as good as she does? I bet it runs in the family los mamalones!!!!

07-16-2015, 12:44 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2211703]Ramos, Demonte, Quintana, Trujillo. Stop licking this mans bootyhole.[/QUOTE
Can't believe demonte would be licking this mans bootyhole when he was the one that got him fired.

http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j390/johndoe34/346E76DA-38A8-4277-B457-139BC3968821.png_zps1vxumeud.jpeg (http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/johndoe34/media/346E76DA-38A8-4277-B457-139BC3968821.png_zps1vxumeud.jpeg.html)

07-16-2015, 04:25 PM
That's a great post.... You are way below Castro or for that matter all of the ones mentioned here . Seems you have issues if you spend your days and nights here talking bout people that have moved up or about to. The DOers do and the HATERS hate .

Get that tattooed on your punk ass forehead .