View Full Version : Sarasota woman accuses Subway spokesman of child porn

07-10-2015, 08:19 PM
A Sarasota woman, who asked not to be identified, said the Subway spokesman, Jared Fogle, often visited schools in Sarasota County and said numerous times that "middle school girls are hot." She contacted authorities and wore a wire and recorded phone conversations with Fogle. Federal and state authorities then raided Fogle’s home in connection with a child pornography investigation.

Fogle has not been arrested or charged following the raid.

Attorney Ron Elberger said there is no basis to the woman’s statements. "It is an unrealistic fabrication with no credibility. She said it was more than ten years ago. It never happened."

Subway suspended its relationship with Fogle.

07-16-2015, 03:12 PM
A report said Jared Fogle was widely known in college for owning a porn-lending library and the reason Fogle ate nothing but Subway was because a shop opened below his apartment, allowing him easy access to food while he stayed home running his black market rent-a-porn business.

Other reports state Fogle made hundreds of school visits to speak about a healthy diet, while giving away Subway products.

Attorneys for Fogle said federal agents found no evidence of child porn when they raided his home.

Fogle, 37, is estimated to have a net worth of $15 million.

One Sarasota County woman came forward and said...
http://www.bluemaumau.org/14572/subway%E2%80%99s_%E2%80%9Cjared%E2%80%9D_engulfed_ media_storm