View Full Version : The farewell dinner party for "chief" PUMPKIN HEAD at LOS RANCHOS Rest. in SWEETWATE

06-29-2015, 05:20 PM
The farewell dinner party for "chief" PUMPKIN HEAD and "LOS TRES CHIFLADOS" at LOS RANCHOS Restaurant in SWEETWATER.


06-29-2015, 05:37 PM
From Al Crespo
CRESPO Reports.

Remember back at the beginning of the year when I wrote the stories about Placido Diaz, former cop, and ex assistant to Commissioner Willie Gort pulling out a gun at Los Ranchos restaurant at Bayside and supposedly threatening to blow his brains out?

Well, it took a while, but after pretending that he didn’t know about the incident for several days after it happened, Chief Manny Orosa finally ordered Internal Affairs to conduct an investigation, including the behavior of the officer who answered the call for help.

Well, that investigation was completed a couple months later, but now Chiefy doesn’t want to sign off on the IA Report so that it can become public.

Why, you ask?

It seems that Placido Diaz, aka Pumpkin Head, was touted by his ex boss, Commissioner Willie ‘I’m Under Criminal Investigation’ Gort, to become the new Hearing Officer for the new Red Light Traffic Court that will be set up at City Hall, and it’s rumored that the IA Report was too embarrassing to be made public.

So, my sources tell me that Chief Manny Orosa, being Orosa, is keeping the report, along with the stuff on Javier Ortiz, and the stuff on a handful of other folks safely tucked away in his desk.

That Manny, he might not be able to run a police department in a way that reduces crime, but he sure knows how to provide protection for those on the Family and Friends Plan that allows for all of these weasel-****s to cover for each other while they collectively screw the pooch, the city and the taxpayers every which way but loose.

However, putting aside the IA Report about what happened at Los Ranchos, the fact still remains that Placido Diaz was a cop who retired after he came under scrutiny for freelancing as an enforcer in evicting troublesome tenants in the West Grove.

I wrote about all of that in PART II of my series on Diaz entitled THE SLUMLORD.

The Slumlord title came from the fact that after he left the police force - some folks claim he started before he left - he became a slumlord, with properties in Liberty City that were run so badly that his tenants held protests with signs naming him directly for his bad behavior including an interesting scheme of apartment to condo conversations that he pulled in 2008.

A blog that I discovered when writing those stories described Diaz’s actions during the housing bubble.

“Unbeknownst to residents of Liberty City Apartments,
Diaz illegally converted slum apartments into condominiums, making millions. According to legal and real estate documents Diaz bought Liberty City
Apartments in 2005 after Hurricane Wilma. Though
the building was condemned and not up to code, he received a $225,000 mortgage. Within a year, the building was appraised at $900,000 though he only invested $5000 in repairs.

Diaz illegally converted 27 of the 36 units into condos.
The conversion was never registered or approved by
Florida Condominium and Land Sales. Tenants never
received notice or right of first refusal, a violation of
Florida Law. The average sale price for each unit
was $100,000. “

06-29-2015, 07:09 PM
Mayor Lopez, don’t waste any more time with Placido Diaz and his entourage. They are all Miami Police Department toxic rejects. As these folks are all At Will employees; serving at your pleasure, evict them from office. Contact former South Miami Police Chief Orlando Martinez de Castro and offer him the job. Orlando has the experience and personality to move the Sweetwater Police Department in the right direction; which after all it is what you want, no?

Let's trace the IP
06-29-2015, 11:48 PM
I am sure the usual characters will come up.. The haters that were brought to justice and separation.. A desperate attempt to discredit good people.


The sleepier
06-30-2015, 12:05 AM
Please get real facts.. Let's look the sources Al fall asleep Al and stab u in the back Ex..
Please a criminal and a screw up judging joining forces with a felon..