View Full Version : No stability

06-06-2015, 09:42 PM
In my humble opinion not one specific person is in charge or in control. You have the mayor against the commission, The commission against the mayor. Our new leaders from the city of Miami don't know what side to choose. Then you have disgruntle command staff who demoted themselves, you have reserves that were miss treated and who are probably disgruntle towards any full timer or the new command staff member.

The city is in disarray.

At one time I really enjoyed working at this place

06-07-2015, 03:31 PM
The truth is it was this way before the new mpd people came.

Just ask yourself "WHO" is still calling the shots that didn't get demoted, because he says he was always in acting capacity? That loser ochoa! That's who. He is the one that has sweetwater the way it is!!!! He is the only person still firing people and messing with their lively hoods.

I'm not a fan of the new 4, but it's the truth! Ochoa has always had his hand in doing something bad to someone!