View Full Version : Cops, Tired of the Abuse of Power? Tell me about it......

05-29-2015, 04:36 PM
I'm an investigative reporter and specialize in police corruption and exposing things at the department/S.O. that just don't add up. I won't waste your time or 'burn' you in the media. I have a solid and proven track record and will meet/speak to anyone anonymously or 'off the record' with a 100% guarantee that I won't report anything without YOUR prior approval. My work has shaken the political landscapes of cities I've worked in and I'm not afraid to search the darkest corners of someone's closet or ask direct questions no one else will. What do you have to lose?


07-01-2015, 04:28 PM
Here's something fascinating going on with APD. Since January of 2015 and as of today, July 2015, the department has lost over 200 officers. Zone officers are over worked and morale is at an all time low... Get that out there and then I will fill you in on things that are going on inside the department.

08-24-2015, 02:34 AM
Dear WW take a look a Blame the secretary.net. Might not be much to a bigger dept, these people need help from evil doers.

01-29-2016, 08:16 PM
Well I would say you could investigate why the media didn't do their job when Mayor Reed illegally paid hundreds of thousands to his closest friends in the city including Chief George Turner. There was footage that Turner publicly lied about the reasons he was illegally paid said money and audio recording of him telling police officers why he really received it.

02-20-2016, 08:18 PM
Glad to see you guys using this forum. If there is anything we can do to help, just let me know - Chip DeBlock (813) 760-2900 Cell or chip@leoaffairs.com