View Full Version : Sexual Battery complaint

03-06-2015, 08:38 PM
PNJ article (http://www.pnj.com/story/news/2015/03/06/ecso-deputies-assault-arrests/24511867/)

Two Escambia County deputies have been charged with sexual assault against a minor, and the Escambia County Sheriff's Office is still seeking two more suspects.

Senior Deputy Mark Gene Smith was arrested and charged with felony sexual assault and misdemeanor battery. Deputy Walter Michael Thomas was arrested and charged with felony sexual assault.

Both are being held without bond and have been placed on administrative leave as an investigation is being conducted in conjunction with the State Attorney's Office.

The investigation is ongoing and no further details will be released at this time, the sheriff's office said. The sheriff's office declined to make Sheriff David Morgan available for comment on Friday. Morgan plans to hold a media conference on Monday to address the investigation..

Smith has been with the ECSO since 2005, while Thomas was hired in 2009.

Along with the arrest of the two deputies, investigators are also looking for Douglas Albert Manning, 47, and Leah Giannotti Manning, 40. The Mannings have outstanding warrants for sexual battery and child neglect. They were last seen in the area of 2000 Berg Street and are known to drive a 2013 Red Chevrolet Camaro bearing Florida tag number M59 6YZ.

Anyone with information as to their whereabouts is asked to call 911, (850) 436-9620, or Crimestoppers at 850-433-STOP.

03-06-2015, 08:48 PM
This is just too sad.

03-06-2015, 08:53 PM
What is sad is that the Sheriff refuses to talk with the media about this until Monday. Sounds to me like he has something to hide.

03-06-2015, 09:58 PM
It's comforting to know that time sheet fraud, stealing from the explorers and theft of county property are all still accepted practices under Morgan. "Its all about who you know", proven time and again. Morgan will address the media on Monday to wait and see if this was just a figment of our imagination or another optical illusion by the media.

03-06-2015, 10:58 PM
You are an idiot. Why don't you get a life loser!
It's comforting to know that time sheet fraud, stealing from the explorers and theft of county property are all still accepted practices under Morgan. "Its all about who you know", proven time and again. Morgan will address the media on Monday to wait and see if this was just a figment of our imagination or another optical illusion by the media.

03-06-2015, 11:39 PM
Why don't you go **** yourself. The truth hurts.

03-07-2015, 03:11 AM
The sheriff has been sick and he has been for a few days. Don't be stupid, he is addressing the media when they have time to prepare a statement, as would any professional

03-07-2015, 04:10 AM
So he's at work on Thursday and is sick on Friday. Funny he didn't look or act sick. Another member of the internet response team telling their lies, same as usual.

03-07-2015, 05:58 AM
The sheriff has been sick and he has been for a few days. Don't be stupid, he is addressing the media when they have time to prepare a statement, as would any professional

Now that is funny. "As would any professional." He has known about this for over a week and you want us to believe he had no idea the arrests were coming today so he couldn't make a statement? He didn't know the jail was going to explode, but he was sure quick to make a statement and grab the limelight with all sorts of accusations. Give me a break. He is only interested in limiting any damage to his ego. He is a failure and he is no professional. Almost forgot. Thanks for your input Anita.

03-07-2015, 06:05 AM
Please let's not rush to judgement! Deputy Smith was awarded Deputy of the Quarter last year, granted it was during the same time he was banging a 16 year old but nevertheless his business was handled. I hope all the FTO trainees Deputy Thomas trained were instructed on camera angles and the art of fluffing. They always say the girl was mature for her age, I present the case that the Deputies were mental infants for their age. The Badge will get you tail, a the tail will get your Badge. Sick, a child for budda's sake....a child! Maybe SVU will be making address verifications soon. A child.

03-07-2015, 12:48 PM
So I wonder what kind of bullshit training Haines and Champagne will come up with so they can know accuse all the deputies of being pedophiles. They already think we are corrupt.

03-07-2015, 06:31 PM
Next up will be illusion and figment training followed by "how to pick a loser for a sheriff" taught exclusively by Thelbert Morgan. We're still trying to confirm someone from the staff to lecture on "how I am a corrupt individual and thrive on the Morgan staff and finally we have Lt S.A. covering internal investigations, how to sustain them when the evidence says otherwise. This should be an exciting block training, see you there!!!

03-08-2015, 03:02 AM
Haines will use his investigative experience and review all of the evidence to make sure all crimes committed don't go un punished. He currently is busy keeping track of all comments posted on FB by SO people so he can open new I A 's on those who posted anything he doesn't like.

03-08-2015, 03:02 PM
I would be sick daily if I had the current bunch of senior staff working for me. I haven't seen a bigger bunch of losers in a very long time. They are all too close to retirement and do not want to do anything that will cause them more work. I say Morgan needs to come in and fire all the commanders and put some Sgts in charge for a few months.
The sheriff has been sick and he has been for a few days. Don't be stupid, he is addressing the media when they have time to prepare a statement, as would any professional

03-09-2015, 05:51 PM
I say he needs to come in and resign and let someone else take over. A poor leader with no skills.

03-09-2015, 06:46 PM
Morgan/Haines= Caligula at ecso

03-09-2015, 11:17 PM
Who? I mean really who is there that can lead? We are screwed!
I say he needs to come in and resign and let someone else take over. A poor leader with no skills.

03-10-2015, 01:01 AM
A night janitor at Wal-Mart would do a better job than any of this corrupt group.

03-12-2015, 11:06 PM
Rumor has it there are several more deputies caught on camera having relations with the momma. Nothing illegal but not within Haines moral code of standards. Are there enough chairs at the front desk for everyone he is going to order an IA on?

03-12-2015, 11:22 PM
Let's see how the dynamic duo of Morgan and Haines play this one. Surely they won't try to sweep this one under the rug. No telling who all is going to show up. Sex on duty is still a termination level offense.

03-13-2015, 01:31 AM
Word is that tricky Ricky's cell phone number popped up in the investigation and they were told to stop looking into other deputies

03-13-2015, 03:34 PM
I doubt that, but I bet a couple of supervisors are quite stressed right now. How will you handle this one Chief, sweep it under the carpet like you did when the girlfriend gave a list of all the deputies getting steroids from the cook?

03-13-2015, 10:19 PM
There is no way Haines will stop looking for pictures of deputies involved in this fiasco. That's Haines MO. He would take that evidence home with him and watch it nonstop to find something on a deputy. Remember he lives in a glass house

03-13-2015, 10:37 PM
Was he looking through one of those windows while he was discussing the female officers he wanted to "cornhole"? What a hypocrite.

03-15-2015, 04:07 AM
And the Manning's finally made it back to Pensacola tonight from their visit to Colorado

03-16-2015, 06:10 AM
Good job Ruuu Nae'

03-16-2015, 05:07 PM
Was he looking through one of those windows while he was discussing the female officers he wanted to "cornhole"? What a hypocrite.

Hypocrite is correct. He still wants this female Lieutenant. She runs crying to him when things don't go her way and when confronted about it she tells a different story. Haines had her read that IA file because she said BC was a good officer. He wants to be the only officer in her eyes. Someone should check her file to see if the most recent disciplinary action stayed or did Haines have it removed

03-17-2015, 09:53 PM
Hypocrite is correct. He still wants this female Lieutenant. She runs crying to him when things don't go her way and when confronted about it she tells a different story. Haines had her read that IA file because she said BC was a good officer. He wants to be the only officer in her eyes. Someone should check her file to see if the most recent disciplinary action stayed or did Haines have it removed

Actually, he was referring to a current Sgt. when he made that statement without any qualms at all. He just uses the Lt. to be his spy. He knows she is afraid of him and will do what he wants. Just ask the training Sgt. or the range master, I am sure they will tell you. They have told others. I am just amazed at how Haines and Champagne continue to distrust the employees and micromanage by way of policy. If they would do something differently then they write a policy to do it their way. This way they just blame the policy and no body can blame them. Haines' insistence that PCC is the answer to the distrust and candidate quality issue is a pipe dream. After all he is a PCC graduate and look at what we got with him. Someone should ask him about his time at PCC and how he almost got thrown out for not following the rules and see if he will tell you about it. He has classmates that will.

03-17-2015, 09:55 PM
Hell yeah the good ol boy system is working well for Eric's friends. What ever happened to the brother of the Patrol commander that committed numerous counts of fraud? No prosecution and allowed to resign instead of being fired. What's up Eric? Please explain.

03-17-2015, 10:04 PM
Correction, the brother of the patrol colonel.

03-17-2015, 11:00 PM
Interesting how Haines wants to progress into the future with PCC kids because they are young and computer smart yet the Sheriff has a patrol Colonel who is as dumb as a box of rocks and can't use a computer and has no computer knowledge. What is that saying about a true leader? Don't ask your workers to do something that you can't or won't do. Haines is too afraid to do real police work and doesn't know how to do it Eddins has to get help turning his computer on and off each day. When no one is around to help him he gets Weston and Custer to do his work.

03-23-2015, 03:08 AM
There is no way Haines will stop looking for pictures of deputies involved in this fiasco. That's Haines MO. He would take that evidence home with him and watch it nonstop to find something on a deputy. Remember he lives in a glass house

No I definitely keep hearing that he isn't going to pursue any other officers. Guess he picks & chooses when he's going to play the moral chief role. Maybe a friend is involved or something.

03-24-2015, 02:34 PM
Friend involved? If that were true it would be easy to figure out who it was because I don't think the Chief has any friends. Maybe one friend that runs and tattles to him Maybe a couple more if you count his family.

Maybe a friend involved. Now that's just plain funny

03-24-2015, 06:07 PM
They chose to stop because of the exposure to the SO it would cause. A Commander and 4 Lieutenants were also seen on videos seized from the computer but you know that will never surface. Keep thumping the bible chief, you shall repent one day yourself.

03-24-2015, 09:07 PM
They chose to stop because of the exposure to the SO it would cause. A Commander and 4 Lieutenants were also seen on videos seized from the computer but you know that will never surface. Keep thumping the bible chief, you shall repent one day yourself.

Haines only uses the Bible as an excuse to further his own agenda. Anybody that goes to muster and talks about people the way he does or targets people due to his personal biases is no Christian. He is a fake who is power hungry and twists everything to deflect responsibility for unpopular decisions. However, I agree that this too will be covered up because it will draw attention to his highness the Sheriff. Do the right thing now and resign because you are a failure from DC, RS, RE and EH you have single handedly ruined this agency.

03-24-2015, 09:45 PM
He covered up a steroid distribution ring involving several deputies, no reason why this should be any different. This administration is one of the most corrupt. Everything done in the dark comes to light in due time.

03-25-2015, 12:36 AM
They covered up a DUI on duty and a dv in santa rosa too. This too shall pass.

Escambia Gladiator
03-27-2015, 07:01 PM
Since this keeps getting taken down. TWICE NOW! I will repost it again.
https://conjuringjusticeblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/manning.jpg?w=300&h=300 (https://conjuringjusticeblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/manning.jpg)
This case just gets more deprecating the more facts that are released. Two sources at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, confirm that the minors that were sexually assaulted by the Mannings and Sheriff Deputies, were the twin daughters of Leah Manning by a previous marriage. One of the 17 year old’s thought she was pregnant, presumably by one of the 2 deputies involved in this circus of a case. The same 2 sources have also confirmed that between 10 & 12 OTHER deputies, including 4 lieutenants and 1 commander, have participated in sexual activities with the Mannings. It is unknown how many of those deputies have had sexual contact or molested the teenage daughters.
The truth of the matter is this lifestyle is common knowledge and tolerated at the Sheriff’s department and the arrest of the 2 deputies was only prompted by a Gulf Coast Children’s Home Society tip about the pregnancy of the one of the teens. The child advocacy group’s their insistence on action being taken is the only reason this story ever broke. The depths of the Morgan knowledge is non-deniable as it is rumored he may also be a party to such a lifestyle which is completely legal as long as the participants are consenting and of age of consent. Unfortunately, this kind of sexual deviance tends to be progressive in the directions which it tends to advance. For example, there is higher probability of participation in pornographic videos, photos and other more salacious sexual predilections of which child exploitation and child pornography are on the periphery.
The fact that the Sheriff would not root out any and all deputies who may have violated the teens is one of the most reprehensible act and the aura of culpability around this Sheriff and his boys in blue cannot be tolerated. These are the public servants Escambia County citizens look to for safety. Would you trust your kids in their presence? I damn sure wouldn’t.
Is there any doubt why this Sheriff and his “Good Ole Boys” including his puppets Rick Outzen and David Craig along with Bill Eddins (who allows for this sort of behavior) should not be run out of town on a rail? Rick Outzen won’t report on it and David Craig will try to minimize it while Bill Eddins sweeps it all under the rug. C’mon Escambia County, wake up! Are you really going to re-elect these people?
https://conjuringjusticeblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/morgancard-top-cropped.jpg?w=858&h=266 (https://conjuringjusticeblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/morgancard-top-cropped.jpg)

03-28-2015, 02:48 AM
Probably getting deleted becauase you are revealing victims identities who are minors and victims of a sex crime and that is supposed to be protected info.

03-28-2015, 05:04 PM
Probably getting deleted becauase you are revealing victims identities who are minors and victims of a sex crime and that is supposed to be protected info.

How about they were deleted because the depravity of the crimes is trying to be minimized by piss poor Sheriff?

04-01-2015, 09:40 AM
Now the computer crimes expert is being transferred out. Just how cost effective is it to train someone for over 100's of hours and years of experience to just kick him out, especially since he has knowledge of the Commander and 4 Lieutenants that had partaken is the same enjoyment. I think it would be absolutely wonderful if FDLE found a little something to open their own investigation just to expose the real players, who knew and who covered up what. I would imagine that those at the top would fall very fast!

04-02-2015, 01:13 AM
That move is voluntary

04-02-2015, 12:56 PM
No it isn't, you have your information wrong.

Escambia Gladiator
04-02-2015, 04:00 PM
There was a bunch of deputies who rotated in and out of the Manning house. The victims were Leah's twin daughters. So only 2 deputies were on the tape having sex with the girls, what about the deputies who aren't on tape but got their freak on with the girls? No one seems to care about the OTHER deputies who didn't get caught red-handed. The openly oversexed deputies that still have a badge, driving around the streets of Pensacola is what bothers me. I wonder how many other kids these deputies would take advantage of? Doesn't that scare anybody?

04-23-2015, 01:08 PM
What in the world are you talking about??? You just ramble on from one jumbled fragmented thought to the next. For the love of God, please take an English class. I have no idea what you are trying to convey? This is why i don't send my kids to public school in Escambia County.

04-23-2015, 03:24 PM
Content deleted for violation of Terms of Use. The poster anonymously accused named law enforcement officers of criminal conduct, drug use, policy violations and brought at least one family member into the mix. LEOAFFAIRS.COM is not the place to file grievances against LEOs, we have Internal Affairs for that. From what I understand the poster has already filed this information with IA but did not obtain the outcome they wanted, so they are now attempting to use this site to tarnish the names of these officers. We do not support this nor do we support information being placed on this site to be used as a basis for internal affairs investigations - Sysop

How many times have you been Baker Acted? Are you currently taking your medication? Do you hear voices that tell you to hurt yourself or others? Help is available and who ever you are, you need some fuc*ing help. Now please take your dysfunctional, trailer park trash ass to the website www.crazyaffairs.com and post there.

Escambia Gladiator
04-23-2015, 08:50 PM
What in the world are you talking about??? You just ramble on from one jumbled fragmented thought to the next. For the love of God, please take an English class. I have no idea what you are trying to convey? This is why i don't send my kids to public school in Escambia County.

WTF are you talking about? If you took English, you should be able to see, I am questioning the safety of the other kids in Escambia County, knowing that pervs with badges are out there with God complexes sexually assaulting kids. If you don't see the problem in my concern, perhaps you are one of the freaks screwing everything with a pulse including children?

BTW the title of this post is the "SEXUAL BATTERY COMPLAINT" referring to the sexual misconduct of deputies...I know this thread being 5 pages long, you probably forgot what you were here for but the content is relevant and your comment is not.

04-23-2015, 09:57 PM
WTF are you talking about? If you took English, you should be able to see, I am questioning the safety of the other kids in Escambia County, knowing that pervs with badges are out there with God complexes sexually assaulting kids. If you don't see the problem in my concern, perhaps you are one of the freaks screwing everything with a pulse including children?

BTW the title of this post is the "SEXUAL BATTERY COMPLAINT" referring to the sexual misconduct of deputies...I know this thread being 5 pages long, you probably forgot what you were here for but the content is relevant and your comment is not.

Settle down there flock of seagulls, i was posting about the person who had their rant deleted. See the post below mine in the quotes where the Mod deleted it.

Chill the eff out dude or back off on the testosterone cream, you're going to give yourself a stroke.

04-23-2015, 11:32 PM
My apologies. I didn't realize there was a comment deleted. It appeared to be a response to my earlier post. BTW, no testosterone....I'm a woman, so watch you f*****g mouth :)

04-25-2015, 06:48 AM
How old are these kids? The media doesnt really give an age but it doesnt seem like they are little kids. My question is, does the police department charge people on every case like this? I'm not defending the officers by any means but it doesnt seem fair if they close other cases that are like this but only charge the ones that involves officers. There has to be a record of other ones they have closed.

04-25-2015, 06:51 AM
Google "probable cause". If probable cause exist then charges are filed. Doesn't matter where the suspect is employed.

04-25-2015, 02:03 PM
How old are these kids? The media doesnt really give an age but it doesnt seem like they are little kids. My question is, does the police department charge people on every case like this? I'm not defending the officers by any means but it doesnt seem fair if they close other cases that are like this but only charge the ones that involves officers. There has to be a record of other ones they have closed.

The kids are 14 & 16. More deputies are involved. High ranking! they ain;t being charged. then you got other deputies bailing out MS and probably WT too. Thats some dirty shit. Sex w/kids..middle aged deputies not like their young. they knew better.

04-26-2015, 08:21 AM
It's very obvious that "Escambia Gladiator" is J. Staley who writes for that shitrag The Panhandle Politico. She wrote the same gibberish in her articles. She clearly believes that just because 1 or 2 deputies committed a crime the ALL Deputies must be criminals and pedophiles. She forgot to realize that it was Deputies who served the search warrants and arrested those in question.

99% of the Sheriifs Office has outstanding morals and many have families and children. We would never condone such behavior. What a narrow minded idiot she is.

04-26-2015, 08:25 AM
I caught that too. Her post on here were verbatim to her articles in Panhandle politico. Jimmie S. is a joke.

04-26-2015, 12:51 PM
But there are more involved. The Sheriff ordered the investigation closed to prevent a backlash of embarrassment to him and the department. There are a few of higher rank than a mere deputy.

04-26-2015, 06:21 PM
Okay, if the investigation is closed then do a public records request and find out the truth instead of bashing all of the deputies.

Escambia Gladiator
04-26-2015, 10:00 PM
It's very obvious that "Escambia Gladiator" is J. Staley who writes for that shitrag The Panhandle Politico. She wrote the same gibberish in her articles. She clearly believes that just because 1 or 2 deputies committed a crime the ALL Deputies must be criminals and pedophiles. She forgot to realize that it was Deputies who served the search warrants and arrested those in question.

99% of the Sheriifs Office has outstanding morals and many have families and children. We would never condone such behavior. What a narrow minded idiot she is.


The definition of a bad cop is one who sees a crime and turns his head because he's too chicken shit to come forward. You knew about the pedophiles in your ranks, you kept your, now, loud mouth, closed. You are the disgrace, wearing a badge but not the pride. You complain about Morgan but y'all are just like him. The world doesn't revolve around you. Your job is to serve and protect not to ***** and bully. I am not hiding behind "anonymous". Big men y'all are...can't say anything unless it's behind the protection of a mask. MAN THE **** UP! STOP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH & MAKE A DIFFERENCE! IF YOU CAN'T DO THAT, THEN GET THE **** OUT OF MY WAY BECAUSE I WILL.

04-27-2015, 12:24 AM
Wow. Did I touch a nerve there Jimmie?

04-27-2015, 12:38 AM
No I'm just calling a spade a spade. Or in your case a coward a coward. I bet you are one of the scumbags that rolled in and out of the Manning house. Are you a pedophile or do you just like to be around them?

04-27-2015, 12:44 AM
Deputies make a difference every day. They step up and put their lives on the line for people just like you. The 1st person to call a Deputy when needed and the 1st person to openly criticize them and talk trash behind their backs.

Do you honestly believe that officers had knowledge of dirty cops and did nothing to stop it? If you do, then you're as delusional as your rant leads us all to believe. Yes, I believe other officers had relations with Leah but not her daughters. Again 99% of the cops in this department would beat a pedophiles ass especially a fellow officer!

04-27-2015, 12:45 AM
No I'm just calling a spade a spade. Or in your case a coward a coward. I bet you are one of the scumbags that rolled in and out of the Manning house. Are you a pedophile or do you just like to be around them?

BTW My main forum isn't panhandlepolitico.com; it is ConjuringJustice.com. What exactly do you contribute to this world besides *****ing about things you are too skeerd to speak up about? maybe you hold the local record for doughnut eating? Or maybe just nut eating?

04-27-2015, 04:41 AM
Let me say this, I am a Deputy and I pride myself on being one of the good ones and Escambia County has a lot of the good ones. Jimmie Staley, I do not know you, but I like the fact that you are against David Morgan. I for one think that the department will be much better once he and his admin are gone, but then again I thought the same thing about Ronnie Mac and we have regressed big time. First off I am not now nor will I ever defend the actions of the 2 deputies that were arrested for sexual battery charges. What I will say is that calling them pedophiles is wrong. If someone steps out if front of your car and you hit them causing them to die does that make you a murderer? A pedophile is described as someone who is sexually attracted to a child. A child is defined as someone who has not yet reached puberty. In some states, like Alabama, the age of consent is 16 so this wouldn't even be a crime. In Florida, if the Deputy had of been 23 years old this wouldn't be a crime. It is still messed up and morally and ethically wrong so don't misunderstand what I am saying. All I am saying is you can't paint everyone with a pedophile brush. There are true pedophiles out there who have sex with 5 and 6 year old kids and even younger. That is not the case for these two deputies. Once again, I will reiterate before I start getting bashed, I am not defending them, and I hope they get what is coming to them because what they did was wrong, but calling them pedophiles just isn't a true representation of the crimes that they committed unless something new comes to light. If that was the case then if they had sex with a 17 3/4 year old they would be pedophiles, but if they waited a week for her to turn 18 they would not be. See the difference.
The next thing I would like to address is your believing that there were so many deputies that knew about this and didn't say anything. That is a complete bunch of BS. MS and MT might have known about each other doing it, and yes there are rumors floating around about other deputies being involved with the Manning's (which is perfectly legal for consenting adults), but NOT the juveniles. As far as I know, myself included, no other deputies knew about this and if there was it would only be a couple of maybe their close friends, but I bet that is not even the case because it is not something one would brag about. So stop trying to say this is a conspiracy and all of these deputies knew about the stuff with the juveniles. Now with all that being said please continue to dig up any and all dirt that you can find on Morgan and/or his admin and let's see if we can't get someone else elected as sheriff.

04-27-2015, 12:44 PM
First of all let me just say I appreciate you standing up for those who are not on the wrong side of this and calmly and informatively pleading your case. I respect you for solidly being a voice that is anti-Morgan.

My primary schooling is in Psychology primarily and Criminology secondary. I do appreciate you pointing out the distinction of pedophilia. Pedophilia, by definition, is someone with an exclusive prediliction to have sex with children (usually prepubecent children). Pedophiles do not find adults sexually arousing. It has become an overgeneralized term for child molester who are defined as people that have sex wih people indiscriminate of age with, opportunity and convenience being the circumstance rather than pedophiles that tend to be planners.

Having said that, I want to explain my position. I have sent feelers out in all directions to try to see if there were any more victims of this horrible situation. Statistics tell us that child molestors and pedophiles are not one hit wonders. It simply is a matter of them crossing a moral line that opens up a world of new options. I have had people come to me with their stories. MS is more than the Manning case. I have people scared to go to law enforcement because people like SC have covered up some of his sex-capades. This man has devasted more than just these 2 kids. He attempted to rape a woman before WT pulled him off the woman. SC was aware of that...Nothing happened. Now where I come from when you have people covering up this stuff like SC and WT, you have a systemic problem. So while there is a lot of "free love" with consenting adults, there is more to this as well. Just because you don't know about it doesn't make it not true. I have spent the better part of 6 weeks talking to people and listening to stories. People unrelated who don't know the others from Adam, yet the one thing that is constant is that there are bad deputies who are being enabled to sexual violate women and children.

Now you may be a good one and I applaud that but I have hit a wall when I try to get good cops to speak up on events that they are aware of involving things of this nature. Those are the people who are the most disappointing to me. Those who have knowledge and do nothing. Protect and serve but at the least do no harm. Break down this wall, call a spade a spade. Then I will respect the badge you wear, but ignorance is not an excuse. Y'all are supposed to be crime solvers. Looking for peculiar behavior and actions that indicate criminality. That should not end when you're amongst each other in your own house. That is what dishonors the badge. I am speaking to whoever the shoe fits here.

“Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.”
― William Arthur Ward

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
― Edward Everett Hale

Escambia Gladiator
04-27-2015, 12:47 PM
Sorry I wasn't logged in, but this was my response.

First of all let me just say I appreciate you standing up for those who are not on the wrong side of this and calmly and informatively pleading your case. I respect you for solidly being a voice that is anti-Morgan.

My primary schooling is in Psychology and Criminology secondary. I do appreciate you pointing out the distinction of pedophilia. Pedophilia, by definition, is someone with an exclusive prediliction to have sex with children (usually prepubecent children). Pedophiles do not find adults sexually arousing. It has become an overgeneralized term for child molester who are defined as people that have sex wih people indiscriminate of age with, opportunity and convenience being the circumstance rather than pedophiles that tend to be planners.

Having said that, I want to explain my position. I have sent feelers out in all directions to try to see if there were any more victims of this horrible situation. Statistics tell us that child molestors and pedophiles are not one hit wonders. It simply is a matter of them crossing a moral line that opens up a world of new options. I have had people come to me with their stories. MS is more than the Manning case. I have people scared to go to law enforcement because people like SC have covered up some of his sex-capades. This man has devasted more than just these 2 kids. He attempted to rape a woman before WT pulled him off the woman. SC was aware of that...Nothing happened. Now where I come from when you have people covering up this stuff like SC and WT, you have a systemic problem. So while there is a lot of "free love" with consenting adults, there is more to this as well. Just because you don't know about it doesn't make it not true. I have spent the better part of 6 weeks talking to people and listening to stories. People unrelated who don't know the others from Adam, yet the one thing that is constant is that there are bad deputies who are being enabled to sexual violate women and children.

Now you may be a good one and I applaud that but I have hit a wall when I try to get good cops to speak up on events that they are aware of involving things of this nature. Those are the people who are the most disappointing to me. Those who have knowledge and do nothing. Protect and serve but at the least do no harm. Break down this wall, call a spade a spade. Then I will respect the badge you wear, but ignorance is not an excuse. Y'all are supposed to be crime solvers. Looking for peculiar behavior and actions that indicate criminality. That should not end when you're amongst each other in your own house. That is what dishonors the badge. I am speaking to whoever the shoe fits here.

“Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.”
― William Arthur Ward

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
― Edward Everett Hale

04-27-2015, 01:15 PM

The definition of a bad cop is one who sees a crime and turns his head because he's too chicken shit to come forward. You knew about the pedophiles in your ranks, you kept your, now, loud mouth, closed. You are the disgrace, wearing a badge but not the pride. You complain about Morgan but y'all are just like him. The world doesn't revolve around you. Your job is to serve and protect not to ***** and bully. I am not hiding behind "anonymous". Big men y'all are...can't say anything unless it's behind the protection of a mask. MAN THE **** UP! STOP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH & MAKE A DIFFERENCE! IF YOU CAN'T DO THAT, THEN GET THE **** OUT OF MY WAY BECAUSE I WILL.

As you sit behind your computer and imagine what my/our (not yours) career is like, you seem to have based it on the shows you watch on the television. I imagine that in your world, we sit around thinking of who we are going to harm before we start work, drink on duty and recklessly shoot our guns in the air when we are drunk. You've envisioned "your world" of law enforcement based the product of the poor entertainment that writers dream up to sell a show. You've probably watch the HBO series "The Wire" and think that is what all law enforcement must be like? Well climb off your horse "gladiator" because you have no idea.

I don't know of one person who knew what these two were doing. I've known both of these cops for years, as many of us have. They may have known what the other was doing but they kept their skeletons hidden in the closet, not known between the rest of us. It isn't something a person of actual moral character would share since the other 99% of us believe in what we do. The only ones hiding their heads in the sand is the administration of this department since there are others involved and they have chosen to distance themselves as far from the truth as possible. Would it be a scandal that would rock not just our agency or county? Yes, it would rock the entire foundation of law enforcement but we cannot heal until the entire injury is exposed and treated. This isn't my point of my post, it the fact that YOU believe that we knew and covered it up, like we were slapping each other on the back and exchanging numbers. The mere fact that you have no idea what you're talking about and your immaturity to say something like that suggests your immoral aptitude in the least.

04-27-2015, 03:15 PM
"As you sit behind your computer and imagine what my/our (not yours) career is like, you seem to have based it on the shows you watch on the television. I imagine that in your world, we sit around thinking of who we are going to harm before we start work, drink on duty and recklessly shoot our guns in the air when we are drunk. You've envisioned "your world" of law enforcement based the product of the poor entertainment that writers dream up to sell a show. You've probably watch the HBO series "The Wire" and think that is what all law enforcement must be like? Well climb off your horse "gladiator" because you have no idea."

This is rich. As you tell me of what I don't know about you, I will tell you the same is true of you of me. Do you want to know why I know that others are covering it up, while others like you have their heads in the sand? It has nothing to do with tv. It is from the deputies you work with. I am telling you what they (more than one) are telling me. So from where I stand, you are the ignorant one. Seems like you have no idea, willfull ignorance is not an excuse. Get of your sanctimonious BS. You are not some righteous badge-wearing Andy Griffith cop. You point fingers and bully. Your department is broken. If you are not aware of it, maybe you are the one in La-la land because your fellow brothers in green readily speak up and confirm each other's versions without knowing what the others have said. So when I tell you others knew, I KNOW THAT OTHERS KNEW. Like I said are you a part of the solution or the problem? from where I sit you are a lazy waste of space, blowing hot air and riding your God-complex. Sounds like a certain Sheriff. Are you that worthless?

BTW and my immaturity to say something like that suggesting my immoral aptitude is your infantile effort to take your impotence and project it on to someone else who is superior to you. It's paramount to saying "i'm rubber and your glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."--Yeah like that is mature. Also, if you had paid attention, you would have seen that my aim is to bring forth morality to this ethical wasteland that you sanctimoniously defend and wallow in....

04-27-2015, 03:38 PM
While you two are arguing the definition of a pedophile the rest of us are wondering why an independent law enforcement agency like FDLE isn't in charge of the investigation. Instead, the ECSO has several investigators including supervisors who are rumored to have had sex with the Manning couple. If this is true it's a clear conflict and any investigation, no matter how well or unbiased will appear tainted and may harm the prosecution of the cases. Maybe that is the intent or maybe Morgan doesn't want someone to know some things about his friends and staff.

The likelyhood that there were only two suspects who had sex with the minors seems unbelievable when it is understood just how many police, fire, ems and random civilians friends are believed to have engaged in relations with the Manning couple.

It is important for the truth to come out in this case and the only chance we have is for independent LE to investigate.

04-27-2015, 03:47 PM
"As you sit behind your computer and imagine what my/our (not yours) career is like, you seem to have based it on the shows you watch on the television. I imagine that in your world, we sit around thinking of who we are going to harm before we start work, drink on duty and recklessly shoot our guns in the air when we are drunk. You've envisioned "your world" of law enforcement based the product of the poor entertainment that writers dream up to sell a show. You've probably watch the HBO series "The Wire" and think that is what all law enforcement must be like? Well climb off your horse "gladiator" because you have no idea."

This is rich. As you tell me of what I don't know about you, I will tell you the same is true of you of me. Do you want to know why I know that others are covering it up, while others like you have their heads in the sand? It has nothing to do with tv. It is from the deputies you work with. I am telling you what they (more than one) are telling me. So from where I stand, you are the ignorant one. Seems like you have no idea, willfull ignorance is not an excuse. Get of your sanctimonious BS. You are not some righteous badge-wearing Andy Griffith cop. You point fingers and bully. Your department is broken. If you are not aware of it, maybe you are the one in La-la land because your fellow brothers in green readily speak up and confirm each other's versions without knowing what the others have said. So when I tell you others knew, I KNOW THAT OTHERS KNEW. Like I said are you a part of the solution or the problem? from where I sit you are a lazy waste of space, blowing hot air and riding your God-complex. Sounds like a certain Sheriff. Are you that worthless?

BTW and my immaturity to say something like that suggesting my immoral aptitude is your infantile effort to take your impotence and project it on to someone else who is superior to you. It's paramount to saying "i'm rubber and your glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."--Yeah like that is mature. Also, if you had paid attention, you would have seen that my aim is to bring forth morality to this ethical wasteland that you sanctimoniously defend and wallow in....

I am telling you that the 99% of us didn't know what these two deputies were doing. I am defending those of us that are honest and do an honest days work for our pay. I never said our department wasn't broken, you've said all of that and implied the rest. You actually do speak ignorantly since you have stereotyped all of us that work at the agency, corrupt and a part of the problem. I never once defended anyone from the administration, to the contrary. I believe you have a serious psychological issue with police officers in general since you continue with your banter regarding ego's and "god-complexes". The majority of us don't find ourselves above the law and the same rules that apply to everyone else, apply to us. YOU feel you have a right to judge, try and convict every police officer/deputy sheriff with this agency because of the top administration. I, nor do the majority support them and those on your blog page are the same we would wish leave, removed or quit. I was merely defending this "slap on the ass" good job thing you stated also on your blog that we walk around exchanging number regarding the case you mentioned. You completely tried to spin this into an ego thing with me but I believe you have a deeper issue with law enforcement in general. We support many of the same things yet are very different. Keep with your stereotyping and while you think of another juvenile response, ill be on my way for a fresh dozen of doughnuts since I'm lazy and nothing to do but sit under a tree.

04-27-2015, 03:53 PM
While you two are arguing the definition of a pedophile the rest of us are wondering why an independent law enforcement agency like FDLE isn't in charge of the investigation. Instead, the ECSO has several investigators including supervisors who are rumored to have had sex with the Manning couple. If this is true it's a clear conflict and any investigation, no matter how well or unbiased will appear tainted and may harm the prosecution of the cases. Maybe that is the intent or maybe Morgan doesn't want someone to know some things about his friends and staff.

The likelyhood that there were only two suspects who had sex with the minors seems unbelievable when it is understood just how many police, fire, ems and random civilians friends are believed to have engaged in relations with the Manning couple.

It is important for the truth to come out in this case and the only chance we have is for independent LE to investigate.
and it makes me wonder....the computer crimes investigator that worked the case to remove the video's from CS's hard drive was threatened with a transfer. Well that has since been abolished and I wouldn't doubt that he was directed to eliminate any other incriminating evidence against any other deputies that may have been seen on any computer or device. A public records request wont do any good on open investigation. The bible thumper and sheriff himself wanted it closed as soon as possible. A particular commander RS was rumored to be on the video with 5 lieutenants, all at separate times of course.

04-27-2015, 05:20 PM
Thank you. That is truly the topic of discussion. There are more involved.PERIOD! That is no secret. The number of partners to the Mannings is what about 50? There seems to be a lot of bobbing and weaving within the Chief PCC and the Sheriff. Why? Why not just let the guilty parties hang themselves?

Watched a video from 2011 Sir David did. I love the things he says.
""when we get a number of complaints on an officer, that's a red flag." "what's the problem? is the punsishment punitive, notices? When one person has that many complaints, where there's smoke there's got to be fire".

"When I first came in (to office as Sheriff", the first thing I said is there is one deadly sin "if you lie in law enforcement, you're done." (if you lie) what you've told me is that you have propensity to not tell the truth, what we call in criminal justice system , perjury. If society can't trust you to tell the truth on the facts of a case as you see them, then you are of no use in law enforcement. Our system of justice is built on our ability to tell the truth. I want you to think about that. If we're all about lying whether it's business, or government, what kind of society is that? Stolen valor. shows dishonor and disrespect to those of us that have earned it. "

"I didn't promise anybody any promotions (when I became Sheriff). I defy you to find someone that will say I did.because that's not me I don't do that. "the code is I will not lie, cheat or steal, I won't tolerate those in our ranks that do."

04-27-2015, 05:30 PM
I am telling you that the 99% of us didn't know what these two deputies were doing. I am defending those of us that are honest and do an honest days work for our pay. I never said our department wasn't broken, you've said all of that and implied the rest. You actually do speak ignorantly since you have stereotyped all of us that work at the agency, corrupt and a part of the problem. I never once defended anyone from the administration, to the contrary. I believe you have a serious psychological issue with police officers in general since you continue with your banter regarding ego's and "god-complexes". The majority of us don't find ourselves above the law and the same rules that apply to everyone else, apply to us. YOU feel you have a right to judge, try and convict every police officer/deputy sheriff with this agency because of the top administration. I, nor do the majority support them and those on your blog page are the same we would wish leave, removed or quit. I was merely defending this "slap on the ass" good job thing you stated also on your blog that we walk around exchanging number regarding the case you mentioned. You completely tried to spin this into an ego thing with me but I believe you have a deeper issue with law enforcement in general. We support many of the same things yet are very different. Keep with your stereotyping and while you think of another juvenile response, ill be on my way for a fresh dozen of doughnuts since I'm lazy and nothing to do but sit under a tree.

Look Jackass you aren't worth spending another second on. I didn't have a thing against law enforcement. If you must know I worked in the Criminal Justice field. I had nothing but respect for police. Never had any encounter other than a speeding ticket. Until I started researching the Billings Case, specifically your organization. I have studied your department for 3 years. I have people on the inside and on the periphery. I have nothing but respect for the ones who have come forward to try to help...like the guy redirecting our conversation, but I don't have respect for those who sit behind their anonymous screen name and cast stones. Now get your hand out of your pants Deputy Dawg and lets get back to the issue on this board.

Who knows what and why are they covering it up?

04-27-2015, 06:07 PM
Do you even pay attention to what you're writing? You should change your handle from "Escambia Gladiator" to "Captain Contradiction". First you're angry because no Deputies will speak up, the you know every thing because all our "Brothers in Green" are talking to you. You say you respect law enforcement but you write articles bashing and generalizing cops. You call us all pedophiles and donut eaters. Great job on the name calling by the way. This is a Law Enforcement site. Go away!

04-27-2015, 07:00 PM
Okay, if the investigation is closed then do a public records request and find out the truth instead of bashing all of the deputies.
How long do you think it would take the Chief to give you a personal phone call asking why you were making a public records request for this investigation!!

04-27-2015, 09:46 PM
Someone needs to look into the Chief's accident. Did he call a supervisor to work it as an uninterested party? Did he have ID take photos of the damage and did he estimate the dollar amount of the damage? Did he complete a blue form?

04-28-2015, 12:32 AM
So, I am wondering about the other un-named people who supposedly went to these peoples house to have sex. Is it just an opportunity to go over to their house and have sex whenever they wanted to do so. All of this based on friendship and an opportunity to get it one with......who......the children.....lthe parents......anyone......??? Was it free love as the hippies on the West Coast would call it?? Was MONEY paid for this wonderful opportunity??? There are too many unanswered questions about WHO was involved, and WHAT exactly transpired, and NO answers available. The Sheriff has spoken many times in the past about honesty and doing the right thing, but if they have ended this investigation to protect those who may have indulged this sets the tone for how the Sheriff deals realistically and with transparency on issues involving HIS deputies.

A challenge Sheriff......show us what you are made of in dealing with this issue!!!!! No comparisons to Churchill...no intellectual BS......just the Facts.......

04-30-2015, 04:21 AM
So, I am wondering about the other un-named people who supposedly went to these peoples house to have sex. Is it just an opportunity to go over to their house and have sex whenever they wanted to do so. All of this based on friendship and an opportunity to get it one with......who......the children.....lthe parents......anyone......??? Was it free love as the hippies on the West Coast would call it?? Was MONEY paid for this wonderful opportunity??? There are too many unanswered questions about WHO was involved, and WHAT exactly transpired, and NO answers available. The Sheriff has spoken many times in the past about honesty and doing the right thing, but if they have ended this investigation to protect those who may have indulged this sets the tone for how the Sheriff deals realistically and with transparency on issues involving HIS deputies.

A challenge Sheriff......show us what you are made of in dealing with this issue!!!!! No comparisons to Churchill...no intellectual BS......just the Facts.......

I have some questions about when you and your boyfriend have sex, and what positions you enjoy. Why won't you answer me!!!

04-30-2015, 04:05 PM
I have some questions about when you and your boyfriend have sex, and what positions you enjoy. Why won't you answer me!!!

You're a ****tard

05-04-2015, 05:04 PM
Someone needs to look into the Chief's accident. Did he call a supervisor to work it as an uninterested party? Did he have ID take photos of the damage and did he estimate the dollar amount of the damage? Did he complete a blue form?

You are an idiot. It was his first in years which gets you a written counseling. He received a documented counseling from Lt. Custer. Just like any deputy at fault. You don't have to do the blue form on private property. He hit his own vehicle. It's like hitting a mailbox. It's an offense report and a damage to county vehicle report, which was completed. I don't always agree with the chief, but don't be stupid. I doubt he would put out an unusual saying he was at fault if he was covering it up.

05-04-2015, 07:53 PM
Another response from Haines.

05-05-2015, 01:42 AM
You are an idiot. It was his first in years which gets you a written counseling. He received a documented counseling from Lt. Custer. Just like any deputy at fault. You don't have to do the blue form on private property. He hit his own vehicle. It's like hitting a mailbox. It's an offense report and a damage to county vehicle report, which was completed. I don't always agree with the chief, but don't be stupid. I doubt he would put out an unusual saying he was at fault if he was covering it up.

So he violates the policy and he gets his old buddy Custer to write him a counseling for the at fault wreck. What about the policy violation? Interesting Custer gets promoted the day after Rodney dies. It seems that Haines and his old buddy will be working close together again, just like when they were attacking the Sheriff during the first election. Oh and the wreck involved two vehicles with damage not property so it isn't like hitting a mailbox.

05-05-2015, 04:43 AM
Google "probable cause". If probable cause exist then charges are filed. Doesn't matter where the suspect is employed.

I worked ten years in law enforcement for ten years so I know what probable cause is thank you. I also know that the detectives at my agency would close a case if they had probable cause or not. It all depended on who the detective was and how many cases he had going. So has the person who charged these two officers ever closed out a case with similar circumstances? Or have they made an arrest every single time. From what I understand these girls were not exactly kids or anything. What if the detective closed out a case involving a kid and yet arrested someone is these cases. It would not seem consistent and somehow motivated

05-07-2015, 06:57 PM
Usually they want us to get everybody and anybody around child sex abuse. This case? Nothing? Something's wrong with that picture. Does anybody know for certain there aren't more kids these people didn't pimp out? somebody else asked mention about money...that's damn good question.

05-07-2015, 07:20 PM
First problem is a micro managing egotistical slug supervising the sex crimes unit. As you go up the chain from him it only gets worse.

05-10-2015, 08:38 AM
Haha so true. But let's add he's a lying slug who makes others do the work then signs his babe to it-that shows just how lazy he is!!

05-10-2015, 08:40 AM
I mean he signs his name on it

05-11-2015, 03:22 AM
What kind of work? Do tell

05-11-2015, 03:30 AM
I for one am waiting on a public records request to be posted but it probably won't be released until the criminal part is done. Maybe the attorneys will be smart enough to dig into the case. They could probly cut a deal or two. Then there's the computer crimes inv. Word is he is still getting transferred. This is either because he hid stuff or unhid stuff or made RS mad. Also heard it was because he included PPD on the top secret case so now A few inv supervisors are afraid they gonna get caught with their pants down so to speak

05-11-2015, 11:35 AM
What does it take to get the truth???? I am tired of the suggestion that people must be protected when in fact they should be held accountable for their decisions.....good or bad. From the top down, or bottom up.....no favoritism...no cronyism, no lying, no dodging.......I still can't believe that someone wears their meager military medals other than true warriors who EARNED the medals on the battleground...not at Parade Rest.

05-16-2015, 07:22 AM
I worked ten years in law enforcement for ten years so I know what probable cause is thank you. I also know that the detectives at my agency would close a case if they had probable cause or not. It all depended on who the detective was and how many cases he had going. So has the person who charged these two officers ever closed out a case with similar circumstances? Or have they made an arrest every single time. From what I understand these girls were not exactly kids or anything. What if the detective closed out a case involving a kid and yet arrested someone is these cases. It would not seem consistent and somehow motivated

Just do a simple pubic records request to see if the detective assigned to the case has ever closed out a similar case with the same circumstances. That should show that this case is motivated by something other than the truth

05-16-2015, 06:00 PM
Good luck getting this agency to comply partially or fully with a public records request. They do as they please with the blessing of the State Attorney and his office. Oh, be careful not to make too many waves or they will target you with the goal of arresting you for whatever minor charge they can twist to fit their need. We work for the real criminals.

05-16-2015, 08:29 PM
Good luck getting this agency to comply partially or fully with a public records request. They do as they please with the blessing of the State Attorney and his office. Oh, be careful not to make too many waves or they will target you with the goal of arresting you for whatever minor charge they can twist to fit their need. We work for the real criminals.

TRUE DAT!! Y'all saw this passed week, right?

05-17-2015, 12:08 AM
Just do a simple pubic records request to see if the detective assigned to the case has ever closed out a similar case with the same circumstances. That should show that this case is motivated by something other than the truth

Do you really think a slick sleeve investigator is the one who made the decisions in this case? Doing a records request on that person's cases isn't going to tell you much.

05-17-2015, 03:55 PM
What happened this past weekend?