View Full Version : PBA running scared

03-03-2015, 12:55 AM
I've seen Lee Martin at more roll calls in the last week then I've seen him in the last few years. Seems like someone is running scared because of the upcoming PERC election which the PBA will lose

03-03-2015, 01:58 AM
The PBA sucks......it is a for profit business for ...the PBA. Ask them to open their books.

03-03-2015, 05:09 AM
Actually, no union business is allowed to be conducted in a BSO facility. You also can not use the BSO mail or email system to send out union information for or against anything. That is why ballots are mailed to your house or hand delivered and returned via ballot box, hand delivery, or USPS. If a union rep of any kind wishes to address the troops it has to be in the parking lot where you have the option to walk away, whereas roll calls are considered a 'captive audience.' Lee knows this, but most supervisors either don't know or are PBA supporters. Union info is ONLY allowed to be posted on the designated union bulletin board. Why do you think we don't get things in our BSO mail boxes? Don't come to my roll call because my sgt or lt will throw you out.

03-03-2015, 11:17 PM
I find it very troublesome what Lee was said in roll call the other day. He told us that healthcare WOULD be going up this contract. He alo said that he WOULD NOT disclose what type of a raise th PBA would be seeking. If we are going to get screwed on healthcare, then why is the PBA so secretive abouy a raise. I have no faith in the PBA anymore. The past 2 contracts they have refused to talk about holiday pay,detail rates,promotional clarification etc. There is no reason to think they will try this time either. So another way of putting it, 3%, higher healthcare and nothing else. Gonna look in wallgreens tonight and see if they sell PBA vaseline. Its a no brainet this time. Gonna try IUPA. We cant do ny worse,so why not give them a shot

03-05-2015, 01:17 AM
Keep in mind. As long as Marano and Brickman have anything to do with the PBA, they will sell everyone of us out to the highest bidder for the PBA endorsement. Remember how we were supposed to be allowed to vote on who to endorse and then Brickman and Marano gave it to Lambirti?

03-05-2015, 01:10 PM
I find it very troublesome what Lee was said in roll call the other day. He told us that healthcare WOULD be going up this contract. He alo said that he WOULD NOT disclose what type of a raise th PBA would be seeking. If we are going to get screwed on healthcare, then why is the PBA so secretive abouy a raise. I have no faith in the PBA anymore. The past 2 contracts they have refused to talk about holiday pay,detail rates,promotional clarification etc. There is no reason to think they will try this time either. So another way of putting it, 3%, higher healthcare and nothing else. Gonna look in wallgreens tonight and see if they sell PBA vaseline. Its a no brainet this time. Gonna try IUPA. We cant do ny worse,so why not give them a shot

You finally get the picture now. PBA is far from transparent. If the PBA wins this election you will never see Lee again. They will go back to collecting your money and going to Tally on your dime. IUPA is ALL BSO guys. No Hollywood Marano, useless Skirvin, Brickman who never dies....

03-05-2015, 05:46 PM
I am a long time BSO employee. I am tired of the PBA BS.

I will vote IUPA

We have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Let's give them a shot.

PBA is in bed for themselves and not BSO deputies.

03-05-2015, 06:53 PM
I would love to see how much Lee Martin gets paid by tb PBA on top of what BSO pays him as a topped out depity. And anyone else from BSO too thats skimming from our dues. Credit cards,extra pay,tahoe,supervised by nobody........ no wonder why he keeps on coming to roll calls. He knows he is about to see it all go away if IUPA wins.

03-05-2015, 11:26 PM
Better bring extra calculators to total the credit card bills

03-05-2015, 11:44 PM
next time Lee comes to Pompano Roll call I'm going to ask him about raises and when he says what he said last time I will say IUPA and walk out...