View Full Version : Reply to unregistered guest

Thomas Paine
02-17-2015, 05:36 PM
We, Thomas Paine, Po-po poet and command pimp have given your reply a little more scrutiny. Our post and opinions stand on the 1st amendment . You have the right to complain to LEO affairs to ban our post . We will continue our post. We are not afraid of being Arrested it certainly would be interesting. You're post has a tinge of anger and hostility. We hope you don't displace this anger in the wrong place, as for Myrna we don't think you can compete with a master's degree. You have possibly created a hostile work place by giving HPD personnel nicknames such as "wide load and crack baby" this is only a reflection of how you see your self and your work mates. You will probably see us in the next day or too. As above we stand on the first amendment. We post for truth, justice and the American way of life.

Your most humble servants Thomas Paine, Po-po poet, command Pimp