View Full Version : Another Deputy goes to jail under Sheriff Israel

02-13-2015, 12:21 PM
Corruption one incident after another. Maybe the HAIRPLUGS cause brain damage


02-13-2015, 01:04 PM
Corruption one incident after another. Maybe the HAIRPLUGS cause brain damage


Yup, another corrupt ex-deputy going to prison ... for crimes committed during the Lamberti era. Thank you Sherff Israel for cleaning up BSO!!

02-13-2015, 04:35 PM
All alledged crimes committed by this individual occured during the Lamberti administration.

02-14-2015, 05:17 PM
Corruption one incident after another. Maybe the HAIRPLUGS cause brain damage


Regardless if you're a fan of Lamberti or Israel, this POS is the only person responsible for his behavior. It had nothing to do with the admin, it was a weak and predatory piece of garbage using his authority to do evil. Glad he got some prison time...he can get all the sexual favors he wants there.

02-14-2015, 08:19 PM
as many gay men that live in broward ( ft laud & wilton manors ) you can cruise any day of the week and
not even involve your job, so thus: ' this is me, this is who I am ' ploy back fired and he's gonna pay the price.

02-17-2015, 04:15 AM
Absolutely makes my blood boil! Even the mention of this creeps name is enough to make me wanna hurl.

And the Sheriff was celebrating these deviants in a mass ceremony.

My application for job said something about having a good moral character. How are these types considered moral?

02-19-2015, 04:51 AM
"these types"? Welcome to 2015, pal. If you have a problem with homosexuals, you're in the wrong county. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are a raper. Regardless of if you agree with acceptability of homosexuality, don't be a bigot and disrespect the many fine men and women who serve the badge and the flag with honor but just happen to like a different type of porn than you.

02-19-2015, 01:03 PM
Was he the peter puffer guy??