View Full Version : Deputy with terroristic ties gets hired to a full time position

02-04-2015, 02:02 PM
I guess all the phone calls fell on deaf ears. This sheriff only cares about hands across Broward. He could care less about the safety of his Deputies or the public.

The red flags have been pointed out to the Sheriff and his upper administration and all were ignored.

WE have been told to keep quite on the issue....

Bob Norman please do a story on this recent hiring... The voting public has a right to know and decide for themselves.

CAIR has direct ties to terrorism.

02-04-2015, 02:33 PM
I want you to put yourself in the shoes of our Sheriff for a moment if that's possible. He walked into a toxic agency two years ago that was in need of change. He's been trying to glue something back together that was drastically broken.

The only way you can do that is by building bridges. You have to give people a chance. If I'm a Catholic and the Irish Republican Army is Catholic does that make me a terrorist?

I support Scott Israel. He's a good man which I've stated on this site many times before. I like the command he brought over from Fort Lauderdale. These guys are 10-8. I like Kinsey, Shultz, Poland. These guys have a command presence without being tyrants. I haven't agreed with everything the Sheriff has done but overall he has changed this place for the better I believe.

We have to start realizing our loyalty is to our agency as a whole and the community we serve. We need to stop bashing each other without a shred of evidence to back it up.

I know you wrote this because you care about the agency. Really, the majority of the people who vent on here care about this agency. I going to ask you as a fellow brother to give this Sheriff a chance.

02-04-2015, 06:32 PM
I want you to put yourself in the shoes of our Sheriff for a moment if that's possible. He walked into a toxic agency two years ago that was in need of change. He's been trying to glue something back together that was drastically broken.

The only way you can do that is by building bridges. You have to give people a chance. If I'm a Catholic and the Irish Republican Army is Catholic does that make me a terrorist?

I support Scott Israel. He's a good man which I've stated on this site many times before. I like the command he brought over from Fort Lauderdale. These guys are 10-8. I like Kinsey, Shultz, Poland. These guys have a command presence without being tyrants. I haven't agreed with everything the Sheriff has done but overall he has changed this place for the better I believe.

We have to start realizing our loyalty is to our agency as a whole and the community we serve. We need to stop bashing each other without a shred of evidence to back it up.

I know you wrote this because you care about the agency. Really, the majority of the people who vent on here care about this agency. I going to ask you as a fellow brother to give this Sheriff a chance.

The sheriff's ass is not a holster for your nose; get it out of there and breathe some fresh air!

02-04-2015, 07:08 PM
The sheriff's ass is not a holster for your nose; get it out of there and breathe some fresh air!

That's all you got?

02-04-2015, 10:02 PM
I want you to put yourself in the shoes of our Sheriff for a moment if that's possible. He walked into a toxic agency two years ago that was in need of change. He's been trying to glue something back together that was drastically broken.

The only way you can do that is by building bridges. You have to give people a chance. If I'm a Catholic and the Irish Republican Army is Catholic does that make me a terrorist?

I support Scott Israel. He's a good man which I've stated on this site many times before. I like the command he brought over from Fort Lauderdale. These guys are 10-8. I like Kinsey, Shultz, Poland. These guys have a command presence without being tyrants. I haven't agreed with everything the Sheriff has done but overall he has changed this place for the better I believe.

We have to start realizing our loyalty is to our agency as a whole and the community we serve. We need to stop bashing each other without a shred of evidence to back it up.

I know you wrote this because you care about the agency. Really, the majority of the people who vent on here care about this agency. I going to ask you as a fellow brother to give this Sheriff a chance.

Well said.

02-06-2015, 04:19 AM
I want you to put yourself in the shoes of our Sheriff for a moment if that's possible. He walked into a toxic agency two years ago that was in need of change. He's been trying to glue something back together that was drastically broken.

The only way you can do that is by building bridges. You have to give people a chance. If I'm a Catholic and the Irish Republican Army is Catholic does that make me a terrorist?

I support Scott Israel. He's a good man which I've stated on this site many times before. I like the command he brought over from Fort Lauderdale. These guys are 10-8. I like Kinsey, Shultz, Poland. These guys have a command presence without being tyrants. I haven't agreed with everything the Sheriff has done but overall he has changed this place for the better I believe.

We have to start realizing our loyalty is to our agency as a whole and the community we serve. We need to stop bashing each other without a shred of evidence to back it up.

I know you wrote this because you care about the agency. Really, the majority of the people who vent on here care about this agency. I going to ask you as a fellow brother to give this Sheriff a chance.

Kinsey... Polan... not tyrants???? What fantasy land do you live in???? If you agree with them and are a "YES" man or woman .. then no problem... otherwise you're on the hit list... The Sheriff and his "command" have done a shit job correcting the wrongs in this agency. Many broken promises. They are just lining their pockets and those of their friends and their friends and those friends friends...

02-06-2015, 09:09 AM
I can assure you I'm not a yes man. But I'm not going to deny the fact that this place has improved compared to where it was before the Sheriff took over. If I saw a any evidence of what you're saying I would be the first to yell foul. I haven't personally seen it. What I have seen is a degree of professionalism. It hasn't been flawless but they're trying.

02-22-2015, 05:09 PM
Why don't you man up and say it to his face and stop being a coward. I work in the district and I like Donnie! I actually think he is one of the few real cops who is not afraid to do police work. No, I'm not Donnie.
So grow up. Everyone knows who you are posting this crap. Grow up coward!

02-22-2015, 05:33 PM
Why don't you man up and say it to his face and stop being a coward. I work in the district and I like Donnie! I actually think he is one of the few real cops who is not afraid to do police work. No, I'm not Donnie.
So grow up. Everyone knows who you are posting this crap. Grow up coward!

Wrong commentary.....Donnie is somewhere else on the board.

02-28-2015, 05:04 PM
I guess all the phone calls fell on deaf ears. This sheriff only cares about hands across Broward. He could care less about the safety of his Deputies or the public.

The red flags have been pointed out to the Sheriff and his upper administration and all were ignored.

WE have been told to keep quite on the issue....

Bob Norman please do a story on this recent hiring... The voting public has a right to know and decide for themselves.

CAIR has direct ties to terrorism.

What a fool you are making phone calls and trying to get a good Deputy fired because he has different religious beliefs then you. Then to call him a terrorist and call some lame reporter. Why not just ask this guy questions yourself and he will educate you Donald. You work in the same district as this guy and see him at roll calls but instead of being a man and talking to him face to face you make phone calls to try and get him fired then post discriminative material on this site. To think you were once an investigator in SID how sad that is for BSO.

02-28-2015, 05:09 PM
Let's correct the record. Don was NEVER an investigator in SID. He never made it. He was later appointed the commander of SID later on. After having quit BSO as a deputy.

02-28-2015, 05:21 PM
Let's correct the record. Don was NEVER an investigator in SID. He never made it. He was later appointed the commander of SID later on. After having quit BSO as a deputy.

The above poster is correct for those of us that have been here a minute short man left to be a security guard over seas then came back as a reserve Deputy, then kissed ass and was magic wanded to Commander. A position he was never qualified for might I add.

03-02-2015, 02:49 AM
Don't worry Don, we'll never let you fall to the second page of Leo Affairs.

03-02-2015, 01:08 PM
The above poster is correct for those of us that have been here a minute short man left to be a security guard over seas then came back as a reserve Deputy, then kissed ass and was magic wanded to Commander. A position he was never qualified for might I add.

That magic wanding was the sh!t that made everybody hate Lamberti. It destroyed morale and destroyed the credibility of Lamberti. People didn't respect the authority of the ranks under Lamberti because the promotions weren't earned. That was what ultimately led to his downfall. It isn't hard all you have to do is keep things fair and honest. Strong leaders don't have a problem with that.

03-03-2015, 03:03 AM
And we will never stop commenting to this topic either. The media is aware of this situation and a main stream article needs to be written. The safety of the public demands it.

Frida Kahlo
08-21-2015, 10:39 PM
I guess all the phone calls fell on deaf ears. This sheriff only cares about hands across Broward. He could care less about the safety of his Deputies or the public.

The red flags have been pointed out to the Sheriff and his upper administration and all were ignored.

WE have been told to keep quite on the issue....

Bob Norman please do a story on this recent hiring... The voting public has a right to know and decide for themselves.

CAIR has direct ties to terrorism.

Seriously? OMG! Why am I just now hearing this? OMG! Thanks Vince!