View Full Version : Morgan at the MLK parade.

01-20-2015, 06:25 AM
Did anyone see the Sheriff at the MLK parade. How much evolvement must his uniforms endure. He is wearing his medals again along with some new ones, and that hat he must of barrowed it from ECAT.Does he really thinks he looks good. Perhaps he could get a silver helmet and have five stars on it so he looks like General Patton.

What is this place coming too.

01-20-2015, 02:15 PM
His uniform should be called, "Hugo" short for HUGE EGO.....I made the mistake along with several others of ignoring that ego and voting for him the 2nd time around because I thought it was just small ego trips but I should have known better and now we all have had to endure the ego maniac. I never thought I would say this but Ronnie Mac pales in comparison to Morgan. I guess it is true be careful what you wish for, because I was hoping someone would beat Ronnie Mac and knock him and his band of cronies down a few notches. Well all that happened was we wound up with a new village idiot and a different band of cronies. At least Ronnie Macs cronies had some police experience though.

01-20-2015, 04:36 PM
Let's look at the comparisons. Both Sheriff's have huge egos with the desire to control politics in Escambia County. Both think they are the best Sheriff ever. McNesby had Smith and Morgan has Haines who are both are self proclaimed messiahs that are hypocrites with narcissists. Both target and destroy those they dislike. hmmmm sounds like McNesby schooled Morgan and he is following his plan. I have to agree though, at least McNesby's crew had law enforcement experience.

01-20-2015, 06:30 PM
Compare the numbers of those fired or as you say "destroyed" and Morgan has Mcnesby beat 5 to 1

01-20-2015, 11:53 PM
Did anyone see the Sheriff at the MLK parade. How much evolvement must his uniforms endure. He is wearing his medals again along with some new ones, and that hat he must of barrowed it from ECAT.Does he really thinks he looks good. Perhaps he could get a silver helmet and have five stars on it so he looks like General Patton.

You mean this look? Gotta feel for the Explorers forced to be a part of the picture.

01-21-2015, 02:12 AM
Someone is trying to make up for a less than average military career. It's embarrassing to work for this agency with him as the sheriff.