View Full Version : Chief Guzman

12-14-2014, 08:22 PM
Wow, City Manager messed up by hiring Guzman. Guzman is no Chief material. He was trained by Frank Fernandez, and Timoney. Do as I say,not as I do type of guy. 2 face type of guy. Good luck to the good old boys. Just watch as the Cubans will slowly make their way in. Watch him hire Miami Finest to staff his brass.

12-14-2014, 09:18 PM
Your City Manage actually hired Guzman over Cannon? I guess he is some kind of special idiot. Guzman can't hold Cannons proverbial jockstrap. Actually Guzman doesn't need a jock strap, maybe a pair of pants and panty liners.

12-15-2014, 12:01 AM
Cannon is the best candidate for Springs. I agree with above post, Guzman needs some panty liners.

12-15-2014, 07:02 PM
It must be a Latin thing to hire Guzman over Cannon. What a sham.

12-16-2014, 07:09 PM
Is this thread going to be high jacked by the Miami PD Retards now?
Dude’s , let it go; we have our own problems to deal with.

12-16-2014, 07:12 PM
Wow, City Manager messed up by hiring Guzman. Guzman is no Chief material. He was trained by Frank Fernandez, and Timoney. Do as I say,not as I do type of guy. 2 face type of guy. Good luck to the good old boys. Just watch as the Cubans will slowly make their way in. Watch him hire Miami Finest to staff his brass.

We were looking for an appropriate black candidate, but you never applied.
What happened?

02-13-2015, 02:46 PM
Your chief is a *****

02-13-2015, 04:17 PM
Your chief is a *****

That may or may not be, but he is our chief; what are you?

03-28-2015, 12:46 AM
Guzman looked like a fool in front of council over the Relay for Life street closure. Hopefully he gets better. And maybe he will learn the mayor and manager are POS and will throw him under the bus.

03-31-2015, 12:24 PM
Guzman looked like a fool in front of council over the Relay for Life street closure. Hopefully he gets better. And maybe he will learn the mayor and manager are POS and will throw him under the bus.

Go away Pete.
Guzman is too busy cleaning up the mess you left behind.

04-02-2015, 08:35 PM
So when Garcia is not reflected and the manager is fired does Guzman keep his job?

04-02-2015, 09:39 PM
So when Garcia is not reflected and the manager is fired does Guzman keep his job?

Perhaps; however, your husband will never come back as chief.

04-05-2015, 10:32 PM
The Ethics Commission has notified the City Clerk that Garcia didn't lawfully qualify for the election. Garcia collected signature outside of the qualifying period. If he does some how win the results will be thrown out. Just another example of the corruption of this administration.

If Suco does become mayor Gorland is history and Guzman is most likely out.

04-08-2015, 03:31 PM
The Ethics Commission has notified the City Clerk that Garcia didn't lawfully qualify for the election. Garcia collected signature outside of the qualifying period. If he does some how win the results will be thrown out. Just another example of the corruption of this administration.

If Suco does become mayor Gorland is history and Guzman is most likely out.

Well, I guess that we don't have to worry about that seeing the Suco has been relegated back to selling hot dogs.
What other shit do you want to start now?

04-09-2015, 01:49 AM
At least we have a retired PO sitting the council.

04-09-2015, 10:25 AM
Really? Guzman has been here three months and takes vacation during the elections and River Cities. WTF the biggest event in Miami Springs for the year and the police chief isn't going to be here? Great pick of a dedicated Chief of Police by Gorland and the Mayor.

Maybe he is working on another political flyer for the mayor.

04-09-2015, 04:36 PM
Chief Guzman allowed his name to be put on a campaign flyer that was distributed by the city. This is a misuse of city funds and personnel and totally unethical. We went from having a jerk for chief to having an unethical political who're as chief. He was looking promising but now,he just looks like a ***** and do boy for the manager and mayor.

04-09-2015, 10:13 PM
Really? Guzman has been here three months and takes vacation during the elections and River Cities. WTF the biggest event in Miami Springs for the year and the police chief isn't going to be here? Great pick of a dedicated Chief of Police by Gorland and the Mayor.

Maybe he is working on another political flyer for the mayor.

Sour grapes about not being promoted to Sgt off of this current (but soon to be expired) list?

04-10-2015, 01:01 PM
Sour grapes about not being promoted to Sgt off of this current (but soon to be expired) list?

It seems as if everyone has your number nene.
Where will you go now?

04-10-2015, 01:05 PM
Chief Guzman allowed his name to be put on a campaign flyer that was distributed by the city. This is a misuse of city funds and personnel and totally unethical. We went from having a jerk for chief to having an unethical political who're as chief. He was looking promising but now,he just looks like a ***** and do boy for the manager and mayor.

Are you really this stupid?

04-10-2015, 05:19 PM
Actually the post raises a very legitimate issue. The administration sent out the flyer in response to the campaign flyer criticizing crime in Miami Springs. The city's flyer was nothing more than a campaign flyer for the incumbents. Guzman was only following orders but he should have kept the department and his name out of the political sewer.

So there is nothing stupid about the post, unless you are sucking up to Guzman. By the way where is the chief this weekend?

04-10-2015, 10:23 PM
Actually the post raises a very legitimate issue. The administration sent out the flyer in response to the campaign flyer criticizing crime in Miami Springs. The city's flyer was nothing more than a campaign flyer for the incumbents. Guzman was only following orders but he should have kept the department and his name out of the political sewer.

So there is nothing stupid about the post, unless you are sucking up to Guzman. By the way where is the chief this weekend?

All right Einstein; I’ll play this game with you.
The Sucko camp puts out a flyer alleging that crime is increasing in Miami Springs and is out of the control of the police department.

Now; I don’t know about you, but I took that shit personally specially because I new that it wasn’t true and because I am a member of this department and those comments reflected on me and you.
Guzman is the chief, and as such any statements pertaining to correcting misprints of crime statistics in HIS police department are his business, not the Mayor or the City Manager.
Of course if you think that the afternoon A/ should have answered the flyer, then you should tell Guzman that he screwed up and should have left it to the consummate professional.

I don't know where the chief is this weekend; however, it shows that he has enough faith in his subordinates to delegate the task of running the festival. See, that is a sign of leadership and not the previous micromanagement under Mr. Wonderful.

04-13-2015, 08:48 PM
So the new chief takes off for the biggest weekend of the year in Miami Springs. What kind of leadership is that? Maybe absentee leadership. What a bozo. The chief should have been at the festival the entire weekend. That would have been leadership. Showing the troops that he is willing to be there with them on the weekends. What an embarrassment MSPD has become.

04-15-2015, 12:16 PM
So the new chief takes off for the biggest weekend of the year in Miami Springs. What kind of leadership is that? Maybe absentee leadership. What a bozo. The chief should have been at the festival the entire weekend. That would have been leadership. Showing the troops that he is willing to be there with them on the weekends. What an embarrassment MSPD has become.

I’ll tell you what Studley; grow a pair first, then go to the man’s office and express your disapproval of his management skills.
You will gain a lot more respect from your peers for doing that instead of hiding behind an anonymous keyboard like a little girl.
The man has an open door policy and he is very approachable

04-15-2015, 04:16 PM
So the new chief takes off for the biggest weekend of the year in Miami Springs. What kind of leadership is that? Maybe absentee leadership. What a bozo. The chief should have been at the festival the entire weekend. That would have been leadership. Showing the troops that he is willing to be there with them on the weekends. What an embarrassment MSPD has become.

Can someone tell Pete And Susan to get off this site?

04-18-2015, 10:43 PM
I have a bad feeling about Chief Guzman. He really rubs me the wrong way. Seems like a song and dance man, a puppet, not a real police chief. I really hope Suco wins his lawsuit so we can fire Gorland and Guzman.

04-19-2015, 02:46 AM
So Suco files a lawsuit and has made it known that the City Manager and Guzman are out when he becomes Mayor. So Guzman has chest pains and has to transported by fire-rescue. It is almost comical. Dinner with the C brothers daddy isn't going to save Guzman.

04-20-2015, 09:11 PM
I have a bad feeling about Chief Guzman. He really rubs me the wrong way. Seems like a song and dance man, a puppet, not a real police chief. I really hope Suco wins his lawsuit so we can fire Gorland and Guzman.

Give it up nene!
If the next chief has an IQ larger than his shoe size he /she won't promote you either.
City of Miami is hiring; go there and do some "real" police work", you'll love mids in overtown.

04-21-2015, 03:26 PM
I've been hearing that Nene & Nena are going to file a grievance when the promotional list expires and a new exam is given, is this true? If so, guys, get a life! Really, no one would work for you anyway (at least not by choice). The best decision the Chief would ever make is to bypass yoda and the jedi.

05-07-2015, 06:43 PM
Guzman was my TAO when I went to the academy. Years ago. I known him for years. Yes he done some questionable things. Really who hasn't working at Miami P.D. Give the guy a chance. Changes can't happen overnight. Guzman and I are not friend's. We just know each other, say hi went in passing and respect each other. That being said. Any new chief coming into a place will make changes. He or she see fit. Some may work. Others may not. Things take time.

05-12-2015, 08:03 PM
Guzman is a loser. He is nothing but the mayors and city managers *****. He has always been a wannabe and just doesn't have the cojones to back it up. Really, when does a chief counsel an officer for getting a complaint once in every 7 years.

I'm sure he has picked out several young Cuban cops and has a cliq formed around him as he always does.

05-13-2015, 12:12 AM
Guzman is a loser. He is nothing but the mayors and city managers *****. He has always been a wannabe and just doesn't have the cojones to back it up. Really, when does a chief counsel an officer for getting a complaint once in every 7 years.

I'm sure he has picked out several young Cuban cops and has a cliq formed around him as he always does.

You know, you are probably right; however, that is called mentoring. The good news is that there are no blacks here to pollute the professional gene pool.

Stay in overtown and keep your petty racially motivated cheap shots to yourself and concentrate on that Muslim assistant chief of yours that refuses to pledge allegiance to our flag.

Thanks for your concerns.

05-13-2015, 01:13 PM
You know what? You can come here spewing your hate for Guzman all you want. But guess what? The man has done nothing but move Miami Springs forward in the right direction. Thats more than that waste of a Chief Baan ever did! So can save the trash talk and stick to your crocodile infested city.

05-14-2015, 03:20 AM
Mentoring? You really are a dumb **** aren't you. So Miami Springs PD is having another officer arrested. Fine little department you have there. Looks like Guzman isn't the only loser at MSPD.

05-14-2015, 10:20 AM
Mentoring? You really are a dumb **** aren't you. So Miami Springs PD is having another officer arrested. Fine little department you have there. Looks like Guzman isn't the only loser at MSPD.

I have a friend that just returned from Baltimore.
He told me that the only things left in the CVS store that was looted were suntan lotion and father's day cards.
Why don't you go to Baltimore and get a card; who knows, you may find out who your daddy was!


05-15-2015, 03:07 AM
These racist posts have been forwarded to the media.

05-15-2015, 12:50 PM
Crime is still out of control on 36 street. Guzman is doing a great job. LOL. Losers

05-15-2015, 02:55 PM
These racist posts have been forwarded to the media.

Good luck with that asswipe!


05-19-2015, 04:47 PM
Leave Guzman alone. The guy is harmless. I've known him for years. He may be a Yes Man and a Do-boy for the Mayor and Manager but for the most part as long as they let him stay in the Chiefs position he'll be okay.he just wants to keep the job and not make waves.
Leave the guy alone.... He's harmless.

05-19-2015, 06:58 PM
That is the problem we don't need harmless. We need someone to step up for the cops and be a leader. He smiles a lot and has his puppies following him around but to counsel an officer that received two complaints in 14 years is kind of ridiculous. The city manager gets a call from the mayor, the CM calls the chief and the chief counsels the officer with hearing her side. Poor leadership by a wannabe be chief.

05-19-2015, 08:52 PM
2 complaints in 14 years? Lol, are we thinking about the same "she"?

05-20-2015, 01:21 AM
I know Guzman from working in Miami. He won't hurt the officer unless he's pushed by the Mayor or Manager. He probably counseled the officer so he could appease the Mayor and Manager. He may not stick up for the troops but he won't go out of his way to hurt anyone.
As long as you lay low and don't make waves you'll be okay with Guzman.

05-20-2015, 11:25 AM
2 complaints in 14 years? Lol, are we thinking about the same "she"?

Would that the same she/sgt that goes around off duty in full uniform but without her gun?

05-21-2015, 05:49 PM
I agree. Leave Guzman alone. Although he's not much of a leader he's harmless.

05-29-2015, 03:51 AM
I have also worked with Guzman. He's a basic follower and will hide in his office and wait for his bosses to tell him what to do.
Believe me, he'll have NO impact on the organization. He's very low profile and has spent his career hiding and coming out only when he was directed to do so.
Just ignore him. Like the last poster said, "he's basically harmless". He just needs a job.

05-29-2015, 03:27 PM
Wow, why don't you have the balls to tell us what it was that Guzman did that pissed you off this much.
You obviously work, or did, for MPD, but you take the time and effort to come here to bad mouth him.
I believe that besides being a petty little *****, you are jealous that he made something with his life and you are still probably working mids in Overtown.
So why don't you give us a break and stay on the Miami page; God only knows that there is plenty there to ***** about.

06-02-2015, 12:14 PM
I agree with the last poster. I don't think he's bad mouthing Armando. He's just giving you an accurate description of his working habits and history. Personally I think the Springs needs a low profile type.

Answer your calls for service and avoid complaints and controversial situations and all will be fine. When I worked for him I think I may have seen him once a month. If he orders you to do something stupid it's probably because his boss told him to do it. He may not stick up for the troops but he won't bother you unless he's told to do so. Low profile can be a real good thing.

06-02-2015, 05:58 PM
I agree with the last poster. I don't think he's bad mouthing Armando. He's just giving you an accurate description of his working habits and history. Personally I think the Springs needs a low profile type.

Answer your calls for service and avoid complaints and controversial situations and all will be fine. When I worked for him I think I may have seen him once a month. If he orders you to do something stupid it's probably because his boss told him to do it. He may not stick up for the troops but he won't bother you unless he's told to do so. Low profile can be a real good thing.

I would like to personally thank all of you members of the MPD who have taken the time to post your personal feelings about our chief.
Having said that please take note that some of you, and I suspect that there are several post penned by the same author, exhibit clear signs of "Passive-Aggressive Behavior" in your writings.
It would behoove those parties to seek professional assistance and have their wiring checked.

06-02-2015, 05:59 PM
I agree. Keep up the non-work Armando.

06-03-2015, 05:09 PM
Why does the one poster always refer to blacks or working Overtown, etc. What is the need for racists posts on this site. It must be the underlying racism of some members of the Miami Springs Police Department.

That being said, the other poster is correct, Guzman is only going to do what the manager and mayor tells him to do. He will not go out on a limb for anyone, he will develope cliques and play favorites, he will act tough but is really a mommas boy, he is kind of a bump on a log, just sitting there not doing anything unless you sit on the bump, then he is a pain in the butt. Overall a zero but harmless.

He has already started the cliques withe Castillo family. The daddy is pushing hard for his boys and kissing Guzmans butt and Guzman loves to have his butt kissed. Guzman is too dumb to ask about how Castillo got his money, but then again Guzman was also friends with most of the river cops.

06-04-2015, 03:17 PM
Why does the one poster always refer to blacks or working Overtown, etc. What is the need for racists posts on this site. It must be the underlying racism of some members of the Miami Springs Police Department.

That being said, the other poster is correct, Guzman is only going to do what the manager and mayor tells him to do. He will not go out on a limb for anyone, he will develope cliques and play favorites, he will act tough but is really a mommas boy, he is kind of a bump on a log, just sitting there not doing anything unless you sit on the bump, then he is a pain in the butt. Overall a zero but harmless.

He has already started the cliques withe Castillo family. The daddy is pushing hard for his boys and kissing Guzmans butt and Guzman loves to have his butt kissed. Guzman is too dumb to ask about how Castillo got his money, but then again Guzman was also friends with most of the river cops.

Don't it just wrap your ovaries in barbed wire when you are not invited into the Chief's Clique.
Perhaps you are perceived as a loser without a future in the department and thus unworthy, or perhaps as a source of departmental drama that has overstayed their welcome and an impediment to progress?
You decide.

06-05-2015, 04:09 PM
Lay off Guzman. The guy may be a "do boy and yes man" but he's for the most part harmless.
Just ignore him and you'll be fine.

06-22-2015, 07:55 PM
So the City Manager tells Guzman to pick either hiring two cops or promoting a Lt. Guzman picks the Lt. I guess we don't need more cops to answer calls for service and patrol the city. Maybe arrest some of people continually breaking into cars on 36st.

06-25-2015, 12:12 AM
So the City Manager tells Guzman to pick either hiring two cops or promoting a Lt. Guzman picks the Lt. I guess we don't need more cops to answer calls for service and patrol the city. Maybe arrest some of people continually breaking into cars on 36st.

You missed the point completely.
We need a LT. that will hold the Sgts accountable so you don't think of yourself as a "Free-Agent"
There is a new Sheriff in town Nene.

07-15-2015, 08:52 PM
Would you quit your complaining already. Guzman isn't going to do anything until the higher ups tell him to. The guy is the classic "do nothing".

07-16-2015, 12:13 PM
Would you quit your complaining already. Guzman isn't going to do anything until the higher ups tell him to. The guy is the classic "do nothing".

That's an interesting post.
You obviously don't work here, because if you did you would know of all of the changes he has already made and iis in the process of making.

Perhaps you need to return to the MPD board and read about your female officer that got caught doing porn movies.

07-19-2015, 01:20 AM
I have to agree. Guzman doesn't go to the bathroom unless he checks with the mayor. LOL

07-28-2015, 08:32 PM
So now Guzman is going to go to number 6 on the sergeants list to promote Castillo. Never mind there is a list, never mind there are people with more experience and senority above Castillo. If this administration doesn't like you, you are screwed. Looks like all those dinners with daddy paid off.

And the fine chief is saying he is going to start a SWAT team in Miami Springs. He is still playing soldier and will never grow up. Miami Springs doesn't need a SWAT team and Guzman, former MPD SWAT Commander when several officers were indicted for their actions on SWAT call-puts shouldn't have anything to do with SWAT anywhere.

But the best is that he is going to remodel the shower in the station because he says it is too yukky for him to shower in after his daily bike rides.

Oh also threatening to fire a senior officer because she has had two discourtesy complaints.

Great leader, great chief for a ****ed up police department.

07-29-2015, 03:27 AM
First, Castillo is not number 6 on the list. Check your facts. Second, the chief has not promoted anyone yet, let alone 2 officers. So either your blurring the facts to conceal your identity or you have no clue about what-s going on at the department. Maybe your just one of those guys who claimed they were going to be the next supervisor and your ineffective studying habits failed you miserably during crunch time. Or maybe you just like to stir shit up because deep down inside your just a failure. Or maybe you think you deserve the world because you've been there longer than Castillo, can't write a report to save your life and cruise up and down 36 street all day writing tickets and making traffic arrests. Or maybe your someone who bought a gold badge prematurely thought the gig was yours and can't face the fact that you will have to confront your family and friends with your failure of being passed over. I'll take Castillo over all you crying little girls any day of the week. So before you open your mouth and insert foot, allow the chief to make a decision as opposed to posting inaccuracies and speculation. if your being passed up or not being considered or selected then there's probably a really good reason. Think about it. Not all of us can be leaders.

So now Guzman is going to go to number 6 on the sergeants list to promote Castillo. Never mind there is a list, never mind there are people with more experience and senority above Castillo. If this administration doesn't like you, you are screwed. Looks like all those dinners with daddy paid off.

And the fine chief is saying he is going to start a SWAT team in Miami Springs. He is still playing soldier and will never grow up. Miami Springs doesn't need a SWAT team and Guzman, former MPD SWAT Commander when several officers were indicted for their actions on SWAT call-puts shouldn't have anything to do with SWAT anywhere.

But the best is that he is going to remodel the shower in the station because he says it is too yukky for him to shower in after his daily bike rides.

Oh also threatening to fire a senior officer because she has had two discourtesy complaints.

Great leader, great chief for a ****ed up police department.

07-29-2015, 09:31 PM
The poster is mostly correct. Castillo is #5, four are going to be promoted, one is going to bypassed. No where in the post does it say anyone has been promoted. Every thing else is accurate.

07-31-2015, 05:54 AM
That officer with 2 discourtesy complaints should have 200...that lady is a hormonal mess (allegedly) jaja
And I'll take Guzman anytime over that closeted hot mess (and his nympho wife) we had before...

07-31-2015, 05:55 AM
Jahajaja maybe he will finally come out and transition like Caitlin

07-31-2015, 05:59 AM
Guzman is a real cop. We have seen positive changes. Last chief was who knows what but not a real cop...however, he was very entertaining with his homo erotic shit and crazy ass wife hoeing all over town telling everyone she's the Chiefs wife do this or that ...they are very funny to watch indeed...

07-31-2015, 06:01 AM
Now he can finally come out of the closet and walk on gay pride parade with his daisy dukes...work it girl

07-31-2015, 06:02 AM
He was a joke

07-31-2015, 06:04 AM
He was a nightmare, let's forget him n move on. Oh n the wife lol unstable fat housewive power hungry nobody

07-31-2015, 06:06 AM
She did get fat lol never trusted her and apparently he shouldn't neither

07-31-2015, 06:08 AM
We could've had the first openly gay chief in history...but he never was courageous like Caitlin to come forward...think about it

07-31-2015, 06:09 AM
Enough about this guy yawn
What's going on with pension? Toma

07-31-2015, 01:04 PM
His beard I mean wife is embarrassing lol

07-31-2015, 01:12 PM
Who cares. He's just another springs resident now riding his bycycle wearing a boonie hat and a fruit basket in the front like walker. He can ride his bike all the way to twist and back...

08-04-2015, 06:31 AM
JI would be riding ***** with hin

08-12-2015, 04:46 AM
Why are we still talking about our sweet exotic ex chief? We got a real cop now, things should get better. Let's just hope he sees through thr bullshit (jd) and puts an end to behavior that has been tolerated for so long (cn), and rewards hard work not ass kissing and hipocresy oh and hopefully jk could hide his disdein for Hispanics long enough to retire without chief finding out...
Let's also hope he can deal with ji and his delusions...
Good luck chief you inherited a backed up mess

08-23-2015, 06:07 AM
JK and JD must be getting ulcers that a Hispanic male (chief) is telling them what to do. Funny to see the ass kissing that goes on with these two as if to cover up for what they do n say behind his back. Hopefully he will see thru them eventually if not already. I hope one day they get exposed. Bet those two won't call him an OYE to his face

09-14-2015, 11:15 PM
Castillo for sergeant!! He may not have the experience yet, but he is intelligent and has class. Not like that yahoo Fig who thought he did so good on the exam and then finished LAST. Keep getting the paper for the Chief and maybe some reward will come your way

09-15-2015, 12:44 AM
I guess you have to be young and good looking around here to get any support. Castillo for Sgt? Put your panties back on CN you look foolish!

09-15-2015, 12:49 AM
NF thought he was going to do well on the exam Glad he woke up please go and never come back county dont want you

09-15-2015, 12:52 AM
If what you are saying is true thats sad he should know the more contact he has with the chief the more likely the chief will see how dumb he really is just stay away fig please spare him of your greatness

09-15-2015, 12:59 AM
It's clear that the comment above, about Castillo was made by CN or CM. They are his number one supporters. Looks can take you far around here. Sad they have to trash Fig in the process.

09-15-2015, 08:53 AM
CN always does the same thing, some good looking guy comes around she goes crazy as if she had a chance. They know andThey laugh behind her bipolar back side. CN you look and sound pathetic gushing over Castillo. Time to stop embarrassing yourself

09-15-2015, 08:56 AM
CN made brownies for Castillo yet? That's her mo...sad, but that's how it is in this ridiculous small ass department and town. Unfairness and bullshit run this place, people like cn have been here from the beginning spreading their unhappiness, instability and drama not to mention poison against others

09-15-2015, 08:59 AM
Does the chief know jk and jd call him an "oye" yet...well not to his face..funny to see the hipocreca around here. They can't stand the oye running their little "department"

09-15-2015, 09:00 AM
Guzman will see through these clowns, he's a smart man been around a while...

09-15-2015, 09:01 AM
The injustices and abuse of power committed by them will come to light eventually. Having a Spanish chief is only the beginning of karma

10-08-2015, 10:45 AM
As predicted Guzman has developed his cliq of young Cuban officers and shunned older officers and white officers. Now he has said he is not going to promote anyone to captain from the inside. He isn't going to promote any whites. His latest plan is to bring in another Cuban from MPD to be captain. Welcome to Sweetwater *****es.

10-08-2015, 12:48 PM
Role reversal is a *****, ain't it whitey!

As predicted Guzman has developed his cliq of young Cuban officers and shunned older officers and white officers. Now he has said he is not going to promote anyone to captain from the inside. He isn't going to promote any whites. His latest plan is to bring in another Cuban from MPD to be captain. Welcome to Sweetwater *****es.

10-10-2015, 09:12 PM
Cubans are the most racist cops by far. Most of them are uneducated, sound like they grew up in the Cuban countryside and have little knowledge of English grammar. The Springs cops that post on here are by far the worst. The Cuban mayor ensured a Cuban Chief was made and now the Cuban chief is going to take care of his young Cuban boys that think they are real cops working in Miami Springs. MSPD was always a joke but now it is on its way to be a third world joke.

10-12-2015, 02:34 AM
Cubans are the most racist cops by far. Most of them are uneducated, sound like they grew up in the Cuban countryside and have little knowledge of English grammar. The Springs cops that post on here are by far the worst. The Cuban mayor ensured a Cuban Chief was made and now the Cuban chief is going to take care of his young Cuban boys that think they are real cops working in Miami Springs. MSPD was always a joke but now it is on its way to be a third world joke.

Let me run this through my Johnny Walker translator to see what this drunken redneck is trying to say.

10-14-2015, 01:33 AM
Must be a non English speaking spic. The post is very clear, Cubans are racist. Maybe you can't understand that with the Hialeah education.

10-18-2015, 12:36 PM
You know, I remember you guys calling me a spic when I first arrived on these shores.
I also remember the hatred and the disdain with which you treated me.
So I educated myself, went to college, went to the university and now you ignorant sons of *****es work for me.
Is this a great country or what ? ? ?

12-08-2015, 06:16 PM
Leave Guzman alone. Everyone knew that he was chosen by the Mayor over Cannon because Guzman is a "yes man" with no cohones.
He's been a yes man his whole career and he's not capable of making independent decisions or growing a pair of nuts so please stop looking for a real police chief in that guy.

12-09-2015, 05:42 PM
Leave Guzman alone. Everyone knew that he was chosen by the Mayor over Cannon because Guzman is a "yes man" with no cohones.
He's been a yes man his whole career and he's not capable of making independent decisions or growing a pair of nuts so please stop looking for a real police chief in that guy.

We must have been invaded by the "Body Snatchers" and left an alien in Guzman's body, because he has exhibited no difficulties in making independent decisions and has demonstrated the testicular fortitude to be a leader.
Just because a boss doesn't kiss your ass and gives you everything you cry for don't mean he has no balls.
Perhaps you may be the one that may be in dire need of a testicular implant.

Kiss up
12-10-2015, 01:01 AM
Well said Chief.

12-10-2015, 11:36 AM
We must have been invaded by the "Body Snatchers" and left an alien in Guzman's body, because he has exhibited no difficulties in making independent decisions and has demonstrated the testicular fortitude to be a leader.
Just because a boss doesn't kiss your ass and gives you everything you cry for don't mean he has no balls.
Perhaps you may be the one that may be in dire need of a testicular implant.

and that's what a good Chief does.. whats right for all not just a few and the city!

12-18-2015, 01:29 AM
So now Guzman is bringing his buddy from MPD and assign him directly to the money laundering task force. Officers that have worked at the MSPD for years were not given the opportunity to apply to the unit, but Guzmans buddy, who was indicted for a shooting while at MPD SWAT gets the job right away. Oh yeah Guzman was the SWAT Commander when several officers were indicted from SWAT.

Also the money laundering task force doesn't generate enough funds to pay for the officers salary. Just more of the friends and family plan.

12-18-2015, 03:44 PM
So now Guzman is bringing his buddy from MPD and assign him directly to the money laundering task force. Officers that have worked at the MSPD for years were not given the opportunity to apply to the unit, but Guzmans buddy, who was indicted for a shooting while at MPD SWAT gets the job right away. Oh yeah Guzman was the SWAT Commander when several officers were indicted from SWAT.

Also the money laundering task force doesn't generate enough funds to pay for the officers salary. Just more of the friends and family plan.

While you are entitled to your opinions, you are not entitled to your own facts.
1- The person at that position was inefective.
2- The person being brought in has a proven track record of seizures and a network of informants to insure a greater sucsess.
3- The SWAT members that were investigated were from the previous Commander (Sullivan) and while Guzman was in the team as a SGT, he was not in charge.

You see, I know ALL the players, and while I am not Guzman, I know who the trouble makers are and I assure you that you need to read-up on the effects of Karma. You are a bitter little person without the courage and self respect to confront people face to face and thus you relegate yourself to the protection of anonymity in these pages.
Cowards and women do that; dont' they?

12-18-2015, 04:18 PM
The facts are that a new hire to MSPD is going to a task force with out other officers being offered the position. MSPD has never had anyone at the money laundering task force.

The person being brought in has a proven record but the task force hasn't confiscated enough money and dispersed it back to the agencies in the amount that matches the officers salary in years. And it will be at least 1-2 years before the money is seen by the city

And your facts are totally incorrect regarding SWAT. GUZMAN was never on SWAT when Sullivan was there. Guzman was one of two SWAT commanders when several SWAT officers were indicted. Guzman was so bad as SWAT Commmander the chief put a captain in charge of SWAT to straighten it out. His buddy he is bringing in was one those officers indicted.

So you see you really don't know shit about any of the people involved. So just refrain from making up stories and posting them. There is a guy that lives in Miami Springs that actually does know all the facts, go see him, he will enlighten you if ask

It was always comical that someone that doesn't post his name calls out someone else for doing the same.

12-18-2015, 09:09 PM
Sullivan? Sullivan left SWAT in 1981. Guzman started in SWAT in 1985-86. The poster is full of crap that he knows anything about MPD or those involved. Guzman was one of two or three commanders when the incidents that lead to the officers indictments occurred. The officers were indicted maybe two years later. When the captain had been put in charge of SWAT. Guzman wasn't the SWAT Commander when the indictments happened because he and the other commanders were essentially demoted and the captain pout in charge.

Those are the real facts

12-19-2015, 01:00 PM
The mid 1990's indictments and investigations in to MPD SWAT was a HISTORICAL investigation going back to the 1980's as to events that had occurred some years back under Sullivan. A lot of those guys "Retired" early and went on with other departments in order to avoid further scrutiny. Sullivan's famous saying was "When you get your story straight then call me and I'll go on the scene" Sully was a good Commander for his times and a pretty good leader.
Of course that was before all of the little dikes, *****es and snitches infiltrated our ranks and destroyed the profession.
Guzman is old school and a good guy who backed his guys, too bad some here at MPD hold a grudge because he had to come down on them. . . .yeah. . . .you know who you are. . . . .

12-19-2015, 05:08 PM
Your "facts" are still wrong. You are either a liar, stupid or blindly defending Guzman. The MPD SWAT indictments occurred for bad shootings that occurred in the late 90s- 98 or 99. The actual indictments were in 2001-02. They had nothing to do with 80s. Guzman was the commander during the incidents. Those are the facts. There was never an officer from SWAT indicted until Guzman took over and was so weak he lost control of the team. As far as coming down on someone, he only targeted the blacks.

Get the facts straight before you post on here. Sullivan had nothing to do with the problems on SWAT. That happened long after he left.

Guzman is th chief so that isn't going to change. The Mayor wanted a Hispanic and he got one. The Spring is fast on its way to becoming another Hialeah Garsens or Sweetwater PD. Not a good department, not a bad department, just another place where most of the cops have no real idea about police work but think they are doing a great job.

12-20-2015, 09:47 PM
Your "facts" are still wrong. You are either a liar, stupid or blindly defending Guzman. The MPD SWAT indictments occurred for bad shootings that occurred in the late 90s- 98 or 99. The actual indictments were in 2001-02. They had nothing to do with 80s. Guzman was the commander during the incidents. Those are the facts. There was never an officer from SWAT indicted until Guzman took over and was so weak he lost control of the team. As far as coming down on someone, he only targeted the blacks.

Get the facts straight before you post on here. Sullivan had nothing to do with the problems on SWAT. That happened long after he left.

Guzman is th chief so that isn't going to change. The Mayor wanted a Hispanic and he got one. The Spring is fast on its way to becoming another Hialeah Garsens or Sweetwater PD. Not a good department, not a bad department, just another place where most of the cops have no real idea about police work but think they are doing a great job.

Well, darling you are right on two accounts only:
1- Guzman is the Chief
2-The cops here are clueless and think they are really something because they catch some kid with grass.
Which begs the question as you are obviously a MPD person; are you black seeing as you can't spell for shit?

12-22-2015, 01:00 AM
I'm MPD and I've been on SWAT. It is true, Guzman was Swat Co. during the bad shootings and the officer he is bringing on was indicted. Guzman was one of three Lt's on SWAT at the time. A captain was assigned to SWAT to straighten it out.

Guzman for the most part won't harm anyone but he is going to take care of his own first. Whoever is posting about Sullivan is wrong.

12-22-2015, 01:19 PM
I'm MPD and I've been on SWAT. It is true, Guzman was Swat Co. during the bad shootings and the officer he is bringing on was indicted. Guzman was one of three Lt's on SWAT at the time. A captain was assigned to SWAT to straighten it out.

Guzman for the most part won't harm anyone but he is going to take care of his own first. Whoever is posting about Sullivan is wrong.

So there were 3 Lt's in SWAT at the time and Guzman was one of the three. Obviously he wasn't held responsible for any of that as he was never charged with anything internally or externally and was subsequently promoted. The fact that a Captain was assigned to the unit makes sense for overall command and accountability as 3 Lt's running a unit is a bad idea.

"Guzman for the most part won't harm anyone but he is going to take care of his own first" That's an interesting statement.
The fact that he won't harm anyone is bad?
The fact that he "takes care of his own" what does that mean; Is it the people on his team? Don't you want a leader that takes care of you THE SAME WAY YOU TAKE CARE OF HIM???

And yes, Sully is a great guy enjoying his retirement in Orlando working Real State.

12-28-2015, 10:06 PM
It seems that Guzman won't harm anyone refers to that he is kind of a lump of dog poo and really doesn't do anything that may be questioned or criticized by the mayor and city manager.

Taking care of his own obliviously refers to Cubans males Beware if you are Anglo or female, blacks aren't an issue in Miami Springs, which is good since he is afraid of them.

He likes to take credit for others accomplishments.

MPD always had three Lt's and no Cpt until Guzman and the other two Lt's screwed it up and it was almost disbanded. The Cpt was brought in by oObrien and instructs to fix it. Guzman was promoted to staff positions, a lot of buttkissers were promoted to staff at MPD.

But the real issue is that he is bringing in an officer and assigning him directly to a task force with anyone at MSPD being offered the job. The officer was on SWAT, indicted and is Cuban. Nothing more to said.

12-29-2015, 05:07 PM
I guess that you had a nice Kwanza with your fellow tribesmen and came back refresh and full of shit as usual.
Why don’t you concentrate on that Muslim Assistant Chief of yours that belongs to the Luis Farrakhan group and won’t ever salute the American Flag?

Now, there is something to talk about ! ! ! !

12-30-2015, 05:45 PM
A of of racist Cubans on this site.

12-30-2015, 08:12 PM
A of of racist Cubans on this site.

Wait until I get my Ebonics/Puerorican translator out ans see what the f..k you are trying to say here.
You are really a dunce! ! ! !

12-31-2015, 10:14 PM
Why is Guzman allowed to hire his buddy and send him to a task force that doesn't generate any money? We could use another cop patrolling 36 st than at a task force.

01-01-2016, 05:26 PM
Why is Guzman allowed to hire his buddy and send him to a task force that doesn't generate any money? We could use another cop patrolling 36 st than at a task force.

1- He is allowed because he is the Chief.
2- You have to wait to see if this new guy will produce or not before you make that statement.
3- There is no room at the Food Spot on 36 St for another patrol car while you are bullshitting.
When you become Chief, then you'll do whatever you want and others will bad mouth you; can't wait. . . . . .NOT

01-02-2016, 10:55 PM
Leave Guzman alone. He's harmless. The guy is a "lap dog" "yes man" so he won't be going anywhere. The mayor wanted someone with no balls and he got the right guy. That's why Cannon didn't get the job.
The Springs will continue to be a zero department when it comes to progress, equipment, training , etc. Guzman will be in his office 20 years from now doing exactly what he's doing now. Sitting on his butt waiting for his boss to tell him what to do.

01-08-2016, 10:33 PM
Crime in Miami Springs for the first six month reporting period is up 9% according to the FDLE. Great job chief.

02-01-2016, 08:28 PM
That's what I like about the springs. Crime could be up but as long as the victims aren't politically connected nobody cares. I get to sit on my butt and collect a paycheck got doing nothing. I love it.

02-02-2016, 05:04 PM
What's the matter Nene?
Is your butt stinging a bit and you have to lash out at the Chief?
You have been like Klinger in MASH; you keep acting like a Baker Act and eventually someone will believe you are one! ! !
Staying true to your history as a "Gypsy Cop" it's time to start looking for your next home.
You will be missed. . . . .like a tooth ache ! ! ! !

03-20-2016, 10:06 PM
The east side is getting victimized and the chief doesn't have a clue on what to do. City Manager sits like a bump on a log and the Mayor is busy calling people liars at the council meeting. Great city this has become.

Now the chief is saying to people "if I'm still here" in October.......

This city is rapidly going to crap.

03-21-2016, 02:16 AM
The east side is getting victimized and the chief doesn't have a clue on what to do. City Manager sits like a bump on a log and the Mayor is busy calling people liars at the council meeting. Great city this has become.

Now the chief is saying to people "if I'm still here" in October.......

This city is rapidly going to crap.

Then I think you should leave as soon as possible, as the chances of you becoming Chief and "fixing" things went from slim to none.
Take your misery and your bullshit to some other unsuspecting police department that is not aware of your uncanny ability to overstate the problems without a hint of a solution.
Opa Locka is looking for a few good men to work the Triangle.

03-21-2016, 08:45 PM
The Cubans on this site are very sensitive.

03-21-2016, 10:45 PM
Don't look now but this City government is well on the way to being Opa-Locka

03-21-2016, 11:25 PM
Don't look now but this City government is well on the way to being Opa-Locka

If that is so, it must be due to the few Opa-Locka type officers we have mistakenly hired (South Miami too)

03-22-2016, 02:06 AM
Looks like ee is back on here with his anti Cuban anti city anti ji rhetoric. Seems he would be too tired from dodging pee tests to care.

03-22-2016, 06:09 AM
Didn't EE sign up for an off duty this weekend? Oh that's right, he failed to show up. Maybe that's why he's so rested and eager to write on the forums.

03-22-2016, 06:24 AM
Didn't EE sign up for an off duty this weekend? Oh that's right, he failed to show up. Maybe that's why he's so rested and eager to write on the forums.

He should be well rested, the man never leaves the station and parks across the street in the 2 hour parking spot to avoid walking far. The man is an ego-maniac, druggy, rude, micromanaging moron who calls Sergeant Transylvania, Captain Gamer and Lieutenant Woody Tavern for everything before he makes a decision. Sounds to me like a new version of Andre is still in the building. You can only hide in the shadows for so long E. I'm willing to bet you end up being neighbors.

05-18-2016, 12:01 PM
Interim Sweetwater Chief Placido Diaz is FOR SALE

06-23-2016, 04:16 PM
So the chief gets a call from a politician, most likely his daddy the mayor, and call an officer and orders him to release a prisoner. Guzman doesn't have the balls to back his officers against the politicians. He will get us new cars but beyond that he is a ***** for the mayor.

06-23-2016, 08:03 PM
If it is true that a local politician and the chief interfered with an arrest please provide more details. There are people in this town that would love to expose this type of corruption.

06-24-2016, 09:43 PM
Arrest occurred on Dove Ave. CD made the arrest. RC was there with him and lil Justin received the call and relayed it to CD.

06-25-2016, 12:28 AM
I think that the citizens would be far more interested in officers making bull-shit arrest without sufficient probable cause to substantiate the charges.
Then of course we have the officers that lie and exaggerate in their narratives to fit the charge. These are the officers that we need to get rid off.
Don't you agree?

06-25-2016, 12:53 AM
Everything posted about the chief when he was hired is true. Spineless, little cliques, useless. The department was barely breathing. He could have revived it but instead he chose to kill it. Sad

06-25-2016, 04:53 PM
Everything posted about the chief when he was hired is true. Spineless, little cliques, useless. The department was barely breathing. He could have revived it but instead he chose to kill it. Sad

It is not often that a spectacular situation like this presents itself and the sole owner of the truth reveals him/her self.
Please identify yourself so that the rest of us misguided mortals can pay homage to you.
It is the very least that we can do for a person of your stature and courage.

06-26-2016, 01:41 AM
It is always interesting when an anonymous person posts something negative criticizing a person that posted something anononymous.

06-26-2016, 02:39 PM
It is always interesting when an anonymous person posts something negative criticizing a person that posted something anononymous.

Reading and comprehension were not your strong suits in school were they?
1- If you are going to use the word "anonymous" learn to spell it
2- There was no criticism or negativity involved in that post; at the contrary, it was praise and admiration and a desire to know this person.

06-27-2016, 12:36 AM
So how many dummies were involved in this illegal activity; CD, RC, a detective T, lil tat guy, the chief and whoever called the chief. And of course the people from Dove Ave that witnessed the **** up. When cuff someone and start the rest report you better document when you cut her loose. RC won't be keeping those stripes long.

06-27-2016, 02:31 AM
MC not RC was on the scene. If they were following a direct order from the chief - the chief is the one who has to answer for his actions. The question is what kind of leader puts his men in that position? Shameful!!!

07-01-2016, 12:10 AM
So how many dummies were involved in this illegal activity; CD, RC, a detective T, lil tat guy, the chief and whoever called the chief. And of course the people from Dove Ave that witnessed the **** up. When cuff someone and start the rest report you better document when you cut her loose. RC won't be keeping those stripes long.

"In the absence of sufficient probable cause to support the charge you must make the person "whole" and release them where you found them in the same condition as you found them"

The one thing you don't want to do is to engage in "Creative A-Form Writing 101" to make the narrative fit the charge for this will make you a unprofessional scumbag unworthy of wearing the uniform and eligible for jail time.

Names please ? ? ? ?

07-01-2016, 02:10 AM
InSufficient probable cause in this case was a phone call from the chief! Then a cover up for the CM and council.

07-01-2016, 09:54 PM
InSufficient probable cause in this case was a phone call from the chief! Then a cover up for the CM and council.

Let me know on what day you want to go to the State Attorney's Office to present your proof of these charges.
I will gladly drive you and call the media for a conference.
What day will work for you?

07-04-2016, 02:28 PM
Lol, no one has mention criminal actions. Unethical, bad leadership, half truths, back stroking - but not criminal. Let's bully the posters quiet the issue.

07-04-2016, 06:58 PM
Lol, no one has mention criminal actions. Unethical, bad leadership, half truths, back stroking - but not criminal. Let's bully the posters quiet the issue.

Let's go big mouth.
I'll drive you there as well.
Get out from behind the anonymity of this site and lets see how big your testicles/ovaries are?


07-04-2016, 11:57 PM
I will let you know Chief! Lol. Hit a nerve, huh!

07-05-2016, 03:32 AM
No, not the Chief.
Is a friend of the Chief that wants to take you to task.
Armando won't waste his time with you, he is too much of a gentleman; however, I would derive great pleasure in dealing with you on a 1/1.
BTW, you are not going to like it.

07-05-2016, 04:46 PM
HAHAHHA! The "friend" must be from the City or a family member. The Chief does not have any friends at the MSPD. Only kiss a$$es and opportunist.

07-06-2016, 02:39 PM
It is quite sad the the legacy left by the previous chief is that of cowards making baseless accusations on these pages while enjoying the protection of anonymity. You can't be asked if you witness anything or if you are simply regurgitating something one of our discontents have told you. What proof exists and what evidence you have.
This is one of the reasons that the public does not respect us and our profession is becoming less admired than a politician.
While you may be in the "outs" with Armando because you didn't get what you thought you were entitled to, at least have the courage to confront personally. You will be amazed of how much respect you will gain even from people that don't agree with you.
This is what professionals would do while cheap whores do what you do.
Any questions?
A brother in arms at MSPD

07-06-2016, 09:53 PM
I have no beef with the chief. Although we may have seen many improvements from the prior chief . All this department knew was the bottom of the barrel prior to him so yes anything is an improvement. The verdict is still out on his leadership abilities. No one at MSPD call him "Armando" so you must not work in the MSPD.

07-07-2016, 03:26 PM
I have no beef with the chief. Although we may have seen many improvements from the prior chief . All this department knew was the bottom of the barrel prior to him so yes anything is an improvement. The verdict is still out on his leadership abilities. No one at MSPD call him "Armando" so you must not work in the MSPD.

Yes; some do, but not in public.

05-20-2017, 12:46 AM
The east side is getting victimized and the chief doesn't have a clue on what to do. City Manager sits like a bump on a log and the Mayor is busy calling people liars at the council meeting. Great city this has become.

Now the chief is saying to people "if I'm still here" in October.......

This city is rapidly going to crap.

Thank you Ronnie Lube.

05-20-2017, 12:48 AM
Why does the one poster always refer to blacks or working Overtown, etc. What is the need for racists posts on this site. It must be the underlying racism of some members of the Miami Springs Police Department.

That being said, the other poster is correct, Guzman is only going to do what the manager and mayor tells him to do. He will not go out on a limb for anyone, he will develope cliques and play favorites, he will act tough but is really a mommas boy, he is kind of a bump on a log, just sitting there not doing anything unless you sit on the bump, then he is a pain in the butt. Overall a zero but harmless.

He has already started the cliques withe Castillo family. The daddy is pushing hard for his boys and kissing Guzmans butt and Guzman loves to have his butt kissed. Guzman is too dumb to ask about how Castillo got his money, but then again Guzman was also friends with most of the river cops.

Stand down sailor, that 's an order!