View Full Version : Myrna strikes again

Thomas Paine
12-12-2014, 01:33 AM
At a recent deposition Myrna probably set a record using her 5th amend right, we are checking with the Guinese Book of world records. Next up is Chief Gold Tooth, if he uses the 5th I believe it will be a career killer. Myrna actually showed up, a big surprise for us. Here are some of the answers we think the chief will use,"I can't recall," "I was just an adviser," " I don't have those records handy." If everything goes south the old reliable, " you will have to ask my counsel." It's easy to figure out the Sao can give all those concerned immunity except guess who. If the city manager or any of you're elected officials ask "guess who" any questions without the intent of following up with criminal charges she cannot use the 5th and can face dismissal. Either the politicians don't have the interest or the fortitude and nobody in HPD has any political clout.
Your most humble servants, Thomas Paine, Po-po poet, Comand pimp

Thomas Paine
12-12-2014, 06:43 PM
Chief gold tooth's standard reply "I signed it, but I didn't know what was in it".

doc justice
12-12-2014, 08:27 PM