View Full Version : Code enforcement officer retains integrity

Thomas Paine
11-15-2014, 02:32 AM
Our hats are off to the code enforcement officer that retained her character and integrity in front of the higher-ups. A COE was called in by higher-ups to discuss Lt. Johnson. When asked what she had to say. With out hesitation she said "I don't like the stank-ass way you have treated the Lt." She went on to basically tell the stuned people present. These secretaries act like children and like all children they need discipline. They need to be seen and not heard. After the above those present were kind of speechless. Their response to this unabashed truthfulness was. 'thank you! that's all. We can only say this individual has retained her integrity, better than most her character is intact and not intimidated. This is the person you want as a working partner of respond to a 15. If we could we would give you a medal for standing up and expressing yourself in the face of over whelming odds. To the COE from our hearts.
Your most humble servants Thomas Paine, Po-po poet, Comand pimp