View Full Version : Ebola in Miami

10-17-2014, 03:32 PM
Can anyone advise if the PBE equipment and mask we are currently issued protect against Ebola?

10-17-2014, 04:38 PM
Can anyone advise if the PBE equipment and mask we are currently issued protect against Ebola?

Surely you jest? Have you been viewing the televised media? Trained health care professionals attired in preventive equipment more impervious than what police officers are issued contracted EBOLA in Africa. Here in the USA; Houston in particular, health care professionals equipped with more invulnerable protective garments than anything issued to police officers been infected. If they have not done it already, your command staff MUST immediately coordinate with the Fire Department and establish a response protocol for managing this lethal health crisis.

Some of you may remember the 2001 Anthrax Attacks; then police and fire developed a response protocol which essentially left the police out of the immediate contaminated scene; manning perimeter posts controlling ingress and egress to the affected location. Should the need for police to enter the contaminated area to protect Fire Hazmat personnel arose, specially trained officers, generally SWAT, were trained how to operate in the most protective; self-contained gear at the time, Level A. Let's pray that in the past 13 years; significant improvements were made to the Level A protective gear and equally as important, the decontamination protocol.

On this crisis, as in the 2001 Anthrax attacks, Fire must be the lead agency, as they are trained and equipped to handle the most toxic environment. God Bless them! For one thing is certain, we don't know how much we don't know about Ebola and it is exponentially worse than Anthrax!
Though no one promised us a rose garden, I always found strength in the words of Isaiah 6:8.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”!



10-17-2014, 04:40 PM
surely you jest? Have you been viewing the televised media? Trained health care professionals attired in preventive equipment more impervious than what police officers are issued contracted ebola in africa. Here in the usa; [dallas] in particular, health care professionals equipped with more invulnerable protective garments than anything issued to police officers been infected. If they have not done it already, your command staff must immediately coordinate with the fire department and establish a response protocol for managing this lethal health crisis.

Some of you may remember the 2001 anthrax attacks; then police and fire developed a response protocol which essentially left the police out of the immediate contaminated scene; manning perimeter posts controlling ingress and egress to the affected location. Should the need for police to enter the contaminated area to protect fire hazmat personnel arose, specially trained officers, generally swat, were trained how to operate in the most protective; self-contained gear at the time, level a. Let's pray that in the past 13 years; significant improvements were made to the level a protective gear and equally as important, the decontamination protocol.

On this crisis, as in the 2001 anthrax attacks, fire must be the lead agency, as they are trained and equipped to handle the most toxic environment. God bless them! For one thing is certain, we don't know how much we don't know about ebola and it is exponentially worse than anthrax!
Though no one promised us a rose garden, i always found strength in the words of isaiah 6:8.

“then i heard the voice of the lord saying, “whom shall i send? And who will go for us?”
and i said, “here am i. Send me!”!



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-17-2014, 06:08 PM
Should the need for police to enter the contaminated area to protect Fire Hazmat personnel arose, specially trained officers, generally SWAT.

TSD officers are the only ones trained/qualified and have the gear to go into the Warm zone as force protection, they started back in 2001 and 12 yrs later they still the only ones with the training. The rest of the department will hold the perimeter between the cold and warm zone. If they have the training and ppe gear.

10-17-2014, 06:56 PM
Should the need for police to enter the contaminated area to protect Fire Hazmat personnel arose, specially trained officers, generally SWAT.

TSD officers are the only ones trained/qualified and have the gear to go into the Warm zone as force protection, they started back in 2001 and 12 yrs later they still the only ones with the training. The rest of the department will hold the perimeter between the cold and warm zone. If they have the training and ppe gear.

Why do you all care you all said you have stopped working.

10-21-2014, 09:57 AM
Just stay away from coons, that have hung out with their brethren from West Africa and you'll be ok ! Just like AIDS , another wonderful disease from the Dark Continent, thank you Chimpanzees, for all you do for us :-)

10-21-2014, 12:35 PM
Can anyone advise if the PBE equipment and mask we are currently issued protect against Ebola?

You have the wrong filters, the one you have are for gas (CS) and will not protect you. You need particulate filters. Where is the FOP on this.

10-21-2014, 12:59 PM
You have the wrong filters, the one you have are for gas (CS) and will not protect you. You need particulate filters. Where is the FOP on this.

Wheres the cheif and the city on this Ortiz included they who to contact, what they had to buy, where to get it, and how to get it for free in an e mail to them two weeks ago. Guess fire wants to be the heros let them as far as I am concerned. Still another uninformed Javi hater.

10-21-2014, 01:39 PM
What we need is 3m FR-C2A1 "PARTICULATE" filter. The City has the money to get it for us.