View Full Version : Shakespeare and the idiot & *****

Thomas Paine
10-15-2014, 02:21 AM
We would like to address an issue. We neither confirm or deny that Burt Guzman is Thomas Paine. Now
Po-po poet would like to share some interesting conclusions from Shakespeare. I have studied the idiot and
Made the following conclusions. The idiot is a combination of Falstaff (Henry IV) & the hunchback Duke of
Glousoucster (Richard III). The idiot is a completely amoral lecherous fool. His string of monologues at
Roll call reveal him to be heartless and vile. These 'speeches' allow you a view into his heartless and illicit soul.
The ***** is pure Lady MacBeth (MacBeth). She has given her amoral ambition full rein. As her career
Proceeds she descends into madness from nightmares contemplating her past acts until she commits
Professional suicide.
There have been rumors about the 'ass whooping' capt. Rea caught and the hand spanking Lt. Johnson got
On the ass. Just as I predicted the idiot & ***** got away with it again. Nobody has the intestinal fortitude
To take action. It's all just a fart in the wind.
Your most humble servants:Thomas Paine, Po-po poet, command pimp

doc justice
10-15-2014, 05:08 PM
Just becuase you dont have the intestinal fortitude doesn't mean others don't.

There are those who are willing to stand up to their corruption. Just because you are too worried about your pension, doesn't mean others are cowards as well.

If I'm wrong please stand up and do something other than just whine under an anonymous pseudonym. I imagine you will remain seated hiding behind your keyboard. Waiting to be proven wrong, actually praying I'm wrong. However, I doubt it.