View Full Version : Leo for chief

09-08-2014, 07:33 PM
I just fell out of my ****ing chair laughing when I read the crespo report. Leo a-bad put in for chief !!!!!
What a ****ing idiot !!!! If there was any wonder as to the size of this guys ego there it is.

Que come pinga es el tipo ese !!!

09-08-2014, 07:55 PM
Wait so what you are saying is he has a big ego? Qualification wise the city of Miami has hired the worst of the worst. Orosa had a high school diploma and initially refused to testify in a murder investigation. Is that what you consider qualified? Orosa doesn't even meet the minimum requirements to be a manager at a fast food restaurant let alone MPD! Hey at least the Sgt knows what it is to do police work.

09-08-2014, 08:50 PM
Remember Warshaw, he never made sergeant and eventually weaseled himself to chief of police, city manger; only to soil the offices, Miami and himself by stealing from "Do the Right Thing" and the pension fund!


09-08-2014, 08:59 PM
WHORTZ if you can play president as a documented lying weasel then why not?

09-08-2014, 09:05 PM
chief Leo: Who are you going to name chief of staff: Executive Assistant Nestor??? What a joke!
abad I am embarrassed for you bro......

09-08-2014, 09:53 PM
After a national search Lugo will be the assistant!!!

09-08-2014, 10:45 PM
Leo Abad has single handedly destroyed every unit he has touched. His inability to work well with others led to a revolving door of sgts in k9. Until it blew up of course. (His fault) He ****ed over people in the swat team and k9 and conspired to have senior officers removed who did not toe his rookie ass line. Hes pissed off dozens of Lts, nearly been fired, he has a massive ego and isnt smart enough to know hes stupid.

In other words, hes perfect chief material.

09-08-2014, 10:54 PM
Leo Abad has single handedly destroyed every unit he has touched. His inability to work well with others led to a revolving door of sgts in k9. Until it blew up of course. (His fault) He ****ed over people in the swat team and k9 and conspired to have senior officers removed who did not toe his rookie ass line. Hes pissed off dozens of Lts, nearly been fired, he has a massive ego and isnt smart enough to know hes stupid.

In other words, hes perfect chief material.

Javi your estrogen is out of control again.

09-08-2014, 11:24 PM
Enough already! Miami PD needs a police chief with proven leadership skills, operational experience, managerial acumen and most importantly, the guile to effectively deal with the political shenanigans that pervade the City of Miami. That person is none other than . . . Orlando Martinez de Castro. Never mind what detractors have written and said about Orlando. Anyone, one who knows can attest Orlando was victimized by the political regime in charge of South Miami!

09-08-2014, 11:55 PM
Miami must break the Cuban line of police chiefs and appoint a man that is head and shoulders above all other 49 candidates. That Person is Craig E. McQueen; enough said!

09-09-2014, 12:30 AM
No matter how much we would like to see change within our command staff, what will happen is simple. After the "National" search, Regalado and Katherine Rundle still need a Cuban who is not going to question the corrupt decisions of the Miami/Cuban crafter's mafia. Luis Cabrera will be chief and the same implosion will continue. Just focus on fixing our FOP and vote in a president who will not bow to the continued antics of promised promotions in exchange for screwing officers. This coupled with a group of officers willing to go public with the corruption within our department will follow with indictments of the many who have harmed us. We as officers must get rid of the FOP and then go from there. Then we must ensure the daughter of the dictator regalado does not get his spot. Thennwe can go back to serving the citizens of Miami!

09-09-2014, 03:19 AM
Were you in the car with officer Vital? Yes nothing will change but indictments? Never just work your ten hours an go home to your family.

09-09-2014, 12:41 PM
This City will not bring in an outsiders. One that is a proven leader and knows what the hell he or she is doing. City hall needs someone they can control. Plain and simple. They have many here to choose from, that will do as they say. Now McQueen I've know since he was in motors. Not a good choice. I got nothing personal against the guy but a Chief he's not. Lube that many are saying on here will be the next Chief. Again no. Ron most of the time is an ok guy, again Chief he's not. He can't even get a Major slot. Mag I say yes but he's white. I know many say he wouldn't be a good choice however he's been around 30 years. Has lots of operational experience. History has proven that most in house Chief come from major's. So our choice is very limited. Many black want the a/c secretary. Only because of her race. Again bad choice. The other a/c's shouldn't even be in the running. It doesn't matter what we say or our opinion is on this City Hall will pick who they ( with no police experience ) want. I think the only thing that can save this dept. Would to bring in an outsider and let him or her choose their command staff. Wishful thinking on my part. We all have who we want. Manly because some believe they can get something out of it. Me I know I'm not Chief material. I can't kiss ass like they want.

09-10-2014, 12:40 AM
This City will not bring in an outsiders. One that is a proven leader and knows what the hell he or she is doing. City hall needs someone they can control. Plain and simple. They have many here to choose from, that will do as they say. Now McQueen I've know since he was in motors. Not a good choice. I got nothing personal against the guy but a Chief he's not. Lube that many are saying on here will be the next Chief. Again no. Ron most of the time is an ok guy, again Chief he's not. He can't even get a Major slot. Mag I say yes but he's white. I know many say he wouldn't be a good choice however he's been around 30 years. Has lots of operational experience. History has proven that most in house Chief come from major's. So our choice is very limited. Many black want the a/c secretary. Only because of her race. Again bad choice. The other a/c's shouldn't even be in the running. It doesn't matter what we say or our opinion is on this City Hall will pick who they ( with no police experience ) want. I think the only thing that can save this dept. Would to bring in an outsider and let him or her choose their command staff. Wishful thinking on my part. We all have who we want. Manly because some believe they can get something out of it. Me I know I'm not Chief material. I can't kiss ass like they want.
Nicely said, however most of us at this point don't care. We come to work ,46 here and there. This city can burn to the ground, enjoy a nice 7 year DROP, get the hell out and don't look back.

09-10-2014, 09:09 PM
Leo & Nestor for new FOP leadership!!!!
.......Bad Joke

09-10-2014, 09:30 PM
McQueen is a closet racist. He smiles and slaps you on the back then calls you honky and spic. Plus he is dumber than dirt. Mag is a decent major but defiantly not a chief. Respected as police officer but not as a commander. Gomez is a political butt licker. The best thing that can happen to MPD is an outsider come in but that isn't going to happen as long as Regalado is in power. Cabrera wants it terribly but he is a friggin baker act.

There is no light at the end of tunnel on that list. But I do hear about talks with a former asst chief going on out of the view of the public. But he is Anglo and odds are against him and he wants a contract with security which the city doesn't want to do at this time.

09-10-2014, 10:09 PM
True, for the sake of the Miami Police Department and the citizens it serves, an outsider is the right way to go. Though not just any outsiders, that person must have an understanding of Miami’s political dynamics and its demographics’ idiosyncrasies. Not an easy task for anyone; less for one from outside Miami-Dade County. The former “Anglo” assistant chief you cited, is Tom Cannon. Let us be honest shall we, the man is a troglodyte! Miami’s police chief needs not a contract, if that person cannot effectively serve at the will of the city manager, no contract will bar his or her removal. Besides, the City Charter provides a modicum of protection, albeit very small. The police chief’s position is a politically designated one and was the case with Orosa; the next police chief will be a loyal Regalado vassal.

09-11-2014, 10:42 AM
Jorge is a great guy who realy cares about his personnel. Hey, its a political position. So what? He would make a darn good chief. I have had a run in or two with Mag but I will say this. He hasn't changed over all the years. Still a square guy who will get in your face before stabbing you in the back. Kind of rare I'd say. There are other worthy guys on the list too. One question remains though. What the hell is a troglodyte? The job will go to an insider hopefully who mends fences and not lays landmines.

09-11-2014, 11:10 AM
Enough already! Miami PD needs a police chief with proven leadership skills, operational experience, managerial acumen and most importantly, the guile to effectively deal with the political shenanigans that pervade the City of Miami. That person is none other than . . . Orlando Martinez de Castro. Never mind what detractors have written and said about Orlando. Anyone, one who knows can attest Orlando was victimized by the political regime in charge of South Miami!

You have got to be kidding! This guy has an ego as big as they come. Integrity is not in his vocabulary. He can blame anyone he wants for his dismissal from South Miami but the fact is he's DIRTY! I've dealt with him and found that he's just a big bully. Uses his office in any way necessary for his own gain no matter who he steps on.

09-13-2014, 06:03 PM
Here we are , discussing who will be the next chief.

Here we are, discussing the future of gomez, colina, perez, smith, don'tcare.

Here we are hurting ourselves. We are talking about people that do not need to work for the rest of their life.
Job well done.

Lets talk about how can we have regalado and the commissioners by the balls so they can pay us better.

The commissioners and the mayor in coral gables are doing meeting after meeting because their citizens are complaining about burglaries. They are all worried.

Lets make our guys worry too. Lets them know only minimum will be done.

But yet, we arer acting like kissers of asss.

Miami, qsm the bolo
miami, qsm what you are holding
miami, i have one, two, three detained
miami, have a burglary detective, robbery , dv, assault, homicide , auto theft respond
miami, let the cmdr know we have them detained,
miami , we are the best and we are working for peanuts.

Viva regalado.

09-14-2014, 10:05 PM
Leo & Nestor for new FOP leadership!!!!
.......Bad Joke

Your the only joke Ortiz but lets see of the new chief protects you or finally does something about your political prostitute that you are

09-15-2014, 01:25 AM
a bad, don't be so thin skinned. Don't take yourself so seriously; nobody else does.