View Full Version : Thank You Al Crespo

09-05-2014, 12:46 PM
It's amazing how one outside person can get it so right. Mr Crespo sir if you only new how much a large majority of officers appreciates whar you do for this City. The level of corruption at city hall is beyond what anyone could even imagine (Ranging from the new city manager to several commissioners and the mayor).

NBO Orosa has destroyed this police department by pending over to city hall every chance he had just for the simple reason so he can get a contract extension. Now that he has finally realized that he was played he has become even more dangerous by not caring three shits as to what happens here.

The lack of supervision in this police department is incredible. Moral is on the floor and people here are just tired of all the bs going on at City Hall.

The radio show last night was on point. Thank you

For those who missed yesterday talk show please listen


09-05-2014, 01:52 PM
That's not orosa's doing, that's all Gomez and btw Gomez you should be ashamed of yourself for what you keep doing to your spouse oh but wait you have no morals and that's why you find yourself in the situation you are in now. I blame you for the low moral cause of your double standards. Cheater.

09-05-2014, 02:05 PM
The Problems we have are greater than any one person. As Crespo stated the fish rots from the head. Our union, staff, training and Internal Affairs all need a deep cleansing but that will not happen. There is an institutional problem here that has existed since the 1980's. As long as regalado gets to hand pick his puppet there will be no change.

Thank you AL for continuing to do what the garbage of a Herald fails to do daily!!!!!


09-05-2014, 02:11 PM
The ****ing leadership in this department is a disaster. Orosa pick up your bags and get the **** out of that office. Don't forget to take that ***** boy Jr with you. Herbello you and your son should be fired immediately. Wow!