View Full Version : Chief's new uniform

07-11-2014, 12:00 AM
Once upon a time there was a police chief who was much loved. Mostly by himself. After all, he was not just any chief. He was the best dressed and well spoken in the world. He even impressed himself.
Everyone told the chief how magnificent and smart he was. The chief quite agreed with them. The truth of the matter he.
Was an idiot. There was no way he believed the truth.
The chief was by nature most generous,especially with himself. Every football season he created holidays for himself. The height of every holiday was when he was leaving. All his minions lined up by rank to kiss his Myrna.
Being the wise chief that he was, he had many spies. He kept tabs on all the trends. Time and again he astounded everyone
With his truth and how it bends. It was from his minions he learned of a magic Taylor. All the minions did agree the Taylor could make uniforms magically . The chief sent for the Taylor.
"We'll you undeserving poor slob what is so extraordinary about your uniforms?" We'll your majesty, your highnass, dear chief
The replied. The uniforms I make are rich and rare and can only be seen by those of highest distinction. Through cunning they are invisible to those other Myrna's not to you and those who kiss your Myrna. The chief said. "Make me a uniform"' his gold tooth shinning. I need to know at last which of my officers are unfit to serve.
Daily the chief got reports. So he sent his IA minion to take a look. The IA minion was shocked when he saw nothing on the rack. Was he a Myrna for not seeing so much? The minion wondered, I didn't see a damn thing. Am I really not fit to do the chief's work? Not having the chief's dignity he ran all the way back to lick the chief's Myrna.
Thrilled by what he heard, he wanted to make sure. He sent his captains and a few lieutenants to. One had four flats and missed out on kissing the chief's Myrna. The rest of those sent arrived. To their great shock they saw nothing to could they all be unfit to. They ran all the way back to get a kiss in to. Such a glowing report it surely was to be true.
Even the chief's dignity has limits to. He ran to the shedding room where his new uniform hung. He entered the room and saw nothing to. It was really to much that I'm unfit. After all I'm the chief it just can't be. The IA captain said how beautiful you will be.
The chief's command staff met. After great debate and disscusion at the next roll call the chief would make an introduction
Emails and memos were sent. The great day drew close and tension expanded. The comand staff wondered? If it were discovered they couldn't see the new uniform all the officers would think them Myrna's.
As the day came the chief preened himself to perfection ...
Trumpets blared drums rolled the chief walked in to roll call. All in the room stood at attention. They all saw nothing but were afraid to speak. The chief stepped to the podium and tried to speak his transparency began to leak. One brave Sargent stood and spoke "you ain't got shit on this is a joke. She was quickly beheaded because he's the chief.
Now all was lost except the chief. He ran out of the room with his ass hanging out. She had big brown ears and an old grey snout, she was hollering. He haw! He haw! The chief still didn't know and shouted about. Myrna stop that he hawing and get that ass out!!!
All that we're present did agree. This retreat was the chief's finest hour.