View Full Version : Tom Knight sued by Jennifer Byrd

05-30-2014, 03:04 PM
Court Type: Circuit Civil
Case Number: 2014 CA 001559 NC
Uniform Case Number: 582014CA001559XXXANC
Another SSO employee dissatisfied with Knight? Exactly how many lawsuits against Knight does this make? Did Bob Graham start a lawsuit-trend against Knight after Knight fired him? :shock:

Sgt Graham (fired) was awarded almost a million dollars after Knight terminated him. Deputy Byrd (fired) is seeking what?

05-30-2014, 04:19 PM
Byrd is a disgruntled former employee, although yes she is another in the line of lawsuits featuring our ruler TK as the defendant, unlike everyone else Byrd has no case. She screwed herself over many times and made basically the whole department want nothing to do with her. Don't sh*t where you eat JB!

05-31-2014, 05:28 PM
Defendant: Thomas M. Knight
Plaintiff: Jennifer Byrd
Judge: Charles E. Williams
Court Type: Circuit Civil
Case Number: 2014 CA 001559 NC
Uniform Case Number: 582014CA001559XXXANC
This is a devil advocate viewpoint:
Knight awarded Jennifer with a DUI award (http://o5.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/PATCH/resize/600x450/http://hss-prod.hss.aol.com/hss/storage/patch/ac9ec2362166846fabb7d7ba09707a38). [/*:m:2wcslsdm]
Jennifer arranged for Lally to arrested for DUI, which made Knight look bad in the newspaper, which pissed him off and put Jennifer on Knight's bad side. [/*:m:2wcslsdm]
Knight fires Jennifer.[/*:m:2wcslsdm]
Jennifer sues Knight.[/*:m:2wcslsdm]
Knight praised Jennifer until she made him look like an idiot in the newspaper, so he turned like a snake on her. It's true that Jennifer pissed off the entire agency by getting one of our own arrested, BUT nonetheless, does she have a legal case against Knight?

05-31-2014, 06:08 PM
You all are forgetting why she really got put on the black list in the first place. Rumor has it speculation She had a run in with a Lt. and Secretary's daughter, which was all caught on her dash cam (Herald Tribune). She thought she was doing the right thing and that in turn her decsion bit her in the ass, so on the BlackList she went and it all went downhill from there. What is that saying about the good deed?

05-31-2014, 06:53 PM
She had a run in with a Lt. and Secretary's daughter, which was all caught on her dash cam (Herald Tribune). She thought she was doing the right thing and that in turn her decsion bit her in the ass, so on the BlackList she went and it all went downhill from there.
Is there still a copy of the dashcam incident? And if there is, then how would it impact her lawsuit? Usually in those kinds of cases, things mysteriously disappear, never to be seen.

06-02-2014, 07:46 PM
She had a run in with a Lt. and Secretary's daughter, which was all caught on her dash cam (Herald Tribune). She thought she was doing the right thing and that in turn her decsion bit her in the ass, so on the BlackList she went and it all went downhill from there.
Is there still a copy of the dashcam incident? And if there is, then how would it impact her lawsuit? Usually in those kinds of cases, things mysteriously disappear, never to be seen.

I wouldn't say that evidence is destroyed. That is a stretch. There is a sort of shell game that is played with it. You just have to know how to ask for it the proper way. Mother May I? It is in the way you say it. They are expecting you to ask a certain way because you don't know any better. Think outside the box.

06-03-2014, 06:15 PM
Even is JB gets paid:

1) She was never a teamplayer

2) She was never loyal

3) It was ALWAYS about HER - especially when she got the instructor fired

4) She had a hidden agenda to "take down" a few people that didn't deserve it

5) She cried about everything to get her way or threatened ATTORNEY/LAWSUIT/HARRASSMENT


11-22-2014, 02:25 AM
Even is JB gets paid:

1) She was never a teamplayer

2) She was never loyal

3) It was ALWAYS about HER - especially when she got the instructor fired

4) She had a hidden agenda to "take down" a few people that didn't deserve it

5) She cried about everything to get her way or threatened ATTORNEY/LAWSUIT/HARRASSMENT


What is going on with the bean's lawsuit? I hear it is in Federal Court.

11-22-2014, 02:26 AM
Even is JB gets paid:

1) She was never a teamplayer

2) She was never loyal

3) It was ALWAYS about HER - especially when she got the instructor fired

4) She had a hidden agenda to "take down" a few people that didn't deserve it

5) She cried about everything to get her way or threatened ATTORNEY/LAWSUIT/HARRASSMENT


What is going on with the bean's lawsuit? I hear it is in Federal Court.

11-22-2014, 03:55 AM
What is going on with the bean's lawsuit? I hear it is in Federal Court.

Check back in 7 years. Federal Courts are bogged down with BS Lawsuits.

11-22-2014, 02:56 PM
Their are so many new people. It doesn't matter. Pay is up, waiting list to come on the agency. Don't kid yourself. Knight will be here as long as he wants. If you can't play nice, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Management styles change, Sheriffs retire and new ones come but rest assured. The agency does move on with or without you. It is not bad here. You would of had to come from another agency to see that. When you have Deputies from bigger agencies like Hillsborough,Orange,FHP,FWCC. That tells me they are doing something right and you my friend are in the minority. Facts are facts and the numbers speak for themselves. Longevity here holds its own just look at the retirements.

11-22-2014, 07:26 PM
That is a nice sermon, and I am sure pinto bean misses that large salary, but how is the lawsuit going? A lot of us around here think that Knight would be wrong to settle. Give her a taste of her own medicine.

11-22-2014, 11:55 PM
What is going on with Jennifer Byrd's lawsuit? I hear it is in Federal Court.
It was probably a smart move to change the venue from state court to federal court.

Yep, Steve Burns is outta here. Audios!

11-23-2014, 03:15 AM
What is going on with the bean's lawsuit? I hear it is in Federal Court.

I heard it was dismissed.

11-23-2014, 04:28 AM
So the lawsuit was frivolous and baseless. Just like the bean is.

11-23-2014, 03:27 PM
I heard it was dismissed.
Nope. You heard wrong. It is withdrawn from state venue.

Unregistered legal beagal
11-23-2014, 03:35 PM
Nope. You heard wrong. It is withdrawn from state venue.

That is probably a smart move. Sgt. Bob Graham’s lawsuit against Tom Knight and Kurt Hoffman was at the federal level and Graham was awarded three quarters of a million dollars in damages due to Knight’s and Hoffman’s negligence and legal bungling.

What is happening with Sgt. Chris Iorio’s lawsuit against Knight? And how about Cpt. Rick Mottola’s lawsuit against Knight’s and Hoffman’s legal bungling? Why are those lawsuits staying in state court instead of federal court? The ONE good thing about state court is that it all becomes PUBLIC RECORD and the public can read all about it (unlike federal court).

11-23-2014, 10:32 PM
They are all garbage.

11-23-2014, 11:46 PM
Who is they? Learn better grammar that is an indirect pronoun.

SSO Christian
11-24-2014, 05:59 PM
Knight is nothing more than a evil..evil...nasty human being...You should hear the shit so many Deps have to say about him. FTK I hate the SOB !!!!!!

Did Adolf Hitler think himself to be evil? No, of course not. Neither did Mussolini and North Korea's dictator and all the other "leaders" who do or did evil things. Does TK think himself and his actions to be evil? No, of course not. Do they think themselves to be superior and geniuses above others? Ha yeaa, probably.

However, if you hate TK because of what TK has done and is doing, then you are wrong because hating others poisons your own heart. Hating others is like pouring acid on yourself and hoping that the other guy gets burned.

Instead of "hating" someone that is doing evil things, do something positive about it. Adolf Hitler eventually got his, but it was in God's timing when good men and nations rose up against him. Mussolini also got his when his own people had finally had enough of him, so they hung him in a public square. TK will also get whatever he deserves, but it's in God's timing and not in your timing. The point is that God doesn't need you to hate TK to bring about "justice" because God can bring TK to justice without you hating him.

11-24-2014, 06:36 PM
I can't wait for the video to come out of her and the LT. fighting his S-20 daughter. Popcorn at the ready.

11-25-2014, 12:57 AM
[Content deleted for violation of Terms of Use - Mod 11]

11-25-2014, 11:07 AM
The above statement is only true if Wilson had a target on him. If Wilson reported inappropriate behavior about one of TK's boys, Wilson would already be sitting in jail. If Wilson is protected for some reason, say his dad was a beloved employee who died tragically, then no matter what Wilson does, he will be exonerated. TK doesn't care about the actual incident. TK is only concerned about who is involved. Case in point, Adam Shaw.

05-22-2015, 01:51 AM
I can't wait for the video to come out of her and the LT. fighting his S-20 daughter. Popcorn at the ready.

That video is interesting to see. Pinto Bean shuts off her recording device, and forgets to turn it in. What is that about Pinto? The video could be on You Tube very soon Jennifer.

05-22-2015, 01:13 PM
Who all was sig 20 in the video?

05-23-2015, 05:13 PM
That video is interesting to see. Pinto Bean shuts off her recording device, and forgets to turn it in. What is that about Pinto? The video could be on You Tube very soon Jennifer.

can we get a link to pinto beans ordeal??

05-23-2015, 06:00 PM
Who all was sig 20 in the video?

Rumor has it that a certain LT slaps the crap out of his S20 Daughter who is going ballistic. I am sure that this tape is hidden very well and will be hard as heck to find. This is why she was put on the Shiz list.

05-24-2015, 03:34 PM
rumor has it that a certain lt slaps the crap out of his s20 daughter who is going ballistic. I am sure that this tape is hidden very well and will be hard as heck to find. This is why she was put on the shiz list.

lt vm ???????????????

05-27-2015, 12:33 AM
Insanely HOT. You apparently didn't get the full memo: All those Mayer women are insanely HOT and just need to be slapped.