View Full Version : Mayor Levine's Power Trip

05-22-2014, 11:31 PM
Great psychoanalysis of Mayor Levine by Elaine de Valle.

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine has proved, yet again, how difficult it can be for a millionaire businessman who is used to ordering folks around and getting his way to transition to that public servant role and follow the rules.

Philip Levine looks harmless by day. But what about after a few drinks at an after party?
Let me get this straight: First, Levine bullies and baits a police officer at the Art Basel after party of one of his millionaire friends. Then the mayor makes a complaint and has the officer investigated because he fired his taser three times into the ground to disperse a large and threatening crowd. Then Levine doesn’t cooperate in the investigation, refusing several attempts by Internal Affairs to interview him.

Read the complete piece here: http://www.politicalcortadito.com/2014/05/22/philip-levine-power-trip-miami-beach-police/

05-23-2014, 01:46 PM
Great story. But what I don't understand is how the FOP is not up in arms about the Mayor instigating an incident and refusing to speak to IA after intitiating the investigation. The best Bello had was an invite to the CPA? No wonder Silly Hall does as they please with us. Time to bring the PBA to the Beach.