View Full Version : Sarasota #1 in nation for elderly

LEO News Flash
05-17-2014, 06:59 PM

Sarasota ranked first in the nation for its over-60 population and age-related life-support facilities.

The elderly are the top demographic helping to grow Southwest Florida’s recovery by trekking to this area for a retirement home.

That pattern is going to continue.
http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20 ... ent-cities (http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20140516/ARTICLE/140519728/2416/NEWS?Title=Sarasota-tops-list-of-best-retirement-cities)

05-20-2014, 08:22 PM
This article appears to be so one sided. Looking at all the schools, population and major outlet,rowing facilities. This area is also a hothead for the younger generation but it's apparent some people don't like change.

05-20-2014, 10:07 PM
These are the same people who buy a condo downtown to live in a "vibrant city" and have their culture. Key being "their" culture. You know, the symphony, the opera all of the old fuddy duddy "culture". They also want to be where the dining is good too. The problem with these people is that not only is the vibrant city a place for them, it is also a place for those us that are not nearly-dead. They move into a condo then bi--h about the noise like the Ivory Lounge being too noisy. Oh yes the fine dining is OK but if I want to go to Mattison's for a bite to eat after doing something the younger people do, it's too late and too noisy. You can't have it both ways!!! Imagine these same people living in NYC near Times Square and complaining that the noise on Broadway is too loud!! Wouldn't this be like buying a house in Whitfield Estates then complaining that the airplanes are too loud? DUH! Oh yeah, and these are probably the same idiots that call SPD because there's a homeless guy in front of their multi-million dollar condo and they don't like it. SPD then X15's the guy for open container or illegal camping. It rids the complainer of the unsightly homeless guy but then puts the onus on us taxpayers to house, feed and care for him at a cost of >$100 per day.