View Full Version : Bogus Awards

05-16-2014, 02:59 PM
Dorman receives an award for Bartow Police Professional of the Year? What does that even mean? More like Professional Liar of the Year. Someone lied to the "Spirit of Bartow" committee. Someone...

05-16-2014, 09:12 PM
Does anyone know who nominated him? Since when does flipping burgers and picking paint colors earn you a police professional of the year award? I mean I know he can walk on water and survived being struck by a bolt of lightning, but come on people, it's like he farts pixie dust.

05-16-2014, 11:04 PM
I'm gonna bet he nominated himself. It's either that or the Chief nominated him. Those are the only two people who are fans of Bryan. "Community Service" has gone from providing "police service" to "food service" (paying officers to cook burgers & hot dogs). Amazing. I'm sure the citizens of Bartow would be happy to know that 3 members of CST cookout for entire shifts and 1 member sits in Records all day. Such an accomplished unit, making a difference! Meanwhile, patrol is regularly down an officer every shift for a mandatory "traffic assignment" because the Lieutenant said it's by order of the Chief. Won't be long before property crimes are up again! All of these great decisions made by Dorman and Admininstration. Real "Police Professionals" here. Watch out!

05-16-2014, 11:32 PM
Bogus?.... try business as usual. JH shows his true motives with every boneheaded decision he makes. As long as he gets his balls polished and the front page of the BPD facebook filled with baby kissing, handholding and grilling adventures, he is perfectly content and BD gets another star. Hell no nobody nominated his ass, for what? Police Officer of the Year has always been reserved for those who do POLICE work. Decorator of the year?, aight; asskiss extraordinaire, I'm for it!, but what police work has he ever done? VERY little supervision experience, no investigation experience, hasnt seen courtime in years; what is there to celebrate?

Business as usual, don't expect nothing else from down that hall. He will be rubberstamped and patted on the back all the way to the top, don't look for any other than business as usual, when the sergeant's position is finally posted.

05-17-2014, 12:51 AM
If I have to see one more photo of the self appointed Commander standing behind a grill on the department facebook page I am going to vomit. I hope the citizens realize there is more to Bpd than Dorman and his clan of "grill masters". How about giving the professional Officer of the year award to one of the new guys who bust their tails with self-initiated arrests and activity. And let's not forget he is still getting Sergeant's pay for all the wonderful things he does. Name one officer who wouldn't take his schedule and get paid Sgt's pay to grill and review policy, all while adorning the department facebook page on a weekly basis. And how long have we had to pay one of his subordinates to sit at home and in records because he failed to actually supervise him. Hard to supervise when you never work the same hours of your subordinates and fail to leave the station because you're to busy playing commander.

05-17-2014, 01:50 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Police Professional of the Year is NOT the same award as Officer of the Year, right?

Professional Liar
Professional A** Kisser
Professional Thief (collecting higher pay)
Professional Supervisor who is unable to Supervise his Team but suffers no consequences, either.

05-17-2014, 05:14 PM
The fact is, the Chief has been told many times about what a liar extraordinaire Dorman is. Hell, just a week or so ago, he told his own team members that he was nominated as a Mr. Bartow candidate but turned down the nomination because he didn't want to go against another member of the department. While the lie is not huge, is shows the pattern of lies continues today. How can JH trust anything he says, hell, how can anyone trust him. Our profession is based on integrity and honesty, he lacks both.

Some time ago, someone on here posted many of the lies he has told over the years, and his response is that they were taken out of context. Why doesn't the chief start asking around to see if their is validity? Does he not care that one if his "voices" to the community is a habitual liar?

But let's look past the lies for a minute. Let's look at his background. Sure he has advanced THI training, has he ever worked a full THI, with the diagrams and math? No. Other than giving out tickets, what investigative experience does he have? None. Ok, so maybe he's more cut out for supervision and middle management... Let's see, how many have done everything they can to get off his shift? Almost all of them. How many say they can't trust him because he lies at every step? Almost all of them. He gets assigned to the CST team. Yet, they work night alone, with no supervision. The result, officers conduct goes unchecked: they drive department vehicle at their leisure against policy, they allow civilians to drive in their cars, they attempt forfeitures and do not follow policy or legal requirements, they violate civil rights, they meet with CI's alone and in personal vehicles, they have sex with CI's....All the while, Dorman skips nights to coach baseball and have family time. All swept under the rug....Why? The VAST majority of the department hates him, knows he cannot police, and do not trust him. Yet he is the Chief's best buddy. JH, what the **** is wrong with you. Have you lost your mind?

So morale is at an all time low- Sandvik is looking really good about now. So what does the chief do, he allows Dorman's conduct and pays him Sgt's pay against our labor contract and against Federal Labor Laws. He states it came from city hall, if the city manager wanted you to commit federal labor law violations, why on earth wouldn't you tell him that? So.....you call a meeting asking for recommendations on Police Professional of the year. Your line supervisors give you recommendations.... You ignore them and give it to your buddy who is a liar and a terrible police officer and supervisor..Awesome job there bud. Forget about those new guys like Davis who are out there busting their ass doing real police work, or even Quinn who has gone above and beyond this past year in community service...No, let's throw morale completely in the shitter and give it to Dorman. Great job ****bag.

My fellow officers, perhaps we need to redirect our attentions to this Chief and what a horrible mess he has made of this department. Publicly degrades his Lieutenant, makes fun of his Sergeants, publicly makes fun of the department as a whole, refuses to work with other agencies, promotes unfair labor practices, demoralizes his officers, ignores IT concerns, and spends his time sucking at the Dorman teet.

I promise you this Chief jackass, promote that jackass and watch the rest of the department crumble around your feet. What a great legacy to leave, systematically destroy a police department from the inside, but hey, at least you will get us accredited.

05-19-2014, 11:57 PM
Confirmation received. Police Professional of the Year is the equivalent of Officer of the Year.

As soon as I can start planning cookouts, putting PowerPoints together, paint a room and build a bookshelf for the roll call room, I'm gonna give the Commander a real run for his money! Now that I know the Officer of the Year award is not reserved for accomplishing anything law enforcement related...I got this!

Did anyone else see CST's monthly report for April? They "deployed" the speed measurement trailer around town. Watch out for that thing!

05-20-2014, 03:24 PM
Now Gents, You all know hard work doesn't pay off at Bartow PD. Officer of the year, idiot of the year.
What difference does it make? We know who keeps this department running and it's not the Grillmaster. Any
word on the CST injury? I was under the impression there was no such thing as light duty. Who is working our crime scenes? If this was sworn, we would have to be at home burning sick leave. Hall definately
bends the rules the way he feels fit. Wonder what city manager would say about that.

05-23-2014, 10:51 PM
Attaching a cute name to something doesn't make general police work an "operation". It does mean that you intend to milk every drop of PR out of a simple assignment, even before its begins! You can bet BD won't forget the after action report on another deployment of Operation Suck-up. Officer of the Year....check!, ole BD is after the "Hall" of Fame!

06-06-2014, 11:17 PM
Business as usual, you ain't kidding. Bd still comes and goes as he pleases; and as far as I can tell has ZERO responsibility!

06-07-2014, 08:00 AM
BD and JH Have made an absolute joke of OUR department. He is nothing more than an embarrassment. I hope he's proud of himself. It's the only claim to fame he has. But apparently sucking off Joe is working. He'll be climbing that promotional ladder soon enough.

07-25-2014, 02:51 AM
If I was the Chief..............

07-30-2014, 09:33 PM
you'd make a little less then one of our sgts

12-03-2014, 01:37 AM
BD is about to set a world record. From sergeant to Deputy Chief in less than 3 months. Watch! Every other decision around this place takes 6+ months and approval from Congress. Passing over every supervisor with years upon years of experience and promoting the most junior sergeant is a no-brainer and will take top priority! It's coming...

12-03-2014, 04:08 PM
Thats nothing new at all. Its been done before. The current one set a record to make DC and overall he has done a pretty good job. It was a different chief, now this chief will pick his on DC. NBD. Hopefully he will do as good a job as the outgoing one.

01-23-2015, 03:33 PM
BD, again?!?! why do the rest of use even try?

01-30-2015, 02:43 PM
Do you ever wonder if JH just gets a rise out of giving BD every police award imaginable? Every time BD gets an award, JH smiles as if he's purposely pissing on the pride of the officers whom actually DO police work. Ever notice how JH pushes the uniformed officers further and further away from his office, literally and figuratively?

04-25-2017, 02:24 AM
Here's another time this dildo was promised or expected to make deputy chief. Two years ago. History repeating itself. Same old empty promises! Hahahahahahahahahaahhaha
