View Full Version : Retirees

04-23-2014, 02:43 AM
ECSO Retirees received a letter in the mail from the department about their insurance. It states
they will not be allowing arrears balances for retiree insurance premiums. The insurance premiums are due the 5th of each month and if they don't receive the payment by then the coverage will be terminated without additional notice. And they won't be allowed to join again in the future.
This is a hell of a way to treat the retirees. I understand he didn't even sign the letter. Had someone in HR sign it and send it out. Morgan should be ashamed

04-23-2014, 04:49 AM
David Morgan and his Staff could give a damn about anyone retired or currently working there. If you are a retiree try and get help with anything from the agency and you will run into a stone wall. All retirees need to spread the word about this moron we have as a Sheriff, encourage all your friends and family to Vote Morgan Out in 2016.

04-23-2014, 04:52 AM
Then pay the damn bill on time. Many of them should have plenty of money to do so being that they're working all the side jobs they want. Meanwhile a young deputy trying to raise a family on 30k can't get a gig because of some greedy retirees.

04-23-2014, 02:00 PM
Then pay the damn bill on time. Many of them should have plenty of money to do so being that they're working all the side jobs they want. Meanwhile a young deputy trying to raise a family on 30k can't get a gig because of some greedy retirees.

Not all retirees work extra duty jobs or for that matter are in the reserves. Your ignoring the fact that both issues, retirees working many side jobs and lack of assistance for retirees is a sign of the problems with this administration. Deputies aren't suppose to schedule side jobs, but Sgt. TR from the court house and Sgt. MH from the beach schedule numerous jobs that they openly claim belong to them. Haines won't let anyone else do this. You just have to accept the fact that the people who complained the loudest about the "good ol boy system" are now the ones who control it and Morgan sits by and watches.

04-23-2014, 04:56 PM
Thats appalling! Mortgage companies don't throw you out of your house if you are just past 5 days late and the power company doesn't shut off your power. But General Morgan is going cancel their health insurance.
Of course he doesn't care he has military insurance. This is how Haines, Henrique and that Whidden goof are going to keep health insurance costs down by getting rid of the retirees. No respect and I agree with the others. This sheriff needs to go along with those other three

04-23-2014, 06:39 PM
With the 3k Sheriff morgan saved you on insurance last year, it should not be a problem for you to pay on time!!!

04-23-2014, 09:46 PM
With the 3k Sheriff morgan saved you on insurance last year, it should not be a problem for you to pay on time!!!

In addition to that 3% pay raise they've received every year from FRS while current employees have not received anything until last October.

To the retired, thank you for your service. Now to the matter, the ECSO doesn't owe you a darn thing. Your retirement benefits are between yourselves and FRS. Yes, you have insurance through the dept. and that's a great benefit to you but no where does it say that the agency is supposed to cover your nonpayment of insurance premiums.

Either pay up or lose out, it's that simple.

04-23-2014, 10:52 PM
Wait until you retire and begin that process; phone calls to personnel not returned, erroneous information provided, transferred from person to person and " let me research that and call you back"...then back into the frustrating loop of phone calls that are never returned. It's unprofessional to say the least and it reeks of lack of leadership and competent supervision .. The S/O doesn't owe retirees any thing.. are you kidding me ??? How about returning a phone call...is that too much to ask ??

04-24-2014, 12:48 AM
The last bit of executive level leadership vanished when Aiken retired. All that's left are selfish fools who just mark days on their calendars until retirement and cash those fat admin level paychecks. They couldn't care less about present employees much less those from the past. The agency is a sinking ship and it seems the retires are drowning now as well.

04-24-2014, 02:21 AM
My dad is an ECSO retiree and my siblings and I help him take care of his personal affairs. It saddens me to read such non caring remarks possibly by some fellow law enforcement people. I understand your frustration of working hard and not receiving a raise but please don't think that all retirees are millionaires. They have given 25 or more years of service to the community and are living within their means. Even though he is retired he still has bills just like everyone else. Hopefully those with the negative comments will have a long career at the Sheriff's Office and will be able to retire from there as a millionaire without any worries. And hopefully there won't be anyone saying to you that the Sheriff's Office doesn't owe YOU a darn thing. A little respect would be nice.

04-24-2014, 10:44 AM
I agree with the previous post. You know when you start the job what your retirement will be. Please respect those that have retired. They might get a 3% pay raise every year, but remember they do not make the same pay as you. Thank you to all the retirees for your service.

04-24-2014, 01:46 PM
They might get a 3% pay raise every year, but remember they do not make the same pay as you.

You're correct, they don't make the same as many deputies, they make much more. Many deputies make 36k or less. These folks are also trying to buy homes, raise a new family, etc on that meager salary with few, if any, side jobs because retirees are hoarding them.
The retired 30 yr. deputy average is 48k/year plus all the side jobs they want. At $23/hr with two dates a month yields the retiree an additional $4,416 a year. Then there's that 3% increase each year.

So stop BS'ing and pay your premium on time like everyone else. The agency isn't raising your rates and all that's expected is that you pay the bill when due.

04-24-2014, 06:08 PM
Quit whining .... The issue here isn't payment of premiums but resentment towards retirees because some of them work thru he reserves. I started out with the S/0 making 16k a year .. We didn't complain because we asked for the job, conversely you knew what the starting salary was too... We supported families, bought homes and purchased cars, our wives worked as well. Talk your smack someplace else... It's your fault that you don't have a better paying job not the retirees.

04-25-2014, 12:09 AM
The sheriffs office has gone to self insured so it shouldn't matter. The problem is the employees were sold a bill of goods about this program and are going to begin to see the cost of insurance increase the Administration is trying to get rid of the retires on this insurance to keep the rates down.
Why doesn't the sheriffs office make it mandatory that the payment must be automatic each month instead of accepting a check. That would ensure an on time payment each month. There are still quite a few of the older generation still around that still write checks and carry cash and don't use a debit or credit card. Someone needs to help them get set up in automatic payments so they won't be canceled

05-12-2014, 12:26 AM
I am a retiree and we are saving a ton not having to have family insurance just employee and spouse. News flash DA insurance is going up every year! This sounds like they are finally getting a grip on how to better manage it. Pay your damm bill on time- I do! Last time I was in they mentioned someone was months behind. Try that with your car insurance!
The sheriffs office has gone to self insured so it shouldn't matter. The problem is the employees were sold a bill of goods about this program and are going to begin to see the cost of insurance increase the Administration is trying to get rid of the retires on this insurance to keep the rates down.
Why doesn't the sheriffs office make it mandatory that the payment must be automatic each month instead of accepting a check. That would ensure an on time payment each month. There are still quite a few of the older generation still around that still write checks and carry cash and don't use a debit or credit card. Someone needs to help them get set up in automatic payments so they won't be canceled

05-12-2014, 12:29 AM
Pay your bill on time num nuts! Why should the dept float your bills! Better yet go sign up for private insurance and don't pay your bill and see what happens!
ECSO Retirees received a letter in the mail from the department about their insurance. It states
they will not be allowing arrears balances for retiree insurance premiums. The insurance premiums are due the 5th of each month and if they don't receive the payment by then the coverage will be terminated without additional notice. And they won't be allowed to join again in the future.
This is a hell of a way to treat the retirees. I understand he didn't even sign the letter. Had someone in HR sign it and send it out. Morgan should be ashamed

05-13-2014, 01:21 AM
My medical & dental payment has always been deducted from my retirement check.

05-13-2014, 04:46 PM
People who took the Investment Plan option don't get a check that it can be deducted from if they moved it into an outside entity besides FRS. With online banking, there is no excuse though to not pay your bills on time. Set it up to automatically pay it so you don't have to worry about it.