03-01-2014, 02:18 AM

I know better than to weigh in on your comments to your officers regarding having them prosecuted for standing up for their rights, but I really do have to say a few words about this claim you made regarding several "administrative employees in fear for their safety."

Really, Chiefy? Why is it that every time someone says or does something that resembles acting like an American citizen standing up for their rights in Miami, some Regalado ass kisser starts claiming that that individual's actions are scaring the employees.

That claim has been made about me repeatedly, but as you know I'm just a guy who has always been about spreading happiness and joy.

I cannot, for the life of me understand how anything that the police did at City Hall yesterday could have scared any employees - well, on second thought maybe I can. Maybe the sight of so many police scared some a couple of those weasel **** City Commissioners and employees who have guilty conscious' for all the crooked, illegal, nasty things they've been doing in City Hall since Regalado became Mayor.

Maybe that's why they got scared, because they figured the jig was up and the cops were coming for them!

But really Chiefy, the only really dangerous people that spend a lot of time at City Hall besides the corrupt politicians are Luis Cabrera, Placido Diaz and Angel Zayon. Louie, cause he's not wrapped tight, Plaicdo because he's demonstrated that he not beyond pulling out a gun in a public place and scaring the Beejesus out of people, and Zayon because he thinks that ***** gangster look he has scares anybody.

So, as the Chief of Police, if you want to focus on protecting the staff at City Hall from nutcases who are really capable of scaring folks, I think you need to focus on Louie, Pumpkin Head and Zayon.

There comes a time Chiefy when people get tired of being ****ed over, and all too often folks like you are the last to realize that the bullshit threats and scare tactics just won't work anymore.

That's when the smart guys understand that there are moments that provide an opportunity to stand up and be on the right side of history. This is beginning to look like one of those moments, Chiefy.

Don't let it kick you in the ass.

Your pal,


03-01-2014, 03:04 AM
Wow! You know, I'm not going to lie, as an officer I never really gave you too much credit. However as of recient and since I've done some of my own homework I've come to realize you Sir deserve much more credit than you have gotten in the past. I've been so accustomed to the ignorant and insane bull shit that takes place in this city that I have become numb to its existence. After reading the latest communication from a person, because let's face it Orosa has just proven he his not a man, that claims to be my leader, I now feel as if I made the biggest mistake of my life by agreeing to put my uniform. I have heard from many of my peers throughout the years that things will get better. However even these same folks have now been awakened and now know that this is by the far the worst it has ever been. It makes me physically ill to see what I took so much pride in to fall apart the way that it has. As if I need to say it, moral is at a all time low and the only thing keeping my fellow officers together is our hatred for a common enemy. The issue with this is that this enemy is so big and encompasses both city leaders and those that wear a badge. We are plainly under attack from all sides. The smart officers, myself included, have just shut down and refuse to anything more than absolute bare minimum. I don't have to live in this cesspool and therefore have no vested interest in its success. As officers we can disrupt every commission meeting from now until I retire. The real anger and complaints MUST come from the citizens of Miami. From my experience with these people (citizens) they are largely uneducated, ignorant, and downright disrespectful towards law enforcement and portray an attitude as if the police are not required. Sure there are some good folks here but their support is superficial at best and usually out of fear and not respect. How did things get this way? My guess is bottom of the barrel, piss poor, ignorant leadership granted solely because of the ties to backdoor friendships.