02-06-2014, 09:11 PM
That ex trooper that was standing with her hands in her pocket (ofc. Carrasco), while two UM students were bleeding on the ground, should have been fired instead of suspended for a week. What is going to happen if one of us get hurt or shot and she is on the scene??, what's going to happen at the deposition, they are going to eat her alive and the City is going to pay big bucks. I don't want her as my 15 or my calls. She is useless. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

02-07-2014, 01:34 AM
Really? What do you know about the situation.

Do you know that she only had her hands in her pockets for 9 seconds.

DO you realize that she was the LAST unit to arrive on scene?

DO you realize that above all this is a very good cop?

Who made the complaint?

02-07-2014, 01:50 AM
The one who made the complaint was Sgt.Javier Ortiz (City of Miami PD's FOP president). Watch out with that guy. He is a snake in the grass.

02-07-2014, 05:10 AM
The one who made the complaint was Sgt.Javier Ortiz (City of Miami PD's FOP president). Watch out with that guy. He is a snake in the grass.

That LEO ain't no snake. He is all about doing
the right thing whether bring watched or not.
Unfortunately the Pine Crest officer was not
In her "A" game that nite. Maybe it was lazyness
or just was overwhelmed with the situation,

02-07-2014, 09:33 AM
Pre Madonna, did not want to break a nail. Get use to this new generation, is the new breed. About 10 years ago I responded to a 44, Black elderly male hanging from a rope outside a balcony. Mind you I am Latin and this happened in Little Haiti. I happened to be a block away from the scene. My 15 and I arrived within minutes. There was a large crowd , about 50 people watching. Fire rescue enroute, we cut the noose and realized there was not heartbeat ,nor air. My partner did the breath ( using a CPR mask) I did compressions. This was going on at about 1200 noon on a very hot July. We could hear fire rescue truck from far, at the same time rescue got stuck waiting on a train to pass. My partner and I did not give up, we did what we have to do. We were able to get a heartbeat / breath. A white patrol Lt. Showed up and asked us hey what are you guys doing? We both ignored him and continued CPR. Rescued arrived and took over. Find out later on the old man , crushed his trachea and died. You know what we DID OuR job, not just stood there with our hands in our pockets. I saved the best for last my partner and I received employee of the month for the fire dept. The Lt. On the scene was asked to write us up for life saving award, it never happened. Is all good, we did not need an award. We did the right thing, that is what matters. Not standing there with our hands inside our pockets. Total Neglect of Duty, lack of sound judgement On behalf of the Officer. Hope she sleeps good at night. I agree with the post, 40 hours is nothing. If I was Chief I would had terminated the Officer. Let the Officer fight it in arbitration. Again, this is the new Breed.

02-07-2014, 12:04 PM
I hope the city manager makes the right decision , fire her.

02-07-2014, 02:03 PM
The female officer is a disgrace to the law enforcement profession. The fact that any police officer even attempts to defend her is a reflection on their work ethic as well. Nine seconds or two seconds, as Hillary would say "What difference does it make?" She failed to render aid while an officer from another jurisdiction did what he was trained to do and more importantly what he was expected to do. Anything less than termination is a slap in the face to the family of the victims as well as to the citizens of Pinecrest. The Miami Dade State Attorneys Office should be filing charges on her but we all know that won't happen. Let''s see if the city manager does the right thing. And yes, this is coming from a LEO with over 20 years of experience on the streets of Miami Dade County.

02-09-2014, 10:51 PM
Pinecrest officers Ortiz only represents himself in the situation. Rest assured that these post were most likely posted by him in order to create more media hype and attention to him self. We currently held a vote on a contract that he presented to the membership that was voted down 687-59. Never in the history of the city of miami had over 600 officers vote let alone vote no for a contract presented by its union. This situation should have been handled in house instead of this grand standing idiot trying to torpedo a fellow law enforcement officer for politics by using the media.

02-10-2014, 05:06 AM
Pinecrest officers, watch the video. Your female officer did NOTHING wrong. 85 seconds after she was on the scene, rescue showed up. This guy Javi Ortiz, is a big show man. If you watch the video, he was actually doing nothing at all except leaning over the dead corpse. He yelled at your officer for some rubber gloves, which she got, he then put them on, and again just kneeled over the body, really doing nothing, in fact the one corpse was face down as you can clearly see.

As soon as Javi realized he had a "Photo Op" and saw cameras (Pedestrians, and the dash cam) he began screaming at your officer, and began his usual rant, known to us here at Miami PD as "The Javi Show" ! He began this rant as rescue was just arriving on the scene, then he actually got in the way of the paramedics ? This guy is ALL about himself, he is in bed with city hall, and our corrupt politicians.

Do not blame your officer, watch again she did NOTHING wrong, and has just become a patsy for Javi's need for media attention. We can't wait to get rid of this egotistical, arrogant clown, in the next election, he's all about himself, and trying to become a major of police, which had he sold us that last stinking contract, Regaldo our corrupt mayor, would have ordered our No Balls chief to make him one, however he was overwhelmingly shot down approx 95% against it.

So now he try's other methods, to get more attention, be sure this was one of them, we know him well :roll: I'll find an article of him and show you all I'll post it below.

02-10-2014, 05:13 AM
Ok Pinecrest, here you go, link below. He's the sgt in the photo, and the other guy is his henchman Lugo, both of them are as corrupt as the day is long. As we all know in Miami, this guy is ALL about himself. Just wait for the next episode of "The Javi Show" :roll:

http://www.thecrespogramreport.com/Site ... _COPS.html (http://www.thecrespogramreport.com/Site_10/ORTIZ_AND_LUGO__ROGUE_COPS.html)

02-10-2014, 06:21 AM
She stood by and watched, and threw her gloves to the city cop. 90 seconds can meannlife or death. Having gloves she had no reason to be by stander. And the new CPR guide lines are to NOT PUT YOUR MOUTH ON THE VICTIMS MOUTH, BUT JUST DO CHEST COMPRESSIONS. she needs another job where she can sit and watch life go by.

02-10-2014, 07:05 AM
Ok Pinecrest, here you go, link below. He's the sgt in the photo, and the other guy is his henchman Lugo, both of them are as corrupt as the day is long. As we all know in Miami, this guy is ALL about himself. Just wait for the next episode of "The Javi Show" :roll:

http://www.thecrespogramreport.com/Site ... _COPS.html (http://www.thecrespogramreport.com/Site_10/ORTIZ_AND_LUGO__ROGUE_COPS.html)

02-13-2014, 03:36 AM
Thank you Chief for making the right decision, Carrasco is fired...

02-13-2014, 09:35 AM
Thank you Chief for making the right decision, Carrasco is fired...

Don't worry. FHP will hire her back. Watts was fired by two agencies when she left FHP and they took that turd back. They recycle turds. And can bet your sweet bippy citizen called city manager, the city manager call the chief. And the waste of oxygen was fired.

02-13-2014, 03:51 PM
Ceballos used to refuse tasks when he was at Hialeah, routinely choosing not to do work he considered beneath him. He was a baldfaced liar as IA commander too. This case calls for termination IMHO, but Ceballos should have been fired for the same reason several times over the years. He's a fool.