View Full Version : New song same dance

02-06-2014, 12:50 AM
" new song , same dance " this says it all.... Enough time has gone by for the new administration to prove what they promise and in reality the shit is not only hitting the fan but all over the walls, floor, and on every single piece on police equipment. We all thought that after seeing the abuse and greediness from the past administration they would actually " do the right thing" , but they are back to the doing the right thing for " me me and me " attitude. I guess the oldest saying are true and a few have crossed my mind such as " if u want to straighten out a crooked tree you must not just cut the limbs but cut it at the base and make it grow straight ". It is absolute pathetic and maybe our last hope is the up coming election. If we do go under a new mayor I hope he realizes that he would have to cut the head off of the snake (s) that are leading the department now and pump in new blood with no connections to anyone or any citizen here to purse any unfair acts or decisions.

moral is once again down and officers are walking around with the heads down hesitant to put I'm a hard days work due to not getting recognized or rewarded for it. We ahem for capt.s and Lt.s then there are officers and no positive direction. It only shows that the clowns that were here before are still here and only care bout how much money they can make and making whit more complicated so it seems they are working . Wrong !,,,, k.i.s.s seriously they make a simple arrest into a murder one case with all this paper work they require for nothing. Maybe just maybe they should join modern society and spend some money in the right places and not on them. I was at the last commissioners meeting and I felt like slapping the all to wake the hell up before the F.B.I rushes in and arrests everyone for being so stupid to let the active administration to still be there . I don't even know how they promoted one guy who cheated on the last sergeant test and the other who has been arrested for a couple of D.U.I s wowowowowowowow . Pathetic ,

So I'm closing my brothers and sisters pray for us and wish for these days to go fast and swift so that these elections do come and we are reunited by new blood of leadership who actually know how to run a clean , fair , and loyal police department. When we use words like courage , honor , and integrity we actually mean it. The Mijos just use it as a punch line . It's hard to believe that they even has mirrors I'm their homes ... I wouldn't want to even look at myself in the mirror if I was any of them . :evil: