View Full Version : Next "war"

01-13-2014, 06:05 PM
What will this weeks war be about? What new all encompassing battle will our FOP put forth to overshadow the fact the contract that was proposed was a farce.

Let's see we could go to war over there being no chocolate milk in the cafeteria, or better still the toilet paper is to rough.

What will it be?

01-13-2014, 08:43 PM
I know, I know. How about getting our freaking step raises?

01-13-2014, 09:46 PM
ooh! ooh! ooh! I know...we could make it ok to wear white socks in our blues! That'll show the Timoney and Frank Fernandez regime!

What will this weeks war be about? What new all encompassing battle will our FOP put forth to overshadow the fact the contract that was proposed was a farce.

Let's see we could go to war over there being no chocolate milk in the cafeteria, or better still the toilet paper is to rough.

What will it be?

01-14-2014, 12:11 AM
PAnky white socks