01-01-2014, 12:19 AM
I just heard all DUI check points are banned from tonight on, as they are unconstitutional ?
Good, I think they are a waste of time anyhow, lets stick to REAL police work, and save that crap for the meter maids with guns, FHP :D

01-01-2014, 12:57 AM
I just heard all DUI check points are banned from tonight on, as they are unconstitutional ?
Good, I think they are a waste of time anyhow, lets stick to REAL police work, and save that crap for the meter maids with guns, FHP :D

Guess some Jew lawyer won this battle.

01-01-2014, 02:02 AM
Sgt Tabora called in I to work the AAA Arena.

01-01-2014, 02:05 AM
I just heard all DUI check points are banned from tonight on, as they are unconstitutional ?
Good, I think they are a waste of time anyhow, lets stick to REAL police work, and save that crap for the meter maids with guns, FHP :D

And your official source is?

01-01-2014, 03:05 PM
You will work the DUI Checkpoint if I order you to or suffer the consequences.

01-02-2014, 04:20 PM
I just heard all DUI check points are banned from tonight on, as they are unconstitutional ?
Good, I think they are a waste of time anyhow, lets stick to REAL police work, and save that crap for the meter maids with guns, FHP :D

You must be a rookie. Or stupid. DUI kills thousands of people a year. Maybe, just maybe, if a love one of yours get's killed or disabled for life, you might pull your head out of your ass.

01-02-2014, 06:28 PM
I just heard all DUI check points are banned from tonight on, as they are unconstitutional ?
Good, I think they are a waste of time anyhow, lets stick to REAL police work, and save that crap for the meter maids with guns, FHP :D

You must be a rookie. Or stupid. DUI kills thousands of people a year. Maybe, just maybe, if a love one of yours get's killed or disabled for life, you might pull your head out of your ass.

No, I think not a rookie, maybe stupid, but certainly lazy! Neither the Florida Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court have ruled DUI Checkpoints unconstitutional; had one or both done so, it would have been a major news topic. In 1990, the Supreme Court ruled "that the infringement of Fourth Amendment rights caused by DUI checkpoints is overshadowed by the potential public benefit of getting dangerous, impaired drivers off the road. The court added that DUI checkpoints must follow certain guidelines to be legal." So unless, you have the most recent US Supreme Court Decision on the subject, you are SOL as regards working DUI Checkpoints are concerned.

On principle, I agree with you. DUI Checkpoints are burdensome and labor intensive for the results they yield. I prefer the 'Saturation Patrol' deployment strategy; one where a base of operations is selected that provides ample space to accommodate all participants in the initiative. From there, operating in a pre-designated area of operation covering all four cardinal points, police officers deploy in search of drivers evincing signs of driving while under the influence of whatever they ingested. This approach is less disruptive to the flow of traffic and generally yields better results. Like DUI Checkpoints, public announcement concerning location and duration must be given in advance.

01-03-2014, 03:21 AM
I just heard all DUI check points are banned from tonight on, as they are unconstitutional ?
Good, I think they are a waste of time anyhow, lets stick to REAL police work, and save that crap for the meter maids with guns, FHP :D

You must be a rookie. Or stupid. DUI kills thousands of people a year. Maybe, just maybe, if a love one of yours get's killed or disabled for life, you might pull your head out of your ass.

Hey Boy Scout , besides Carpenter one of the biggest 35s of all time, have you any idea how many Miami cops drive around DUI ? Look what recently happened to Javi, for example, after being totally trashed at The Blue Martini, then getting into a super 17 and of course due to the F & F plan, was all covered up. Bottom line, cops drink, they drink A LOT !

01-03-2014, 03:39 AM
I hope Ortiz gets an attorney gets a court order then gets your IP address and sues you for slander. There was never an accident.