View Full Version : Still over 200 Officers Short

12-30-2013, 02:36 PM
We haven't received a step raise in 4 years!
Our salary was reduced by 18%
We are the lowest paid department in South Florida!

The City and FOP has sold us out!

Demonstrations are set January 9, 2014
City Hall

12-30-2013, 04:25 PM
I won't be there. Am tired of the BS. Call for service is how I get back to the city, 09 are you holding any report calls? I am a PSA with a gun.

12-30-2013, 04:52 PM
I won't be there. Am tired of the BS. Call for service is how I get back to the city, 09 are you holding any report calls? I am a PSA with a gun.
Why even ask if they're holding? You won't be there because your a b*tch just let everybody else

12-30-2013, 04:56 PM
That just goes to show you the piece of shit we are hiring. What do you expect from the lowest paid police department with no step raises.

12-30-2013, 05:06 PM
I won't be there. Am tired of the BS. Call for service is how I get back to the city, 09 are you holding any report calls? I am a PSA with a gun.

Wow! That's why the County Officers make $10 more an hour then us. Thanks idiot.
Ill be there with 4 others.

12-30-2013, 05:45 PM
If you guys recall the commissioners gave themselves hefty pay raises and they collect a life pension after 8 years!!!! read that again. The staff members and fire department all make equal pay to other depatartments such as the beach and county. We have been sold out time and time again by or union to help promote sons, family and friends. WE HAVE TO PROTEST NOT FOR PAY RAISES BUT EQUAL PAY AND RETURN WHAT WE HAVE GIVEN TIME AND TIEM AGAIN.

12-30-2013, 06:22 PM
If you guys recall the commissioners gave themselves hefty pay raises and they collect a life pension after 8 years!!!! read that again. The staff members and fire department all make equal pay to other depatartments such as the beach and county. We have been sold out time and time again by or union to help promote sons, family and friends. WE HAVE TO PROTEST NOT FOR PAY RAISES BUT EQUAL PAY AND RETURN WHAT WE HAVE GIVEN TIME AND TIEM AGAIN.
Get off that cloud, we will never see any of the money taken. Demostrate all you want, it will not happen.

12-30-2013, 09:54 PM
Not with that attitude!

Do you think what we gave up in concessions made us number #1 paying police department? we were not even close. County and Miami beach pay their officers over $10 more an hour Javi. Wake up!

12-30-2013, 10:03 PM
If you guys recall the commissioners gave themselves hefty pay raises and they collect a life pension after 8 years!!!! read that again. The staff members and fire department all make equal pay to other depatartments such as the beach and county. We have been sold out time and time again by or union to help promote sons, family and friends. WE HAVE TO PROTEST NOT FOR PAY RAISES BUT EQUAL PAY AND RETURN WHAT WE HAVE GIVEN TIME AND TIEM AGAIN.

At the demonstration and in all subsequent ones, this is the message you must convey to Miami residents; especially Brickell and Grove residents. Miami is not safe; the police department is 200 officers short. Two hundred officers less to meet basic patrol and investigative services! Your elected and appointed officials have not lived up to their promise and are derelict in their duties. Miami residents, let your elected officials know just how upset you are; join us and let's demand they do the right thing!

12-30-2013, 10:51 PM
We can protest all we want but we will get NOTHING! The city will NOT give back all that we gave. Once you give up a benefit you will never see it. I for one will not be at any demonstration because I need my off duty to pay the mortgage. You guys are a pack of fools to think that you're going to win anything back.

12-31-2013, 12:51 AM
Sorry to say but this administration and command we have here couldn't give a rats ass about us. Their attitude is we got thousand's of people applying so leave. What gets me is how we were lied to by city hall and our own FOP when we took pay cuts in order to stop others from being laid off. The City never tries to balance the Dept. budget if it did it would do away with these commanders positions for starters. Patrol is and always will be the backbone to any police agency. Instead of staffing patrol like it should we have still these special units. This dept. is to top heavy. Too much rank and not enough lower level. Yes I can hear the FOP hero's coming back with their comments. Really don't care. How many officers does a shift Lt. oversee? Compare that to these commanders big different isn't there. Their was a web site I can't remember the name of that showed what all city employees make, including benefits. The fire dept. topped police. I looked me up :snicker including benefits it stated I make 93k a year. That's got to be a mistake cause my pay don't reflex that. Majors it stated make 187k and most commanders made over 100k. Now I been here 28 years. If I can find the web address I will post it. Look fellows hate to say it but go else where. I know for many that's not an option now cause you have more then 10+ years in and starting over would not be possible to get a full pension plan else where. City knows this and are hanging us by our own balls.
I have no answers that are helpful or useful really, Shame officers are losing homes cause of the pay cuts and off duty work is a joke. Now some will say live within your means. Yes we all should but if we buy a house, have a family, car payments and all the other bullshit that comes with life. Some people the pay cuts hurts. Face it the bank doesn't give a shit they want their payments.
Thinking of this reminded me of a story I heard once. Police officers have to have a lot of trust and honesty. What other profession can take the liberty away from another? So some units and dept. ran credit checks every so often on its officers. When these officers were having things go to collections or income ratio wasn't matching the stuff on credit reports many got pulled out of patrol or kicked out of unit cause the dept. felt these people were a risk. It wouldn't surprise me if this started here.
Well all you nay Sayers come on back with your put downs and comments.

12-31-2013, 01:13 AM
If you guys had any balls you would put together a 48 hr blue flu....they could only hold the last shift 4 hrs after their shift then the county would have to come in a handle calls for service.

When it comes out in the news that's when we have a representative let the citizens know how the city is screwing us with pay and the residents with sub par service.and officer shortages.

We took pay cuts and gave consessions when the city forced us to but now is a different time. The city has and or can find the Money to pay us fairly.

All we want is to make us whole again....bring us back to where we were before the imposed financial urgency then we can start negotiating new contracts and better pay.

But we are pussies and it will never happen

12-31-2013, 02:38 AM
If you guys had any balls you would put together a 48 hr blue flu....they could only hold the last shift 4 hrs after their shift then the county would have to come in a handle calls for service.

When it comes out in the news that's when we have a representative let the citizens know how the city is screwing us with pay and the residents with sub par service.and officer shortages.

We took pay cuts and gave consessions when the city forced us to but now is a different time. The city has and or can find the Money to pay us fairly.

All we want is to make us whole again....bring us back to where we were before the imposed financial urgency then we can start negotiating new contracts and better pay.

But we are pussies and it will never happen

Great idea but it will cause some to be fired. We as a whole rarely stick together.

12-31-2013, 05:31 AM
Read the link below and it will tell you where are money goes.....to top officials!!! Thats the problem people think we all make this money when the truth is its a system set up for the top to make mega money and crack the whip on the little guy. WHen was the last time one of these mega salary execs have ever been investigated? NEVER

http://www.biscaynetimes.com/index.php? ... 6:features (http://www.biscaynetimes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=301:gravy-train&catid=46:features)

12-31-2013, 06:02 AM
If you guys had any balls you would put together a 48 hr blue flu....they could only hold the last shift 4 hrs after their shift then the county would have to come in a handle calls for service.

When it comes out in the news that's when we have a representative let the citizens know how the city is screwing us with pay and the residents with sub par service.and officer shortages.

We took pay cuts and gave consessions when the city forced us to but now is a different time. The city has and or can find the Money to pay us fairly.

All we want is to make us whole again....bring us back to where we were before the imposed financial urgency then we can start negotiating new contracts and better pay.

But we are pussies and it will never happen

Great idea but it will cause some to be fired. We as a whole rarely stick together.

The problem is that you have a union president who's making back door deals to benefit himself. If not let him place a clause that he can not get promoted to staff until regalados 4 year term is over.

12-31-2013, 06:41 PM
If you guys had any balls you would put together a 48 hr blue flu....they could only hold the last shift 4 hrs after their shift then the county would have to come in a handle calls for service.

When it comes out in the news that's when we have a representative let the citizens know how the city is screwing us with pay and the residents with sub par service.and officer shortages.

We took pay cuts and gave consessions when the city forced us to but now is a different time. The city has and or can find the Money to pay us fairly.

All we want is to make us whole again....bring us back to where we were before the imposed financial urgency then we can start negotiating new contracts and better pay.

But we are pussies and it will never happen

Great idea but it will cause some to be fired. We as a whole rarely stick together.

The problem is that you have a union president who's making back door deals to benefit himself. If not let him place a clause that he can not get promoted to staff until regalados 4 year term is over.

True that

12-31-2013, 11:47 PM
If you guys had any balls you would put together a 48 hr blue flu....they could only hold the last shift 4 hrs after their shift then the county would have to come in a handle calls for service.

When it comes out in the news that's when we have a representative let the citizens know how the city is screwing us with pay and the residents with sub par service.and officer shortages.

We took pay cuts and gave consessions when the city forced us to but now is a different time. The city has and or can find the Money to pay us fairly.

All we want is to make us whole again....bring us back to where we were before the imposed financial urgency then we can start negotiating new contracts and better pay.

But we are pussies and it will never happen

Great idea but it will cause some to be fired. We as a whole rarely stick together.

The problem is that you have a union president who's making back door deals to benefit himself. If not let him place a clause that he can not get promoted to staff until regalados 4 year term is over.

True that

That's it, lower the hiring standards so that only mud races and Miami High GEDs will apply.

01-01-2014, 03:27 AM
If you guys had any balls you would put together a 48 hr blue flu....they could only hold the last shift 4 hrs after their shift then the county would have to come in a handle calls for service.

When it comes out in the news that's when we have a representative let the citizens know how the city is screwing us with pay and the residents with sub par service.and officer shortages.

We took pay cuts and gave consessions when the city forced us to but now is a different time. The city has and or can find the Money to pay us fairly.

All we want is to make us whole again....bring us back to where we were before the imposed financial urgency then we can start negotiating new contracts and better pay.

But we are pussies and it will never happen

Great idea but it will cause some to be fired. We as a whole rarely stick together.

The problem is that you have a union president who's making back door deals to benefit himself. If not let him place a clause that he can not get promoted to staff until regalados 4 year term is over.

True that

That's it, lower the hiring standards so that only mud races and Miami High GEDs will apply.

What do you have against GED cops or people? Do you believe schooling make a person a better man? Don' t get offended here, just asking a question. I read many posts on here about GED cops and Miami High. I met a few so far, they seem to be handle to the work. I do know some peoples report writing skills could be worked on but that on the sector Sgt. for not making them rewrite a understandable report.

01-01-2014, 05:46 AM
I don't see why every time a blue flu is mentioned someone replies....."your gonna get fired for that"

Bullshit...call out Sick before your shift...go to the doctor and tell him/her you don't feel well...stomach ache, whatever tell the doctor what ever the hell you want...Viola your covered...you can't get in trouble or fired....the department can't prove you weren't sick

Grow a sac ppl.....

01-01-2014, 08:45 AM
I don't see why every time a blue flu is mentioned someone replies....."your gonna get fired for that"

Bullshit...call out Sick before your shift...go to the doctor and tell him/her you don't feel well...stomach ache, whatever tell the doctor what ever the hell you want...Viola your covered...you can't get in trouble or fired....the department can't prove you weren't sick

Grow a sac ppl.....

Not only do you display a willingness to lie, and leavemyourmborther hanging, you are instructing and encouraging others to lie as well. Maryland v. Brady is an interesting case.

Do you see no problem with public sector people such as police, fire, teachers, etc going on strike? That is what you are inciting. Even FDR warned about public sector unions. There is an inherent conflict of interest. Your pay and conditions suck, I get that. So protest, organize, etc. You would get much farther if you had the trust of the public, just saying. Then javi and his friends wouldnt be giving you the green weenie. Did your mother not teach you that you get more flys with honey than you do with vinegar? May God have mercy on your soul and the people you "protect and serve".

To call for public servants to not serve, I find abhorrent. Terms such as treason, malfeance of office, dereliction of duty and actions unbecoming an officer come to mind. Not saying you would be guilty of this, but do you have no honor, do you have no shame?

01-01-2014, 02:19 PM
I don't see why every time a blue flu is mentioned someone replies....."your gonna get fired for that"

Bullshit...call out Sick before your shift...go to the doctor and tell him/her you don't feel well...stomach ache, whatever tell the doctor what ever the hell you want...Viola your covered...you can't get in trouble or fired....the department can't prove you weren't sick

Grow a sac ppl.....

Not only do you display a willingness to lie, and leavemyourmborther hanging, you are instructing and encouraging others to lie as well. Maryland v. Brady is an interesting case.

Do you see no problem with public sector people such as police, fire, teachers, etc going on strike? That is what you are inciting. Even FDR warned about public sector unions. There is an inherent conflict of interest. Your pay and conditions suck, I get that. So protest, organize, etc. You would get much farther if you had the trust of the public, just saying. Then javi and his friends wouldnt be giving you the green weenie. Did your mother not teach you that you get more flys with honey than you do with vinegar? May God have mercy on your soul and the people you "protect and serve".

To call for public servants to not serve, I find abhorrent. Terms such as treason, malfeance of office, dereliction of duty and actions unbecoming an officer come to mind. Not saying you would be guilty of this, but do you have no honor, do you have no shame?

I agree'! That's why we have schedule a protest on January 9,2014 at City Hall without the fop union.

01-01-2014, 02:47 PM
I don't see why every time a blue flu is mentioned someone replies....."your gonna get fired for that"

Bullshit...call out Sick before your shift...go to the doctor and tell him/her you don't feel well...stomach ache, whatever tell the doctor what ever the hell you want...Viola your covered...you can't get in trouble or fired....the department can't prove you weren't sick

Grow a sac ppl.....

Not only do you display a willingness to lie, and leavemyourmborther hanging, you are instructing and encouraging others to lie as well. Maryland v. Brady is an interesting case.

Do you see no problem with public sector people such as police, fire, teachers, etc going on strike? That is what you are inciting. Even FDR warned about public sector unions. There is an inherent conflict of interest. Your pay and conditions suck, I get that. So protest, organize, etc. You would get much farther if you had the trust of the public, just saying. Then javi and his friends wouldnt be giving you the green weenie. Did your mother not teach you that you get more flys with honey than you do with vinegar? May God have mercy on your soul and the people you "protect and serve".

To call for public servants to not serve, I find abhorrent. Terms such as treason, malfeance of office, dereliction of duty and actions unbecoming an officer come to mind. Not saying you would be guilty of this, but do you have no honor, do you have no shame?

I agree'! That's why we have schedule a protest on January 9,2014 at City Hall without the fop union.

So all five officers will show up. Hey numbnuts, without the FOP you're there as private citizens, not a recognized entity. You can't bargain on your own. Get it broken off in your ass!

01-01-2014, 07:23 PM
I don't see why every time a blue flu is mentioned someone replies....."your gonna get fired for that"

Bullshit...call out Sick before your shift...go to the doctor and tell him/her you don't feel well...stomach ache, whatever tell the doctor what ever the hell you want...Viola your covered...you can't get in trouble or fired....the department can't prove you weren't sick

Grow a sac ppl.....

Not only do you display a willingness to lie, and leavemyourmborther hanging, you are instructing and encouraging others to lie as well. Maryland v. Brady is an interesting case.

Do you see no problem with public sector people such as police, fire, teachers, etc going on strike? That is what you are inciting. Even FDR warned about public sector unions. There is an inherent conflict of interest. Your pay and conditions suck, I get that. So protest, organize, etc. You would get much farther if you had the trust of the public, just saying. Then javi and his friends wouldnt be giving you the green weenie. Did your mother not teach you that you get more flys with honey than you do with vinegar? May God have mercy on your soul and the people you "protect and serve".

To call for public servants to not serve, I find abhorrent. Terms such as treason, malfeance of office, dereliction of duty and actions unbecoming an officer come to mind. Not saying you would be guilty of this, but do you have no honor, do you have no shame?

I agree'! That's why we have schedule a protest on January 9,2014 at City Hall without the fop union.

So all five officers will show up. Hey [numb-nuts], without the FOP you're there as private citizens, not a recognized entity. You can't bargain on your own. Get it broken off in your ass!

Is the principle that matters; so what if only five officers show up, the next time there might be ten! The injustice must stop somewhere and by someone! If not us [FIVE] who and if not now when? Nothing worth fighting for is free of sacrifice. You are either in the arena struggling or on the sideline with the timid souls . . . choose!

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face in marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

From: “Citizenship in a Republic” by Theodore Roosevelt
April 23, 1910

01-01-2014, 07:51 PM
What's significant about January 9th at city Hall? Will the public be there? Is this a budget meeting with significance?

01-01-2014, 08:44 PM
What's significant about January 9th at city Hall? Will the public be there? Is this a budget meeting with significance?

It's the start and it will continue on every commission meeting! Our union has been sitting on the side lines for the last four years making back door deals for themselves

01-01-2014, 10:01 PM
What's significant about January 9th at city Hall? Will the public be there? Is this a budget meeting with significance?

It's the start and it will continue on every commission meeting! Our union has been sitting on the side lines for the last four years making back door deals for themselves

Stay there long enough and no one will pay you any attention. YOU and the other four minions who show up are not the officially recognized bargaining agent and therefore not authorized to talk wages and benefits. They don't even have to listen to you and can rule you out of order if they desire.

But go ahead and make an asshole out of yourself. Looks like you are well on the way to doing that.