View Full Version : New county administrator

12-11-2013, 04:30 AM
What's going to happen now that Touart cannot pass go, nor make any management decisions without the boards approval? Will he continue to work until he has to quit? Rumor has it they paid an outside agency to filter through the potential candidates. All of this in the midst of a jail and library transfer. Pretty sure the new administrator will see straight through the lies and promises made to the employes (specifically the jail staff). Since a jail is typically a money pit and liability anyway, I see the new administrator attempting to give it back to the sheriff with a plan to phase in adequate funding. As a matter a fact, jails belong with the sheriff because they go hand and hand. The jail being under the BOCC is simply a political battle and is going (already has in fact) going to cost the taxpayers a huge amount of money due to duplication of services. While Morgans initial 18 million dollar request was a little shocking, the BOCC should have taken his 2.6 million dollar offer and left it the way it was. Now the jail is being the red headed step children to the camp and we are talking about apples to oranges. 175 minimum security inmates to 1400 medium and maximum security inmates to include females, mentally ill, juveniles, high-risk, escape risk, etc. Rumor has it that the PBA negotiations are going over like a lead balloon. There are some inequities between the two and rightfully so. The camp was to promote who they want and the jail wants a fair process with different sections of testing. The Commander and the Major are being pulled in every different direction and just want what's fair and equitable for their line staff to help morale. A WHOLE lot of Indians wanting to be chiefs!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to the outstanding men and women at the jail. Hopefully there is positive changes coming your way. The major and commander do seem to care about their staff.

12-11-2013, 11:02 AM
You hit the nail on the head about the jail. It is a shame that the staff are suffering while the BOCC just smiles. I completely agree that the Commander and Major just want what is right and fair and a county jail cannot do things just like the camp. But that just tells you that the big boss, GP does not know what he is talking about. He depends on the Commander at the camp to give him advice. All the things that were promised to them have suddenly been taken off the table. Imagine that. My thoughts are for those men and women who actually work in the jail and have to deal with the fallout. Keep you head up high, you deserve much better than you are getting. Commander and Major, keep fighting for what is right. Eventually things will level out.

12-12-2013, 03:28 PM
If you think they are treated poorly now bring them back to work under the sheriff and see how Haines treats them

12-29-2013, 07:39 AM
OK, lets do some simple math work here DG, since it has your hand writing on it! Are morally , perfect, arrogant sheriff goes to the board and says he has to have 18 million to run the jail?? OK, Now if that wasn't strong arm robbery, what could u call that??? Then when he finds out that he could not bully the CC, he says "OK guys, I was just kidding, give me 2.8 million"?????? That alone just lost him the election! 8.0 m- 2.8 m = 5.2 m dollar lie !! If I were a guessing man, EH talked him into that one! I fill sorry for the next sheriff, it may take him years to fix what Morgan has done! he has or is trying to fire all the experienced officers!! Leaving a new sheriff with a bunch of hard working kids who are rookies! Who else :snicker: does that hurt, you guessed it, The citizens of Escambia County. If Haines would work harder on getting the department back in shape, and less on firing all the Deputies, you may make a step forward you jack ass!